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Time to Grind and Slide
Welcome to Trick Tips

(50-50 grind) For a 50-50 grind all you have to do is ollie on to the object you will grind and land on it with bolth trucks on it. Then push forward untill the end of the object then either ollie or ridre off to land it.

(5-0) Just like a 50-50 grind except land and grind the object with the back truck.

(Nose Grind) Do this grind by landing with the front truck on the object and the other in the air. push forward and ride off, landing the trick.

(Smith Grind) Do this by landing with your back truck on the object and the front truck below the object, push forward and ride off.

(Crooked Grind) Land on the object wth your front truck ready to grind and your back truck in the air, then have the board tweaked to the left or right.

(Tail slide or Nose) Ollie and turn your hand 90 degrees so that your board can land on the nose or tail then slide it and land it.

(Boardslide) Ollie and land with the middle of the board on the object about to be slid then slide it and land and roll away clean.

(Darkslide) All you have to do is either over rotate a kick flip and land on the griptape and slide it, or you can under rotate a kick flip and land in a darkslide.


I am a long term skateboarder so I know what these tricks are. If you have a dissagreement on how some of these tricks are performed please feel free to contact by e-mailing me at or by clicking the e-mail address below.
