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Chrystine's Story


    Hi!  My Name is Chrystine and I am 18 years old.  In July of 98, I started having pain in my foot up near my toes so my pediatrician decided I should go see a podiatrist so I did see. I went and saw a Dr. Bender, he thought I had
a neuroma so he tried pills first but when that didn't work he suggested surgery or a cortisone injection. I opted for the cortisone injection since I am afraid of surgeries.

    The cortisone injection was done in July of 98 and from that day on, my life hasn't been the same.  I went to see numerous docs after that day because since the day of the injection the pain just kept getting worse.  I didn't go
back to school in the fall, I was instead enrolled in homebound schooling. I went to physical therapy and took many meds and then my one doctor said it was RSD, I then searched online and started talking to people with rsd, I
don't know where I would be without them.  Just recently after two years they finally tried a LSB, it didn't help. So at the present moment I am just waiting for my doctor to give me something for the pain. Over the 2 years+ that I have had it, It has also spread to my right foot and both hands.

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