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Temporary Quests
Only one person can do each of these quests, then they are gone.

Running Shoes
The Red Ogre wants new running shoes. He will pay any one who brings him a new pair 1000 credits. You have to search for the shoes on Earth for 5 days and bring then to Hell to recieve your payment.

Baseball Bat
Yamcha wants a new basball bat made form the finest wood in the unverse. He would like you to bring him some of the wood from a Javest plant on Namek so that he can make the bat. It will take you 2 days to find the wood on Namek and then you'll have to get it to Earth. Once given to Yamcha, he'll give you 800 credits and a senzu bean.

Porno Magazine

Master Roshi is looking for a new porno magazine. He would like the magazine to be bought on Earth (he doesn't like alien pornography). This should take you 3 days to find a good one. He wants one sooo bad he is willing to give up a senzu bean and 500 credits.

Android Parts  
Dr. Gero is looking for scrap metal for his androids. The scrap metal can be found in the dump yard on Earth. It should take you about 5 days to recover good pieces of scrap metal. Dr. Gero will pay up to 700 credits if you can retrieve some spare parts for is androids 

Golf Clubs

The people of Namek are in need of a new set of golf clubs. They need a special metal that is required to be able to hit good and stay out in the hot sun. This special metal can only be found on planet Kaioshin. It should take you 4 days to find the special metal. The namekians will give you up to 900 credits.

Special Quests
They take the listed search time no matter what, and they can be stolen.

Senzu Plant
It takes 5 days to search for this.
Senzu plants can only be found on earth.
The senzu plant will produce 1 senzu bean on every Sunday.

King Yemma's Magical Fruit
It takes 6 days to search for this.
Magical fruit can only be found in Hell.
Once eaten, you'll get 1,000 added to your Ki.

Fussion Earrings

These are found together. It takes 7 days to find them. They are found on Yardrat. They give you the ability to fuse without having the ability to do a fussion dance.

There are only one of each of the following special items on the whole RPG.

Freeza's hover chair
It takes 7 days to search for this.
Search for hover chair on Namek.
(bad only)
Allows you to find any item that can be searched for in one day other than items in the quests or dragon balls.

Mr. Popo's Flying Carpet

It takes 7 days to find this. Search for it on Earth. (good only). Allows to find any item that can be searched for in one day other than items in the quests or dragon balls.

Tapions sword
It takes 4 days to search for this.
You can only search for Tapions Sword on Yardrat.
It will add 1500 to your PL.

Z Sword
It takes 7 days to search for this.
You can only search for the Z Sword on Kaioshin.
It will add 2000 to your PL. Good only.

Janemba's Sword
It takes 7 days to search for this.
You can only search for this in the H.F.I.L..
It will add 2000 to your PL. Evil only

Brolly's Control Collar
This is the control collar that Paragus used to control the Legendary Super Saiya-Jin, Brolly.
It will take 10 days to search for this on Vegeta.
Once you have this item, you may use it once to take control over another character for a 2 day period. You will have TOTAL control over them, you may have them do anything you want them to do. Also, it doesn't matter how strong the person is, you may still take control of them. Just think of what you could do with it. Once the collar has been used, it will disappear for 5 days. Once this 5 day period is up, anybody may search for it.

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