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Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun


Infinite Firestorm Wall:
Charge up your firestorm wall to full, then activate it. Before it runs out of power, turn off or sell all your power plants until the message 'On Hold' appears on the firestorm icon. The shield will stay on untill you reactivate or build a new power plant.

Kill a Cyborg Commando in One Hit:
First, fortify your base and build it up until you have the option to build a Firestorm wall and sections. Then build Firestorm walls across any sections where an enemy can get into your base. When a Cyborg Commando is over one of the sections turn the Firestorm Generator on and Blam! All of your problems are solved.

Stealth Generator Love:
If you run out of power and your stealth generator shuts down, click the power icon turn it off and then turn it back on. It should stay on then in the low power till you build another power plant.

How to steal an entire air force:
Make a mutant hijacker take over an orca fighter, transport or bomber. You should be able to build another hijacker. Keep doing it and you can have an entire gdi air force.

How to Drive a Village Vehicle:
First get a mutant hijacker then go up to any village car and click on it and it will now be yours. and if you choose a pickup truck it can carry more soldiers.

Make a Demolition Truck:
Fill a harvester with blue tiberium and take it to the enemy's base. Then let them destroy the harvester and watch the explosion take out a few buildings.

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