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Herb Gardens


Herbs can be grown in great abundance or in small

amounts for your own personal use. They can thrive in clay pots,

wooden boxes, or in large areas in the ground. They can be added to

regular flower gardens as an accent or border. They make wonderful decoration

pieces growing up wire towers. There are many uses and benefits of

great herbs!


ALFALFA(Medicago sativa)- high in minerals & vitamins A,K, & E.
Kidney tonic; builds energy; for anemia; alkalinizes pH; for
internal inflammation- arthritis, colitis, etc.; stimulates
digestion, increases breast milk flow
***Blood thinning- do not mix with medications of any kind.

ANGELICA(Angelica archangelica)- warming; circulation stimulant;
digestive stimulant; women's reproductive tonic;
***Not for pregnancy

ANISE STAR PODS(Pimpinella anisum)- digestive stimulant;
warming to the body; circulation stimulant

ASTRAGALUS(Astragalus membranaceus)- An energy & immune tonic;
Good for exhaustion & weakness;  promotes wound healing-external
& internal; lung tonic -strengthens weakness; mild diuretic,
stimulates appetite & digestion

BAY LAURAL(Lauris nobilis)- digestive stimulant;
relieves indigestion; warming

BLACKBERRY LEAF(Rubus villosus)- good for coughs;
relieves diarrhea; great for kids

BLACK COHOSH(Cimicifuga racemosa)- PMS(physical symptoms);
calms spasms associated with asthma, bronchitis,
menstrual cramps, etc.; reproductive tonic; menopausal tonic;
high blood pressure tonic; for inflammation of the nerves or
spine or ovaries *Not for pregnancy, can cause low blood pressure.
Green tea is said to counteract negative affects.

BLADDERWRACK(Fucus vesiculosus)- diuretic; balances thyroid;
helps inflamed joints & organs; rheumatism;  protectant from
environmental polluntants & chemicals; helps body deal with stress;
boosts stamina; regulates blood pressure & cholesterol;
provides mucilage(moist coating) to digestive tract
and mucous membranes; high in minerals.

BLESSED THISTLE(Cnicus benedictus)- stimulates and increases
flow of breast milk

BLUE COHOSH(Caulophyllum thalicroides)- women's reproductive and
uterine tonic; PMS(physical symptoms); stimulates sex drive;
regulates menstrual cycle; for prevention of miscarriage;
eases false labor pains; tonic for last month of pregnancy;
relieves spasms; relieves indigestion

BURDOCK ROOT(Arctium minus)- liver cleanser; acne & boils;
stimulates gall bladder; balances pH; pulls toxins and poisons out
of body; stabilizes both high & low blood sugar levels;
increases breast milk flow; reduces swelling in joints;
alleviates constipation; balances hormones via the liver;
 mild daily tonic herb; high in minerals; cooling

CALENDULA(Calendula officianalis)- heals damaged tissue, cuts,
wounds, burns, ulcers, herpes- internal & external; astringent;
for acne take internally & apply to skin as wash; stimulates blood
circulation; helps to break fevers;thrush-wipe baby's mouth with tea
soaked cloth & nipple post breast feeding; for digestive tract
inflammation & ulcers

CATNIP(Nepeta cataria)- digestive aid; relieves indigestion; nerve
relaxant, great for kids

CHAMOMILE(Matricaria chamomilla)- relaxant; helps with inflammation;
for colic; soothes spasms; for insomnia & anxiety, great for children;
nausea; relieves indigestion; rheumatism; wash for red eyes

CHAPPARAL(Larrea divaricata)- digestive & liver tonic & stimulant; bitter;
antioxidant; can be useful in cases of cancer, benign tumors, bacteria,
viruses, & parasites

CEDAR LEAF TIPS(Thuja occidentalis)- high in vitamin C; good for
infections; used as a purifying herb when burned as incense

CELANDINE(Chelidonium majus)- fevers; liver tonic & stimulant; jaundice;
boosts function of gallbladder

