Hannay pg. 140, "That the stones, symbolized by the cross-piece on
the phallic pillar forming our cross." We found that the ‘stones’ meant
the testes of the male and that the "cross-piece" symbolized these, while
the upright portion was the "phallic" or ‘penis’ part of the cross.

11. "Stars" falling from Heaven/above (severed penises hurled in the air)

To fully understand and appreciate these ‘jokes’, you will have to work
your way through them and find out how many of these are interrelated to
each other. These Romans, who did all of these things that they were so
‘proud’ to have done and needed to be able to have some way to brag
about it all, found that opportunity in the ‘new’ creation that they were
working upon.

This joke is very reminiscent of the one that is found in the works of
Flavius Josephus where he deliberately misspelled ‘stone’ so that it
becomes ‘son’. This is where the Jews who are being attacked by the
Romans are made by Josephus to look up at the ‘stones’ being hurled
over the walls at them and say; "The SON cometh". Of course, this
refers to "the son" (of god, of man, etc., i.e. "Jesus"). The discovery
of that particular joke about the Jews being made to look up and say
"the ‘son’ cometh" should be attributed to Abelard Reuchlin. It is not
in his current work, but will probably be added to his later works. Ref.
Flavius Josephus, Loeb Classical Library Edition (Greek/English),
Wars of the Jews, Book V, Chap. VI, Verse 3 (near the end).

Only in this joke, it is ‘stars’ that are falling from heaven/above are
the severed penises that were being hurled into the air over the walls
where the starving Jews were. And this is in Mark 13:25, Matt. 24:29,
and again in Rev. 6:13. Read the next joke here and you will then
know how it is that ‘star’ was made synonymous with ‘penis’ and
visa versa. What person in their right mind can honestly say that there
is nothing to this after all of this? How can it be that all of these things
that we see that are truly there and that also interrelate to each other and
go on and on to reveal more and more all the time be nothing less than
deliberate and extremely well calculated? There is no way at all that
once all of these things are known that anyone can say that this is mere
coincidence. This is indeed the one and only truth about not only how
and why Christianity was created, but also ‘who’ did it.

12. The Bright and "Morning Star" ("star" is "spear", which is penis)

Here is where a good background in ancient history and the "classics"
pays off. Where Achilles’ "spear" is as bright as the evening star, Arrius
Pisos’ "spear"/weapon (Jesus) is as bright as the morning star. (Ref.
Achilles, in "The Illiad", by Homer).

Jesus himself is a "spear". He is being called a fashioned or created
weapon. Weapons are created and used by real persons, real persons
themselves are not referred to as "weapons". The authors, by saying
that Jesus is (as) "the bright and morning morning star" are saying
that he is really a "weapon" that they created and were using to help
win the ongoing war with the Jews and their allies.

The passage referred to should actually read; "I, Jesus, sent my angel
to testify these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring
(descendant) of (King) David, AND (am as) the bright morning star."
(Rev. 22:16)

Since we have already deduced that the author of The Revelation is
Julius Piso (who is the offspring of Arrius Piso), it is actually Julius
Piso who is making Arrius (Jesus) say these things. It appears that he
was working from a script that was prepared for him by Arrius, but
that he (Julius) had the final authority in the ‘book’ (The Revelation)
and not just for the reason that Arrius Piso was no longer around
when The Revelation was written.

Julius makes Jesus (Arrius) say that he is "the root", which, of
course means more than one thing. Outwardly, this is supposed to
mean that he (Jesus) is the ‘root’ of the Christian religion, i.e., the
beginning of it. However, to those who have ‘wisdom’ or knowledge
about the true beginnings of Christianity, it means that he (Jesus/
Arrius Piso) was the creator of it. And, on another level it means that
the reader should remember that Jesus is synonymous with "phallus"
and that as such he IS also a "root", and this leads us to the works of
Flavius Josephus.

Julius made use of his own extremely great wit, which was the result
of having the benefit of learning so much from his own father and by
having an extremely privileged upbringing where he was able to gain
a fantastic amount of knowledge. When we first realized just how
ingenious the author of The Revelation was, we had discovered his use
of the word "dragon" in Greek to point to Arrius Piso as "the beast".
This will be explained further in a moment, but first we need to examine
why Julius calls ‘Jesus’ the/a "root".

The first mention of, and hence the creation of, the idea of the "Mandrake
root" is given by Flavius Josephus (Whiston’s translation, pg. 42; Ant.
of the Jews, Book I, Chap. XIX, Verse VIII). And the meaning of this is
simply that he is saying; "the man/boy ‘root’/penis". The "man" portion
of "Mandrake" is "man", but the "drake" portion means "male infant" or
"boy" (as ‘drakos’/’drakon’ in Greek). And ‘root’ is a euphemism for
phallus/penis. Where Josephus mentions the mandrake root, he is really
using this to allude to incest and/or speaking of an Oedipus-like event.
He says; "Now, Reubel, the eldest son of Lea, brought "apples" of
Mandrake to his Mother." The "Mandrake" is the/his penis and the
"apples" are his/the apples of the Mandrake/penis, which are really
"testes". This is how those who understood the use of the Royal
Language were able to read ancient history and all of the rest that was
written in those times.


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