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Clay Pot Fountain





  1. Use pliers or wire cutters to carefully break off a small piece of clay, about an ½-inch x ½-inch, notch along top edge of one 4-inch and one 3-inch saucer. These notches provide a path for water to flow.
  2. Use drill with masonry bit or sandpaper to smooth and shape each notch into a half circle.
  3. Use drill with masonry bit or hammer and pointed tool to bore a hole centered in bottom of 4-inch notched saucer. Make hole large enough for fountain pump tube to fit through.
  4. Glue clay pot bottom and saucer bottoms together as follows being sure to match holes: 10-inch pot to 10-inch saucer; 4-inch pot to 4-inch notched saucer; 2 ½-inch pot to 3-inch notched saucer; two 3-inch saucers.
  5. Glue bottom of 3-inch pot centered inside 4-inch notched saucer, be sure to match holes.
  6. Arrange saucers and pots inside 10-inch saucer as shown in photo. Be sure to place notched saucers so when water is pumped through, the path of water will spill from one saucer into the other and then into the two 3-inch saucers which are glued together.
  7. Glue everything into place EXCEPT 4-inch pot, with stacked arrangement. Assemble fountain pump following manufacturer’s instructions and place inside 4-inch pot; insert tube through holes in 4-inch pot, 4-inch saucer and 3-inch pot. DO NOT glue 4-inch pot into place.
  8. Place a few rocks inside top 3-inch pot and saucers which are facing upward.


Design by Kim Wakefield