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Snowman Pencil & Tool Holder


  1. Clean glass ivy bowl and allow to dry.
  2. Pour a small amount of White Paint onto palette. Dip sea sponge into paint and pounce lightly over surface of bowl. Paint bottom edge and bottom of bowl. Leave rim of bowl unpainted. Be careful not to scratch the paint once dry until all additional painting is dry and varnished. Allow paint to dry completely.
  3. Draw snowman face with disappearing ink. Squeeze on Black Slick paint to make eyes and mouth. Make nose with Orange Slick paint. Allow paint to dry completely.
  4. Squeeze a small bead of white paint onto palette. Dip wooden end of small paint brush into paint and highlight eyes with white dots. Dip into paint again and touch to centers of button mouth to create button holes. Allow paint to dry.
  5. Squeeze a small bead of Black Slick paint onto palette. Dip small paint brush in paint and add highlights to carrot nose. Allow paint to dry.
  6. Using Green Slick paint squeeze on small holly leaves and vines around base of ivy bowl. Allow to dry. Squeeze on beads of Deep Red Slick paint for holly berries.
  7. Let all paint dry for at least eight hours.
  8. Brush a coat of varnish over painted surface of ivy bowl with 1-inch brush. Allow to dry.
  9. Tie ribbon around rim of ivy bowl making a multi-loop bow.
  10. Cut piece of white foam to fit inside bowl to hold utensils. Glue in place.
  11. Add small pieces of fiberfill to cover foam. Glue in place with Tacky Glue and allow to dry.
  12. Insert pencils and tools.