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Some pepole have been E-mailing me asking "Where can i find bards tale will you send it to me" well i said "no I will NOT SEND YOU IT why dont you look at my FAQ page and Download it

Click here to Download Bards Tale 1
Click here to Download Bards Tale 2 Destiny Knight
Click here to Download Bards Tale 2 Thief of Fate

I got a E-mail the other day (8-9-00)asking "hey where do I Get a Chronomager(may be spelld wrong?)"So I said "First you must Bet the catacombs and find the Sercret name of some loser god than you talk to the guy in the mad god temple and tell him the mystery name (CHOAS) and enter Unter Brea And kill the boss only then will you get the Chronmager(??)to travel trough time.
I'll get more E-mails in the future and post them here and update this site Like every 2 1/2 weeks
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