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Kyla's Story

    My name is Kyla. I am 21 years old and have had RSD for almost two years now. I got it after an injury I got in a car accident. They are not sure which injury actually caused it but it was either the one at my knee or the one at my lower back. Until recently I only had the RSD from the knee down in my right leg but it has spread and now is from the waist down. My RSD was diagnosed within days. Luckily at the time I got it which was ten days after my accident I was still in intensive care at the hospital so I was around a lot of doctors and one of them new what it was that I had and I started treatment immediately. For some reason when I got RSD I started in stage 3. I lost all the movement in my foot and ankle. I lost almost 80% of my leg muscle from atrophy. It hit really hard and it took me a long time to be able to use my leg especially since there was a lot of pain. I spent almost the first year in a wheel chair and then some time with a walker and crutches. My treatment basically consisited of medications since the blocks that I had done woudln't work. So they just kept me on pain meds and I did physical therapy. But about 11 months ago I lost my health insurance and had to stop all my treatment. I just basically kept using it as much as I possibley could stand until I got to the point where I am at now. I can walk again on my own and do pretty much everything that I used to. I still have a ways to go but I am getting there. Lately though my RSD has gotten a lot worse. I am in a lot more pain but I am getting my insurance back so hopefully I can try some new meds or something to help with it. I just try and do as much as I can with my foot and leg and it seems the more I use it the easier life becomes.

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