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Once a month this message is sent to the list. The EM-L is steadily growing and, while we prefer no rules, there are guidelines that must be considered or we lose list members and deprive ourselves of their knowledge and help. So, please, read this message and be reminded of how you can be a good list member.

Please respect other peoples' opinions. You do not have to agree, but disagree with respect.

Cornering, bullying or attacking other list members will not be tolerated. We attack ideas, not people.

No foul or gross profanity.

Do not lie or start malicious rumors (if you don't know what you're talking about, please do not pretend that you do).

Read all your mail before you reply to any of it. You may see that someone else answered and said exactly what you would have said.

Do not attempt to moderate. Disputes and other questionable behavior are handled by list owners).

If you repeatedly send sloppy or long untrimmed posts you will remain on moderation, or if it becomes necessary you could be banned from the list.

Do not send petitions, requests for donations, or sad animal rights violations stories to this list. The list owners have no time or means to identify scams.

Do send legitimate requests for Rescue help for Mastiffs or mastiff-types. This list supports all MCOA Rescue and OEMTF endeavors.

We welcome emergency posts that notify of ANY BREED of dog that is stolen or lost since time is almost always of the essence to help in these circumstances. They need to be located and saved quickly.

Do not send virus warnings to the list. If you learn of a new virus let the list owners know and they will notify the list after verifying the virus is not a hoax.

List attachments is turned off on EM-L and this means that you cannot send forwards, images, or use html posts.

Anyone suspected of trying to harvest list names, or solicit our members will be banned.

Do not advertise any other email list on or send other email list's announcements to the EM-List, and do not advertise chat rooms or chat boards without obtaining list owner approval first.

Signatures are restricted to no more than 5 lines and the advertising restrictions above apply to the signature lines as well.

Do not send to the list any article that violates someone else's copyright.

Do not forward any post from the EM-List without original author approval.

Advertising or promotion to the list of any product that is self enriching is not allowed. This could be construed as a conflict of interest with Yahoo! Groups since they *sell* advertising to offer us free list space. If you have Mastiff articles and products for sale you are welcome to list your URL in our Bookmarks.

On the first and fifteenth of every month we permit list members (only) to tell us if they have Mastiff puppies or dogs for sale. These announcements can include color, sex, age, parents. No negotiations of sale, or mention of prices on the list. Once the announcements are made the conversations need to go private.

Do not send posts to the list to ask for unsubscribe directions. The address to unsubscribe yourself is at the bottom, in the trailer, of every single post sent to the list.

The EM-List has its own web ring. If you have a web page, get it listed as this is a great way to increase traffic to your page.

The EM-List has shared FILES where you can upload your dog pictures to share with all the list. Do not upload images larger than 100K and do not leave the pictures there in excess of 3 months. If you want to leave them longer, delete them and upload again.

The English Mastiff List archives mail. Did you know that you can be set to no mail/web mail and still post to the list? EM-L generates a LOT of mail. The benefit of this is we hope our list is helping communicate valuable information to new members. We do have a percentage of people who join but are unable to keep up with the volume. We apologize for that, perhaps going to the digest option or reading mail at the web site will help, but the truth is, we never attempted to mislead anybody. This is a busy list and the members like it that way.

You can email the EM-List Owners

Or you can contact us individually:

dee dee Andersson
Cat Angus
Irene Byrne

and our Webring Mistress
Carol Duclo

and our List Guru
Larry Craddock
