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RSD Awareness Month

  "Haddonfield, NJ...

    On Thursday December 7, 2000, the Board of Directors of the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association of America (RSDSA) designated November 2001 as National RSD Awareness Month.

    Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is an under-diagnosed and under-treated neurological syndrome characterized by intense and chronic pain that generally results from some kind of trauma, but the consequent pain is disproportionate to the injury. Although the incidence and prevalence is unknown, it is estimated that at least 1.5 million, and possibly as many as 6 million U.S. citizens suffer from this debilitating disorder.

    The RSDS Awareness Month is a part of a larger campaign to educate the medical community and general public about this disorder, particularly the early distinguishable symptoms. Paul R. Charlesworth, RSDSA's president, in announcing the RSD national awareness month stated, "RSD can be difficult to diagnose---a recent study showed patients had seen on average 4.8 physicians before referral to a pain center.

    Early intervention is essential. If individuals are diagnosed within six months of the onset of symptoms and treated appropriately, the disease often goes into remission. However, if RSD is left untreated for several months, the likelihood of successful treatment is sharply diminished."

    Throughout 2001, RSDSA will work with RSD Associations, support groups, and individuals and families to promote greater awareness of RSD among the media, medical professionals, state and national legislators, and government agencies not familiar or sensitive to the needs of people with RSDS.

    For more information about RSD or to join the campaign, individuals should visit RSDSA's web site at or call (203)877-3790.

    RSDSA is a national organization, headquartered in Haddonfield, NJ. Founded 16 years ago, its mission is to promote awareness and to encourage research into the causes and cure of RSD. RSDSA is led by a twelve-member volunteer board of directors and guided by a Scientific Advisory Board of the foremost Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) specialists in the United States." Jim Broatch, Director RSDSA ,

    Jim has asked all of us in the RSD Community to spread the word! Let your listserv members know, place it on your website, put it in your newsletters, talk about it at your meetings, etc. Send in your ideas to Jim on how to make this a significant event in your state AND the Country!!

    The RSDSA is getting a Public Relations firm to really get the word out. He said he will also be putting together a panel of the major groups across the country as sort of a steering committee to help sort through everyone's suggestions and to coordinate activities to make this a significant event!

    If your state already has it's own RSD Awareness Month, that is fine. Groups can switch to November or we will use their current months as a build up towards November!


    I want to personally thank everyone for all their efforts towards HRes 420. It may not have passed but don't think your efforts were in vain. More Senators and Congressmen are now aware of RSD than at any time in History. These efforts will help us in the future and help the groups who go to DC for other matters as well. THANKS!

Please contact Jim Broatch of the RSDSA with any questions regarding this Proclamation.