Welcome to the site of Sound Gear D.J. service. Im am
the owner and D.J. Rob Casey (aka) CrashCasey.My service is located in East Hartford Ct. and my service area is in Eastern
Ct. My main play list consist of: Hip Hop, Retro, Disco, Latin, Regeatone, Classic Rock and
Alteritive Rock. I mainly do private partys, outdoor partys, small bar rooms,
reunions, Jack"n"Jills and some really cool weddings only. My rates are very
reasonable because I love what I do, I don`t do it just for the money but to
have a great time for my self and the guest. I am very experienced I have been
doing it for 20 years now and loving every miniute of it.
NEWEST UPDATE: 6/20/07...I have finally compiled all the equiptment I need to go full force...with the help of Chris "SPATA" from www.guitarcenter.com (Manchester, CT store) and www.sixstardj.com folks I have been working with for many years when I was an old school D.J. (turntables / records TO cds / digital) that have helped me get back in the groove equiptment wize
to get back to where I was back in the day..the hottests D.J. in CT (not including Chris Walsh, he is my mentore...the man...did the Kiss club for WKSS 95.7 now a family man...long live the man!!!
But now I am back after doing the family thing that did not work, having a wife that F@$&D around while I was working a regular job and D.Jing and being faithful...go figure