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Time to Bust Some Flip Tricks
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(The Ollie) Put your index finger on the Teck Deck symbol and your middle finger on the tail. Then you pop the tail by pushing your middle finger down, after that you slide your index finger up towards the nose. You let up off the back and push forward. Level it out and land back on it with your fingers.

(Kickflip) Put your index finger on the Teck Deck symbol and this time you put your favorite (middle) finger on the inside corner of the tail. Push down and lift up your fingers, The board should have completed a full rotation. once it has you land back on it with your two fingers.

(Heelflip) This trick is just like a kickflip but instead of putting your middle finger on the inside edge. You put it on the outside edge, push your middle finger down and lift up your fingers making the board rotate the other way, land it and roll away smooth.

(Ollie Impossible) When performing this trick alot of people think that when you do an impossible your suppose to let it flip back wards without the board spinning. This is true but on a real impossible your suppose to have the board wrap around your finger. This is how you do this trick. Put your fingers in a ollie stance, then when you pop the tail you need to push your finger forward and slighly up therfor making the board the wrap around your back finger. Level the board out and then try to land bolth fingers back on it.

(Frontfoot Impossible) This is like a Impossible except this trick the board wraps around your front finger. You do this by instead of pushing your middle finger forward, you have your index finger (after doing an ollie) push down and back making it wrap around your front finger. Land it and feel good about learning a new trick.

(Frontside 180 kick flip) First put your fingers in a kickflip posistion, after this instead of pushing your middlie finger straight down push it down and forward making the board spin a shuv-it and kick flip. i'm not done yet. You then have to twist your hand 180 degrees rotating with the board. Land it, and roll away smooth

(360 flip) For a 360 flip you need to put your fingers in a kick flip posistion. You then push your middle finger down and scoop in toward you. This should make the board flip once and the board turn 360 degrees.

(Hardflip) This is somewhat like a suv-it except it is a vertical at one point and it kind of goes between your fingers. Put your finger in the ollie posistion, then lightly push down on the tail. This should make the board do a hard flip. land it and roll away.

I am a long term skateboarder so I know what these tricks are. If you have a dissagreement on how some of these tricks are performed please feel free to contact by e-mailing me at or by clicking the e-mail address below.

