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Places Where They Lived

1925 Sam Houston Godfrey and Mattie lived at 105 Cedar Rd. Sam was a bricklayer.

1930 Sam Houston Godfrey and Mattie lived at 619 Farragut Ave. Sam was a bricklayer.

1931 Sam Houston Godfrey and Mattie lived at 171 Butte Rd. Sam was a bricklayer.

1933 Sam Houston Godfrey and Mattie lived at 407 Pershing Rd. Sam was a bricklayer.

1935 Sam Houston Godfrey and Mattie lived at 2408 Freemason. Sam was a bricklayer.

1936 Sam Houston Godfrey and Mattie lived at 100 Luttrell St. in Smithwood Sam was a bricklayer.

1938 Sam Houston Godfrey and Mattie lived at 120 Gentry Ave. Sam was a bricklayer.

1940 Sam Houston Godfrey and Mattie lived on Dutch Valley Rd. Sam was a bricklayer.

Places where Frank Clark Lived

1902 Frank W. Clark lived at 232 Oldham Ave. He was a machinist at Southern Rwy.

1915 Frank W. Clark lived at 204 Morrow Ave. in Lonsdale. He was a painter at Southern Rwy.

1925 Frank W. Clark (Trythena T.) painter Southen Rwy. lived at 141 E. Louisiana Ave.

1940 same

Places where Edgar and Elsie lived

1932 Edgar and Elsie at 721 Watauga Ave

1933 Edgar and Elsie at Beverly Rd.

1934 Edgar and Elsie at 203 W. Massachussetts Rd.

1935 Edgar and Elsie at 207 E. Louisian Ave neighbors of Elsie`s daddy Frank Clark

1936 Edgar and Elsie at Davis Ave. in Inskip

1938 Edgar and Elsie at 229 E. Oklahoma Ave.

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