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News & Updates

8.25.2000...Today we're updating the site. We are now including this new news and updates page, a chat room, and also Tidbits of Wisdom. We have also joined the RSDHope family becoming the college quad. School is starting soon so we are going to help freshman become orientated to how college works and also sharing our knowledge about how to survive college with RSD.

10.1.2000...Added to the site is a memorandum for RSD Awareness month.

12.15.2000...Wow, I redid the whole site into frames.  I also added Chrystine's story and did some other updates so that everything actually works.

4.02.2001...Been awhile. Basically just did some updates, made sure all the links work fine.

5.14.2001...Hmmm, it's been over a month. Just wanted to wish everyone luck on their finals. I'll be starting a mailing list off this site over the summer so keep an eye out for that.

11.28.2001...Yikes, I didn't realize how much time college and work is taking up. I appologize for the site lately, I've just been so busy lately. I fixed the links so they're not doing stupid things anymore. I'd really appreciate some feedback about what I could do with the site because I'm going to sit down and totally dissect this baby after finals so that we can get some really good things going on. If you have any suggestions about a chat room or a way for us to keep in touch better, I'd really appreciate it. I'm feeling like I'm pulling a ton of weight here and I'd really like some help once in a while. So if you have some time to spare send Jen an email and we can work some stuff out!