CHASTE TREE BERRIES(Vitex agnus-castus)- women & men's reproductive tonic;
regulator for women's reproductive cycle; stimulates balance of fertility;
stimulates progesterone; menopausal tonic- helps with physical imbalances;
stimulates healthy flow of breast milk; digestive stimulant

CHICORY(Cichorium intybus)- stimulates proper liver function; digestive
stimulant; for constipation; cooling; coffee substitute; hormonal balancer
via the liver

CLOVES(Eugenia aromatica)- warming; digestive stimulant; analgesic

CINNAMON(Cinnamomum zeylanicum)- warming; digestive stimulant; alleviates

COMFREY LEAF(Syphytum officinale)- mends skin & bone tissue, wounds, cuts,
lesions, bone breaks, ulcers, acne, boils, etc.- internal & external use;
provides mucilage(moist coating) to digestive tract & mucous membranes;
high in minerals; supports nervous system; soothes urinary tract

COMFREY ROOT(Symphytum officinale)- mends skin & bone tissue, wounds,
cuts, lesions, bone breaks, ulcers, acne, boils, etc.- internal & external
uses; provides muclage(moist coating) to digestive tract & mucous
membranes; high in minerals; supports nervous system; soothes urinary tract

COPAL RESIN(Bureseru microphylla)- infections; burned as fragrant incense
for increasing spiritual element & creating sacred space

CORNSILK(Zea mays)- urinary tract tonic; reduces water retention;
increases flow of urine; use in combination with cardiovascular herbs for
high blood pressure; blood cleanser; eases bladder irritation due to
infection, etc.

DAMIANA(Turnera)- warming; allays pain; relaxant; sexual stimulant; men's
reproductive tonic; increases stamina

DANDELION LEAF(Taraxacum officinale)- bitter digestive stimulant; reduces
water retention; high in minerals & vitamins A, C, etc.; liver function
stimulant & tonic;
kidney stimulant; buffers blood sugar ups & downs; laxative

DANDELION ROOT(Taraxacum officinale)- high in minerals calcium, magnesium,
potassium, zinc, etc. & vitamins A, C, & protein; liver & digestive tonic
& stimulant; laxative;

DONG QUAI(Angelica senensis)- women's reproductive tonic; hormonal
balancer; PMS difficulties, physical -cramps, bloating, etc.; warming;
digestive & circulation stimulant

DRAGON'S BLOOD RESIN(Daemomorops draco)- infections; burned as incense

ECHINACEA(Echinacea purpurea)-stimulates immune system; helps acne,
infections, wound healing, sore throat, snake bites, ulcers, herpes,
onset of flus & colds; *Not for daily use over long term- alternate
days on & off

ELDER BERRIES(Sambucus nigra)- for coughs; drying; colds, flus, & fevers

EUCALYPTUS(Eucalyptus globulus)- high in essential oils; used externally
as tea for steam inhalation to open nasal & bronchial passageways;
bacterial infections

EYEBRIGHT(Euphrasia officinalis)- for eye infections; sore & red eyes; eye

FALSE UNICORN ROOT(Chamaelirium luteum)- prevents miscarriage, take
through first four months; women's reproductive tonic; balances menstrual

FENNEL SEED(Foeniculum vulgare)- relieves indigestion;
digestive stimulant

FLAX SEED(Linum usitatissimum)- high in essential fatty acids;

FRANKINCENSE RESIN TEARS(Boswellia thurifera)- burned as incense

GINGER ROOT(Zingaber officinale)- warming; digestive stimulant;
relieves indigestion; for nausea; for flu & colds *Fresh root
 not for pregnancy, use only dry

GINSENG, SIBERIAN(Eleutherococcus senticosus)-*This herb works best
 over long term use(2 week minimum) boosts the immune system;
balances nervous system; prevents thymus & lymph system stress
 damage; protectant from radiation exposure (X-rays, nuclear exposure,
or radiation therapy, etc.); cancer preventative; men's & women's
reproductive tonic & rejuvenative; increases mental alertness;
helps to  balance blood pressure & cholesterol; for psychological

