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Clay Pot Garden Chimes



12 Clay pots, 1 ½"
Nylon thread
1 Package of pony beads
1 Macramé ring, 6"
1 Macramé ring 1 ½"
First Impressions rub-on, Rose corner and border
Ceramcoat acrylic paint (your choice of colour)


1. Paint pots in desired colour, apply a second coat if needed. Let dry 12 hours before applying rub-ons as per package instructions.
2. Glue a pony bead over each hole in pot, lining up the holes.
3. Cut twelve pieces of nylon thread 24" long. Tie a pony bead to one end. Tie another bead ¾" from first bead (this makes the clapper). Slip thread through the hole in pot. The first pot should hang 2" below large ring.
4. Use a knot to attach each thread to large ring. Continue with remaining pots, knotting each consecutive pot hanging at top of rim of previous pot. Arrange ten pots evenly around ring. (See diagram.)
5. Cut a 10" piece of nylon thread and string with pony beads (same as step #1). Gather all strings from pots and thread through hole in remaining pot. Tie to small ring 6" above large ring.