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Lexi's Story


    My name is Lexi and I am 18 years old and a freshman at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.  I have RSD in my left leg, and I have had it for about 2 and a half years now.  My problems started long before that though.  It all began in 6th grade with a small ski fall.  I did something to my knee, but they aren't sure what it was.  I was on crutches for about a month and then I was back in sports, like I had been before.  I was a competitive swimmer and runner.  The summer after seventh grade, I began having severe knee pain, so I went to an orthopedic surgeon, and he did arthroscopic surgery on it.  I never really recovered from this surgery. I did get back to track and swimming, but I was never quite the same.  Over the years, my pain worsened severely, whether this was all RSD, I do not know.  I took off the season from track my freshman year of high school, and then I was determined to run sophomore year.  I did run, but I never competed, the pain was too bad.  I took 6 or 7 advil before every practice, and it did nothing for me.  I went to a doctor at home, and he suggested some radical surgery, so then I went for a second opinion.  I decided to let them do surgery right before I started my junior year of high school.   They once again did arthroscopic surgery, and they also did some surgery on my IT band.  After this surgery, the real RSD symptoms began.  My pain was so severe that I was on crutches for 6 weeks instead of 1-2, and I couldn't bear to make myself to the recommended PT.  My leg was always purple, and a slight touch had me in tears.  My mom kept calling the docs who did the surgery, and the nurses and PA said that my symptoms were normal.  After two or three months of this, I finally went back to a PT i trusted.  He tried to help me strengthen my leg, and to get me back to normal, once he began to really suspect that it was RSD he sent me to a specialist.  In March of that year, I had my first epidual block which gave me the official diagnosis.  The road since then has been filled with ups and downs.  I had one more epidual, 6 more LSBs, and every kind of PT and med imaginable.  In the past four months, I have been seeing a doc down here in Atlanta and he has down 5 bier blocks, and one LSB.  I am going to have a radiofrequency block done in the near future.  Throughout this journey, I have gained a lot and I have lost a lot.  I have struggled with friendships, and yet, I have some of the best friends of my life.  It is as I always believe, that you can find good in every situation.  That is my story, as it stands now, and I am sure it will change on a daily basis, just as all of your lives change.

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