HAWTHORNE BERRIES(Crataegus oxyacantha)- cardiovascular tonic;
circulatory system tonic to veins & capillaries; antioxidant;
palpitations; arteriosclerosis; astringent;
for diarrhea

HIBISCOUS FLOWERS- for sore throats; soothing tea;
 drying to mucous membranes; good for cough syrup

HOPS(Humulus lupulus)- nervous system relaxant; bitter digestive aid;
muscle relaxant

HOREHOUND(Marrubium vulgare)- for coughs; stimulates
 mucous expulsion; bitter digestive stimulant; good for cough syrup

IRISH MOSS FLAKES(Chondrus crispus)- high in minerals; draws out excess
mucous from lungs & stomach; provides moisture to dry coughs, mucous
membranes, & digestive tract

JUNIPER BERRIES(Juniperus communis)- expels parasites & microbes from
digestive system; bitter digestive stimulant; for diarrhea

KAVA KAVA(Piper methysticum)- nervous system tonic; relaxant; for anxiety
& depression; soothes pain; helps insomnia

KELP GRANULES(Laminaria spp.)- high in minerals; reduces water retention;
nutritive addition to foods(ex. sprinkle in soups); prevents toxicity due
to environmental pollutants such as exhaust, radiation, toxic waste

LAVENDER FLOWERS(Lavendula officinale)- nervous system relaxant; calming;
helps insomnia; great for dream pillows

LEMON BALM(Melissa officinalis)- nerve relaxant; for depression; calming;
for spasms digestive stimulant; relieves indigestion;

LEMON PEEL(Citrus limonum)- bitter digestive stimulant

LEMON VERBENA(Lippia citriodora)- nervous system tonic; relaxant; calming;
digestive stimulant; relieves indigestion

LICORICE ROOT(Glycyrrhiza glabra)- soothes sore throats; soothes internal
ulcers; estrogenic hormone balancer; adrenal tonic

MANDRAKE ROOT(Mandragora officinarum)-**EXTERNAL USE ONLY!!  for
protection of a house, person, etc.

MARSHMALLOW ROOT POWDER(Althaea officinalis)  - high in mucilage; soothing
& provides a moisture lining to digestive  provides system & mucous
membranes; for ulcers; laxative

MEADOWSWEET(Filipendula ulmaria)- helps with inflammation & pain; for
ulcers; calming to nervous system

MILK THISTLE(Carduus marianus)- antioxidant; stimulates proper liver
function & protects liver from toxins & stress; varicose veins; for spleen
& kidney health; stimulates breast milk; hepatitis A & B

MOTHERWORT(Leonurus cardiaca)- cardiovascular tonic; high blood pressure;
menopause; nervous system tonic; relaxant; anxiety

MUGWORT(Artemisia vulgaris)- nerve relaxant; helps anxiety, shaking, &
insomnia; colds & flus; fevers; warming; circulatory stimulant; brings on
late period

MULLEIN LEAF(Verbascum thapsus)- stimulates expulsion & drying up of
excess lung fluid & toxins through coughing; asthma; sedative 

MYRRH GUM POWDER(Commiphora molmol)- stimulates immune system to help body
deal with infections, colds, flus, microbes; mouth herb-ulcers,
gingivitis, infections; mouthwash for sore throats

MYRRH GUM RESIN(Commiphora molmol)- burned as an incense

NETTLES(Urtica dioica)- high in minerals & vitamins; great daily
nutritive; liver tonic; warming; drying stops bleeding; acne, boils

OATSTRAW(Avena sativa)- nervous system tonic; calming; high in minerals;
great daily tea; pregnancy tonic

