Making fun of the starving Jews (in Jerusalem just prior to the destruction
of the Temple) having had to eat the ‘bread’ made with or of human dung
that the Romans flung at/to them;

Acts 10:13; "And there came a voice to him, rise Peter ("arise, penis!"); kill
and eat." Acts 10:14; "But (the now erect penis) Peter said, in no way, Lord
("Lord" also meaning penis, but also "curious" or "unknown"), for I never
did ("have to" inferred) eat anything common and unclean." "Dung" in the
vulgar form is inferred here.

Some other demonstrable references to this are;

Acts 10:10; "And he became very hungry, and would have eaten…
("anything" or "dung" is inferred)."

2 Cor. 6:17; "Wherefore come out from the midst of them, and be (known
as) "the separated" says the Lord ("curious," unknown god) and the
unclean ("thing"/"bread" inferred) touch not."

The Pharisees are known as "the separated ones". They are obviously
referred to here. "Lord" means "curious"/"unknown" and refers to ‘god’;
i.e., "the unknown god", as in "the unknown god that you ignorantly
worship" (Acts 17:23). The "unclean" ("bread" inferred) alludes to the
bread baked with human dung and is used in a sentence that also alludes
to the Jews (specifically the "Pharisees").

Mark 7:2; "and having seen some of his followers with defiled hands,
that were unwashed, and eating bread, they (the Pharisees) found fault;
for the Pharisees and all of the Jews ("at this time" inferred), unless with
the fist they wash the hands, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders."

Now we see and understand the full and true meaning of things that were
previously thought of as actually quite trivial for all of the thought, time
and effort that was put into the subject of ‘washing hands’ before meals.

Philippians 3:8; "But yes, without doubt, and with high honor, I count
the loss of all things ("that I had or might have had" inferred and perhaps
"upon death" also being inferred), as but loss for the excellent knowledge
of my lord ("unknown god", unknown to the masses, that is!) Jesus
Christ; for whom I have (willingly) suffered the loss of all of these things,
and I do count them as but (what) the dung (was), that I might gain my
place with Christ ("Jesus/Josephus, in fame/infamy forever" inferred).

One day, there will be a new annotated version of the New Testament
and the Greek Septuagint from the original Greek language that will
reveal all of the things that were actually written in these originally that
will show the full truth to the public once and for all.

9. One Iota ("I" symbolizes the erect penis)

When this joke was first seen by us our thought was seen as a reference to
the Pythagorean mathematic number system, and it was; because in that
that system "I" ("iota"), does mean or stand for the number ‘1’ (one). But
as we began to understand the sexual nature of the Royal Language, we
realized that many of the letters used in ancient times had a ‘sex meaning’
as well. And it is scholars like James Ballantyne Hannay who had researched
this area and discovered these things. And so, now we know that ‘I’ or ‘iota’
does in fact also stand for an erect penis.

But again, not to gloss over the fact of the existence of the Greek number
system, this was a hint at that. The Latin alphabet consisted of letters that
also had duel use in that they also stood for numbers as well. Because we
do not have or use that system in English, this seems foreign to us. But in
those times it was quite common. And the Hebrew language likewise had
number values to the letters. It was the Greek version of these alpha-
numeric systems that was not fully know to the public and the only example
of it that we have to this day is that which was reconstructed by the
scholars of the New Classical Scholarship. The same scholarship that has
revealed these very ‘jokes’ to you.

Ref. Matt. 5:12. And "The True Authorship of the New Testament", by
Abelard Reuchlin. Also, Hannay, "The Rise, Decline & Fall of the Roman
Religion (Christianity)."

10. Paul of "Tarsus" ("Tarsus" is "T" and "T" symbolizes male sex organs)

In Acts 9:11, 21:39, 22:3, you can find "Paul of Tarsus" mentioned or
referred to. And it seems that the quote "Christian" writers bent over back-
wards to make sure that persons knew that "T" stood for the cross and that
it also has a numerical value of 300 (see the apocryphal book of Barnabas,
chapter 8:10-13). Again, we see them associating numbers with ‘meanings’.
This must have really been of great importance to them for all of the work
that they put into letting us know of these numbers and their meanings.

In any case, they have us going around and around; "T" stands for 300,
and 300 stands for ""T and "T" stands for the cross, and the cross
symbolizes Christianity. Whew! Have we got all of that now? O.K., now
let’s go to Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book I, Chap. VI,
Verse I (Whiston translation). There, Josephus gives the meaning of
Tharsus (Tarsus) as being "T" (the Greek "Tau") and therefore standing
for the cross, and in turn, this signifies "Christianity". Now, why would
JOSEPHUS also want us to know this if he was not also one of the
"Christian" writers who were trying to get this point across? The answer
is, he not only was one of them, he was the main one!

It is Hannay, who in his research and studies found that the "T" also
stood for the male sex organs. So, knowing that "Paul" is really "Pal(a)",
which is "phallus" or penis in Hindee and that "Tarsus" is "T" and "T"
means ‘penis’ as well, we read "Paul of Tarsus" in the way in which the
joke was meant to be read by those who have ‘wisdom’; "penis of penis".
Their ‘jokes’ seem to be centered around the phallus and/or ‘sex’ or
filthy acts. Remember, as was stated in the prior joke about the name


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