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What is RSD??

RSD is a chronic illness that affects the sympathetic nervous system. It is often caused by an injury. The main symptom is constant pain. Many people describe it as a burning pain, but it can also be described as stabbing and sharp. The pain is sometimes so intense that a slight wind can cause the sufferer agony. Mainly RSD attacks the extremities, but can sometimes can go to the trunk of the body. Along with pain, there can be skin changes, where the skin can become discolored, tight, and shiny. Sometimes there can be swelling in the affected area. There can often be bone changes including osteoperosis.
RSD affects an estimated 7 million people in the US alone. It affects men, women, and children of any age. RSD is found in women more often in men.
RSD was first documented during the Civil War. It has been known under many other names other then RSD, mainly causalgia, neuralgia, and chronic regional pain syndrome to name a few. RSD can spread throughout the affected extremity. This happens about 70% of the time. It can also spread into other extremeties until the entire body is consumed. If RSD is not treated early the chances of going into remission are very small, but if the disease is caught within the first six months there is a recovery rate of 80%. RSD can be treated in many different ways, some are rigorous and others work on stress management. Every single RSD sufferer is different, there are no universal symptoms except for excessive pain.
RSD suffers we're just normal people who enjoyed the same activities that most everyone else enjoys. This disease can cause a person to loose their jobs, stop them from attending school, and also loose all independence. This disease is a crippling disorder that can render a sufferer helpless. RSD is found within families 5% of the time. From personal experience I know that this is true...I am the twin sister of another RSD sufferer.
We are not looking for sympathy. We have this disease through no fault of our own. The main issue that every RSDer I know is to create understanding. We do not fake the pain, we do not enjoy the pain, and if we tell you it hurts we're most likely playing it down so it doesn't seem that we're lying. If we are moody it's because we don't sleep well. The main goal of this site and many others like it is to get the word out about this horrible disease, the more knowledge the faster it is caught...the better the chances of remission. Please tell everyone about RSD so that their lives aren't shattered by this horrible disease.