ORANGE PEEL(Citrus aurantium)- bitter digestive stimulant

OREGON GRAPE ROOT(Mahonia repens)- bitter liver tonic; digestive tonic;
for constipation; allergies; acne, boils; external use for infections,
rashes *Not for pregnancy

OSHA ROOT(Ligusticum porteri)- helps expel excess fluid from lungs;
for coughs; warming; circulatory stimulant; digestive stimulant

PAU D'ARCO(Tabebuia avellanedae)- men's & women's reproductive
stimulant & tonic; bacterial, viral infections; parasites; for
inflammation; promotes  cervical health; cancer; candida

PEPPERMINT(Mentha piperita)- digestive aid; helps relieve
indigestion; warming

RASBERRY LEAF(Rubus spp.)- women's uterine tonic;
menstrual cycle tonic; high in minerals; pregnancy tonic; nutritive

RED CLOVER BLOSSOMS(Trifolium pratense)- high in minerals;
lymph cleanser; increases estrogen activity; cancer;
boosts protein assimilation; soothing to coughs

RED ROOT(Ceanothus spp.)- lymph cleanser; stimulates lymph
circulation; sore throats

ROSEBUDS(Rosa spp)- aromatherapy uses in crafts such as
dream pillows, bath salts, etc.

ROSEHIPS(Rosa spp.)- high in vitamin C; boosts immune system

ROSEMARY(Rosemarinus officinalis)- warming; circulatory stimulant;
enhances mental clarity; digestive stimulant; helps indigestion

SAGE, GARDEN(Salvia officinalis)-Good tonic and internal cleansing

SAGE, WHITE(Salvia apiana)- used for ceremonial purposes,
clears space & body of accumulated energy, brings focus & clarity

SARSPARILLA(Smilax officinalis)- men's & women's reproductive tonic;
PMS; menopause; sex drive; skin problems-acne, rashes, psoriosis,
eczema; liver stimulant & tonic

SPEARMINT(Mentha viridis)- digestive stimulant; helps indigestion

Spirulina- food resource; high in minerals & vitamins B12, iron,
protein, chlorophyll, essential fatty acids, RNA & DNA;
preventative for cancer; helps balance blood sugar, hypoglycemia
tendencies; system cleanser

SWEETGRASS(Hierochloe odarata)- used for ceremonial purposes,
 attracts positive energy into space & body

TURMERIC(Curcuma longa)-inflammation aid; warming; antioxidant

UVA URSI(Arctostaphylos uva ursi)- urinary tract problems- infections,
sluggishness; astringent

VALERIAN ROOT(Valeriana officinalis)- nerve relaxant; helps with pain;
for exsessive coughing or other spasm;PMS-physical & emotional;

WHITE WILLOW(Salix alba)- headaches; inflammation; pain; aching flu

WILD CHERRY BARK(Prunus avium)- coughs; excess fluid in the lungs;

WILD LETTUCE(Lactuca virosa)-nerve relaxant; pain;
 headaches; back pain; restlessness; for spasms; rheumatism pain

WILD YAM(Dioscorea villosa)- women's reproductive tonic;
progesterone enhancing; menopause; digestive tonic & stimulant

WINTERGREEN(Gaultheria procumbens)- digestive aid; helps indigestion;
opens nasal passageways as a steam

WITCH HAZEL(Haemamelis virginiana)- for inflamed gums & other tissue;
stops bleeding; drying; acne; sore throats

WORMWOOD(Artemesia absinthium)- parasites; microbes; bacterial

YARROW(Achillea millefolium)- fevers; drying; warming;
colds & flus; bitter digestive stimulant

YELLOWDOCK ROOT(Rumex crispus)- liver stimulant & tonic; warming;
 high in minerals iron & helps absorbtion of iron

YERBA SANTA(Eriodictyon spp.)- drying to mucous membranes;
sinus infections; coughs; respiratory system




***Please Note: This information is provided for educational

purposes only it does not constitute medical advice of any kind.

Please see your doctor if you are ill or before taking any kind of herb.***





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