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I can only give you my (Katy's) opinion, but I believe that most wars are completely pointless. Well, pointless isn't exactly the word for it. Most wars are started over a)land and b)religion. Basically, if land is the issue, negotiation happens to work very well. Most people in the army will tell you otherwise, and maybe they're right, but they probably haven't tried it. And if it's about religion, well, isn't religion supposed to be honouring a deity? So war is really ironic in that respect. Now basically, someone attacks and you have to defend yourself. And then people end up wounded and dead, from both countries. Therefore, one side ends up damaging yourself as much as the other. So my point is, start a negotiation and most likely, something will come of it without having to hurt people. And it's not just people, it's animals and also LAND. The countries who want wars land. Most countries would really like to dispose of nuclear weapons, and nuclear war, but use the excuse "We need them incase we are attacked." Well, the country is damaging it's own land in nuclear testing getting ready for that very war. So basically, we are caught in a vicious cycle. I know that I don't have any particular insight into this issue, but I felt a need to express myself. So...thanks for listening, or reading, or whatever. -Katy Feb. 18/00 ...Like Katy said, there are so many other productive alternatives to war. I mean, if all else (meaning negotiation) fails, the armies that are at war could try playing a game of paintball, and whoever wins gets their way. That could be the last alternative, and it would work SO much better than real war, because people wouldn't really die, and we wouldn't need to polute and gradually kill ourselves with nuclear weapons. -Delia Feb. 19/00

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