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2002 Womongathering Marketplace Application
June 13-16, 2002

Please complete all information.
The exhibitors selected for the Marketplace will be chosen on January 18, 2002. The acceptance/rejections will be mailed by February 21st. Those not accepted, will have their uncashed checks and photos returned at that time. All other checks will be deposited on February 25th.

Business Name: ____________________________________________________________
Craftswomyn Name: ________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________

Phone: _________________________ AM / ________________________ PM
Email Address: _______________________________________________________________
Web Address: _________________________________________________________________

To aid in our selection process, please enclose photos/slides of your goods. They will be returned to you. All booth spaces are pre-marked and outside. You will need to provide a staked canopy for your booth as well as tables and chairs. There is no electricity.

Return this form with payment of a minimum of one space and one festival ticket. In order to get the craft price, helper's fees have to be paid by May 8th. No tickets will be issued at that price after that and none will be sold at the gate. The marketplace is smoke free.

Your application will not be processed without payment.

Check all fees which apply to you:  _______ 10x10 = $55.00
                                                     _______ 12x12 = $75.00
                                                     _______ Exhibitor tickets = $130.00 (Prior to May 8th minus a
                                                                    $25 handling fee)                 (limit two before May 8th)
TOTAL FEES $_________ Please make check payable to Womongathering

* I plan to buy a helpers ticket:  YES_____  NO_____ Her name is: ________________________________
* I plan to arrive: _____ Wednesday after 3 PM    _____Thursday 9 AM - 11:30 AM

You must be set up by noon on Thursday. Last year most guests were on site by Thursday night.

* Vegetarian food is served. Do you eat:   _____ Dairy     _____ Non-dairy
* I will sleep in: _____ Tent    _____ Vehicle   _____Craft Cabin

Do you make your own Crafts?  ___ Yes    ___ No   If not, who does? _______________________________
Is your business owned by only womyn? ___________

Only two businesses in the same medium (the items for sale must be of the same category, i.e. pottery with pottery, etc.) may share a booth. The fees remain the same, but you must list the names of all the womyn sharing it on the other side and below list everything that will be on the table from both businesses including type of craft, bodywork, or reading. If you channel, who do you channel? Readers, please give some description of your experience. Womongathering reserves the right to refuse selling privileges to womyn offering products/services that are manufactured, imported, not womon-made or womon-affirming.





Give a description of your wares/services to be printed in the Program Directory. The statement must begin with the name of your business followed by a 25-30 word description of your wares and ending with an address and phone number. We have taken this position because we believe that participants have the right to contact you directly if there are any problems with their purchases.

* Do you want this description put on our web site?   ___YES   ___ NO
* Can we use a picture of your wares on the Craftswomyn web page?   ___ YES    ___ NO
* What information do you not want posted on the web page?



In return for a permit to sell/exhibit at Womongathering, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Camp Westmont, Campfest Festivals, Womongathering, and Lee Glanton, their agents, employees and volunteers from and against all injury or damage arising from or out of my occupancy and/or use of the facilities provided by Camp Westmont, Campfest Festivals, Womongathering, and Lee Glanton.
I acknowledge that Camp Westmont, Campfest Festivals, Womongathering, and Lee Glanton their agents, employees and volunteers do not assume any responsibility for any of my property or person and that it is totally my responsibility to take whatever steps are prudent and necessary to protect the same from all forms of harm, damage or theft.

Signed: (each womyn who will receive a ticket must sign)

Company Name: __________________________________________   Date:_____________

Mail check and completed form to:   Womongathering Marketplace
                                                         PO Box 559
                                                         Franklinville, NJ 08322
Email questions to: