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Let *Your* Voice Be Heard!

These are the guestbook entries from July 14 to August 1, 2000

Mike - 08/01/00 22:36:05
My Email:Netherlands
Email Address:

I'm gonna sell my BMW.

Noah Delaney - 08/01/00 21:45:17
My Email:USA
Email Address:


Gerry - 08/01/00 16:35:09
My Email:USA
Email Address: GAbern8658!

If one schoolchild takes a gun to school & kills his/her classmates, would you punish the shooter by killing the whole class? Why punish pets & owners who have done nothing? Rather like throwing the baby out with the bath water, if you ask me.

Parker - 08/01/00 14:41:01
My Email:USA
Email Address:

It seems that the Germans forgot to outlaw their own breeds of attack and watchdogs. This reeks of ignorance and xenophobia of American and English dog breeds.

Jessica - 08/01/00 12:27:07
My Email:USA
Email Address:


Alan & Lyn Ryalls - 08/01/00 08:31:22
Email Address:

A misguided Government's negative attitude. Thank God we live in Nw Zealand. Makes me ashamed to be a BMW owner.

Bonnie - 08/01/00 05:04:14
My Email:Canada
Email Address:

As a dog lover and breeder I find what the German govermant is doing horrifying!Our Canada Safety council president Mr. Emile Therien has taken it upon himself to state that he would like to see all pitbulls and german shepherds sterilized and exterminate it is stupid remarks like his that starts mass hysteria in countries and endangers our beloved pets! He should be ashamed to call himself a Canadian, and his comments make me ashamed to be one!

Lana Harradence - 08/01/00 04:27:14
My Email:Australia
Email Address:


C.R. Snow - 08/01/00 01:22:45
My Email:U.S.A.
Email Address:

The real criminal in the killing if the 6 year old boy was the human who owned and trained those dogs, not the breed of dogs involved. Why is the German "solution" to problems always violence and mass murders? Do you think this is any less hysterical just because the victims of the insanity are canines instead of humans?

- 07/31/00 22:22:47
My Email:Germany

Lesen! Kopieren! Weitersenden! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Schickt dieses mail in die Welt hinaus! Wenn die Presse uns nicht hilft machen wir es mit dem Net! Mailt jeden an des mail-addi ihr habt bzw. bekommen könnt! - egal ob es Firmen, Behörden, Politiker, Verei e oder Privatleutesind. Bombadiert die Presse mit Leserbriefen, die Politiker mit Beschwerden, die Ordnungsämter mit Anfragen, usw. Mailt was eure Finger und euer PC hergeben! H E L F T U N S ! ! ! ! ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PLEASE TO ALL PEOPLE IN OTHER COUNTRIES: I need a translation into your language and other languages, so as portugiese and italien. If you can, please translate the tex below and send it back to me! Thank you very much! Please send it to: ================================================================ BITTE AN MÖGLICHST VIELE FREUNDE UND BEKANNTE ALS E-MAIL/FAX WEITERLEITEN PLEASE PASS TO AS MANY PEOPLE AND FRIENDS AS POSSIBLE VIA SNAIL MAIL, E-MAIL, FAX, OR LEAFLET GRAAG DOORSTUREN AAN ZOVEEL MOGELIJK MENSEN EN VRIENDEN VIA E-MAIL /FAX =============================================================== -------------------------------------------- AKTUELL IN KÖLN IST AM NEUMARKT NOCHMALS EINE DEMO GEPLANT.AM 28.07. UM 17UHR OHNE HUNDE. AM SAMSTAG ( 29.07.)FINDET IN GELSENKIRCHEN UM 16 UHR AN DER TRABRENNBAHN EINE VERSAMMLUNG STATT. ---------------- LIEBE HUNDEHALTER! NEHMEN SIE TÄTLICHE ÜBERGRIFFE UND BELEIDIGUNGEN AUF IHRE PERSON NICHT EINFACH HIN. ZEIGEN SIE JEDEN ANGRIFF BEI DEN ZUSTÄNDIGEN POLIZEIBEHÖRDEN AN. LASSEN SIE SICH NICHT ABWIMMELN. DIE POLIZEI IST VERPFLICHTET EINE ANZEIGE AUFZUNEHMEN (AUCH GEGEN UNBEKAN T). BITTE SENDEN SIE UNS EINE KOPIE DIESER ANZEIGE PER FAX AN FOLGENDE RUFNUMMER: 01805-66 1666 042 97 DIESE WERDEN DANN ZENTRAL GESAMMELT UM DER ÖFFENTLICHKEIT (PRESSE, FERNSEHEN USW.) ZU ZEIGEN, WAS DIE LANDESHUNDEVERORDNUNG IN DER BREITEN BEVÖLKERUNG ANRICHTET. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bitte mitmachen: http://www.fre +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BITTE AN MÖGLICHST VIELE FREUNDE UND BEKANNTE ALS E-MAIL/FAX WEITERLEITEN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. DEUTSCHE VERSION: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! Seit der öffentlichen Bekanntmachung der "Gefahrhundeverordnung" in NRW herrschen unbeschreibliche Zustände auf Deutschlands Straßen: Nach Meldungen kommt es immer häufiger zu Ausschreitungen gegen Hundehalter und Hunde. Jeder große Hund wird automatisch n die Ecke gefährlicher Kampfhunde gedrängt. Hunde wurden verletzt und getötet - teilweise in bestialischer Manier. Hundeführer werden verbal bedroht, auf das übelste beschimpft, mit Steinen beworfen, mit Schußwaffen bedroht, usw. Die vom Ministerium für Umwelt, Raumordnung und Landwirtschaft unter der Federführung von Bärbel Höhn verabschiedete "Gefahrhundeverordnung" ist ein unüberlegter und unwirksamer Schnellschuß der Beißunfälle auch in Zukunft nicht verhindern wird, da die kr minellen Leute in unserer Gesellschaft nun andere Rassen mißbrauchen werden. Durch dieses Gesetz werden Hundehalter und Rassen pauschal kriminalisiert und die übrige Bevölkerung in Angst und Schrecken versetzt. NRW hatte eine Gefahrhundeverordnung , die bei konsequenter sachgerechter Anwendung durch die Behörden ausreichend gewesen wäre um die schrecklichen Vorfälle zu unterbinden. Es darf nicht sein, daß alle Hundehalter pauschal für die Versäumnisse der Behörd n ihren Kopf und den Kopf Ihrer Hunde hinhalten müssen. Leider wird seitens unserer Presse, die vorher jeden Beißunfall dankend aufnahm, nicht bzw. nur am Rande über die unhaltbaren Zustände berichtet denen sich Hundehalter jetzt ausgesetzt sehen. Bitte setzen Sie sich mit uns für ein Gesetz ein, daß dort ansetzt wo es nötig wäre: Bei kriminellen Hundehaltern die ihre Tier zu Waffen machen und die auch weiterhin die Gesetze brechen werden indem sie ihre "Beißmaschinen", egal welcher Rasse, einfach icht melden. Votieren Sie bei Zeitungen, Politikern, Fernsehen für ein sinnvolles Gesetz, das nicht unbescholtene Bürger und Hunde in die kriminelle Ecke drängt und so dem Mob aussetzt! Nutzen Sie bitte alle evtl. Kontakte, die Sie zu Politikern und Leuten mit Einfluß habt, um diese dazu zu bewegen in unserem Sinne tätig zu werden. Denken Sie auch daran, das es vielleicht möglich ist, andere Verbände und Vereine die nichts mit Hunden direkt zu tun haben, dazu zu bewegen sich gegen diese Diskriminierung von Hundehaltern und Hunderassen zu stellen. Die in der neuen LHV geforderten Maßnahmen Polizeiliches Führungszeugnis, Sachkunde-Nachweis sollten für ALLE Hundehalter eingeführt werden. Zudem sollte JEDER Hundehalter mit seinem Hund durch eine abgelegte Team-Test-Prüfung (Begleithundeprüfung) belege , daß sein Hund ein Mindestmaß an Erziehung genossen hat und keine Gefahr für andere darstellt. Politik die zur Diskriminierung und Ächtung von Menschen und Hunden führt, die noch nie mit dem Gesetz gebrochen haben, kann keine gute Politik sein. Unkontrollierbare und aggressive Hunde haben in unserer Gesellschaft nichts zu suchen. Eine gewisse Klientel darf einfach keinen Zugang zu Hunden bekommen. Denn auch Hunde, die jetzt nicht in der Liste der "Kampfhunde" aufgeführt werden, lassen sich mit brachialen Methoden zu Beißmaschinen umfunktionieren. Selbst der gutmütigste Hund wird bei entsprechender tierverachtender Behandlung zur Bestie. Heute sind s die Pitbulls, Dobermänner u.a. - morgen werden wir Berner Sennenhund und Co. unter Umständen in diese Listen aufnehmen müssen, weil das Problem sich jetzt auf andere Rassen verlagern wird. Die Listen müssen weg! - Zumal die meisten der 42 aufgeführten Rassen nicht durch Aggressivität aufgefallen sind. Tierschutzorganisationen, Hundezucht- und Hundesportverbände, Hundehalter, Tierärzte und viele andere in diesem Land sind schockiert und betrübt und tun ihr Möglichstes um diese, in Teilen so unsinnige, Verordnung zu Fall zu bringen. Denn im Endeffekt die t diese Verordnung in dieser Form weder den Menschen, noch den Hunden, in diesem Land. Helfen Sie uns! Verschicken Sie diese Mail an möglichst viele Bekannte und Freunde und treten Sie mit uns für eine sinnvolle Verordnung, die nicht kriminalisiert und pauschalisiert ein. Im Anschluß finden Sie Adressen, an die Sie ihre Proteste richten können. VIELEN DANK! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2. ENGLISH VERSION: PLEASE PASS TO AS MANY PEOPLE AND FRIENDS AS POSSIBLE VIA SNAIL MAIL, E-MAIL, FAX, OR LEAFLET Dear Sir or Madam! Since the "State Dog Ordinance" (Landeshundeverordnung, LHV) has gone into effect in the German state of North-Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), conditions for dog owners on German streets are indescribable. According to various reports, more and more often dog own rs and dogs are the target of attacks. Every large dog is automatically regarded as a dangerous (so-called) "Fighting-dog" (Kampfhund). Dogs have been injured and killed, sometimes in a beastly manner. Dog owners are being verbally assaulted, abused in th most unspeakable of terms, attacked with stones, threatened with firearms, etc. The "State Dog Ordinance," passed by the Ministry for Environment, Civil Affairs, and Agriculture (Ministerium für Umwelt, Raumordnung, and Agriculture) under the leadership of Bärbel Höhn, is an ill-considered and ineffective knee-jerk response that will not lessen accidental dog bites in the future, because the criminal elements in our society will shift the abuse to other breeds. This ordinance criminalizes dog owners and dog breeds across the board, and has lead to fear and terror in the general public North-Rhine-Westphalia already had a "Dangerous Dog Act" (Gefahr-hundeverordnung, GHV) that, had it been consequently and appropriately enforced by the authorities, would have been sufficient to preclude the terrible events. The lapses on the part of the uthorities should not be made better at the expense of dog owners and their dogs across the board. For example, in Hamburg, the dog owner whose dogs killed the six-year old boy, Volkan, had been cited many times, and violated all of the restrictions place on him. Volkan's death could have been prevented, if the civil authorities had acted in a timely manner. Unfortunately the press, which has been happy in the past to incorporate dog bite accidents, will either not report, or report only obliquely, the untenable conditions in which dogs and their owners find themselves now. Please support with us a law that i pacts where it should -- the criminal dog owners who transform their dogs into weapons, and who will also continue to break the law by not registering their "biting machines," irrespective of breed. Voice your desire for sensible legislation to newspapers, politicians and television, so good dog owners aren't forced into the same corner as criminals, and become fair-game for the angry mob. Use the contacts you may have with politicians and individual with influence, and convince them to act on our behalf. Don't forget to involve clubs and organisations that might not have anything to do with dogs, but would be sympathetic to standing with us against the discrimination of dog owners and breeds. Some measures contained in the LHV, for example, a clean criminal record and demonstrating sufficient knowledge to correctly care for a dog, required by the new law should apply to ALL dog owners. Further, EVERY dog should pass with their owner a "Team Te t" evaluation, similar to the companion dog test (Begleithundeprüfung), to demonstrate the minimally acceptable level of correct upbringing, and to ensure the dog is not dangerous to others. Political actions leading to the discrimination and prohibition of people and their dogs, who have never been in conflict with the law, can not be good politics. Uncontrollable and aggressive dogs shall not be allowable in our society. Certain criminal elements should be denied access to dogs all together. Because also dogs that are not yet listed under the "State Dog Ordinance" can be turned into biting machines f subjected to brutal (brachial) methods. And even the best-tempered dog will turn into a beast if treated so inhumanely. Today it is the Pitbull Terrier and the Doberman among others. Tomorrow it will be the Saint Bernhard, or others of like ilk, that co ditions will force to be added to these lists -- because the interest of criminal elements will have shifted to other breeds. The lists have to go! Not only because most of the 42 listed breeds have never displayed remarkable aggressiveness, but also because some have been extinct for decades, proving the knee-jerk actions of the politicians. Animal welfare organisations, breed clubs and dog-sport associations, dog owners, veterinarians and many others in this country are shocked and saddened, and will do their utmost to topple this law, which is so ill-considered. The bottom-line is neither p ople nor dogs in this country are served by this ordinance in its present form. Please help us! Send this E-mail to as many friends and acquaintances as possible, and fight with us for a law that is sensible but does not criminalize or treat the manner in glittering generalities. An annex follows that contains addresses to which you can direct copies of your protests. THANK YOU VERY MUCH ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3. NEDERLANDS GRAAG DOORSTUREN AAN ZOVEEL MOGELIJK MENSEN EN VRIENDEN VIA E-MAIL /FAX Geachte meneer/ mevrouw, Sinds de publieke verordening van de wet "gevaarlijke honden" in de Duitse deelstaat Noord Rijn Westfalen, zijn de condities voor honden eigenaren op straat onbeschrijfelijk geworden: De verhalen gelovende, worden meer en meer honden eigenaren en hun hond n het doel van aanvallen. Elke grote hond wordt automatische veroordeeld tot de zogenaamde groep van "Vecht Honden". Honden worden mishandeld en/of vermoord, en in sommige gevallen op beestachtige wijze. Honden eigenaren worden verbaal bedreigt, uitgescho den en in sommige gevallen aangevallen met stenen en zelfs met vuurwapens. De verordening "Gevaarlijke Honden" gepasseerd door het ministerie van milieu, ruimtelijke-ordening en landbouw, vallende onder de verantwoording van Mevr. Bärbel Höhn, is een ondoordachte en ineffectief schot in de ruimte, en zal ons ook in de toekomst n et vrijwaren van honden bijt incidenten, omdat het criminele element in onze samenleving zich tot en andere Rassen zullen wenden ten einde hun doel te verwezenlijken. Deze wet brengt angst en terreur onder het volk en de honden eigenaren tevens worden hon en rassen wereld wijd in de criminele hoek geduwd. Noord Rijn Westfalen had voorheen een "Gevaarlijke Honden Wet", welke, als hij consequent was uitgevoerd door de autoriteiten, goed genoeg geweest zou zijn om de activiteiten van deze criminele elementen te ondermijnen. Het moet niet zo zijn dat honden ei enaren en hun honden wereld wijd gestraft worden voor de incompetentie van de autoriteiten. De pers welke met groot enthousiasme elk bijt incident in het verleden heeft gepubliceerd, schittert heden door afwezigheid of weigert voldoende publiciteit te geven over de hachelijke condities waarin honden en hun eigenaren zich nu bevinden. Protesteer daarom tegen deze wet in Kranten, bij politici, en op televisie zodat onschuldige hondeneigenaren niet de hoek van de criminaliteit geduwd worden, of het mik punt van agressie worden in de samenleving. Gebruik alle middelen en kontakten welke t t uwe beschikking staan voor het bereiken van politici en/of VIP´s welke ruchtbaarheid kunnen geven aan deze wantoestanden. Protesteer tevens bij sympathiserende clubs en organisaties welke iets kunnen doen aan discriminatie van hondeneigenaren en honden assen. Een veel betere verordening zou bijvoorbeeld zijn:dat hondenhouders en of begeleiders geen crimineel verleden m.b.t. dierenmishandeling mogen hebben, en/of het aantonen van kennis van houden van honden, of zelfs een test maatschappelijk aanvaarbaar gedrag voor honden. In plaats van het discrimineren en verwerpen van mensen en dieren welke nooit in conflict met de wet geweest zijn door de politiek. Oncontroleerbare en agressieve honden kunnen niet meer getolereerd worden in onze samenleving. Daarom zouden sommige criminele elementen het houden van honden of dieren verboden moeten worden. Zelfs honden welke nog niet genoteerd staan onder de wet "gevaarlijke honden" kunnen veranderd worden in vecht machines wanneer zij ze daarvoor de benodigde behandeling krijgen. En zelfs de liefste hond zou veranderen in een monster onder deze behandeling Vandaag is het de Pitbull terriër en de Doberman, morgen is het de St. Bernhard etc. etc. welke op deze lijst verschijnt vanwege het feit dat de interesse van de criminele elementen naar deze rassen verschoven is. De lijsten moeten verdwijnen! en niet alleen omdat de 42 daarop geregisterde rassen zich niet agressief gedragen hebben, maar omdat sommige eigenaren zich "crimineel" gedragen. De dierenbescherming, honden fokkers, honden sport verenigingen, honden eigenaren, dierenartsen en vele meer in dit land zijn geschokt en bedroefd, en zullen hun uiterste best doen deze wet, welke ondoordacht is, ten val te brengen omdat aan het einde van de rit, deze wet in zijn huidige vorm van nul en generlei waarde is voor de gemeenschap, honden eigenaren en laat staan voor de honden in dit land. Help ons alstublieft, zend dit bericht naar zoveel mogelijk vrienden, familie en bekenden, en vecht met ons voor een wet welke effectief is en rechtvaardig. Als bijlage vind u het adres waar tot U uw protest kunt richten. HARTELIJK DANK VOOR U STEUN. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. SWEDISH VERSION "Sedan det officiella tillkännagivandet av "Farliga Hundar Aktionen" i den tyska regionen Nord-Rhen-Westphalien har tillståndet för hundägare på de tyska gatorna blivit obeskrivbar: Hundar och dess ägare är målet för attackerna. Varje stor hund blir autom tiskt dömd jäms med de så kallade "slagsmålshundarna" Hundar blir skadade och dödade, ofta på ett motbjudande sätt. Hundägare blir hotade, smädade verbalt och attackerade med stenar, till och med vapen. "Farliga Hundar Aktionen" framförd av miljödepartementet och jordbruksverket under ledning av Bärbel Höhn, är en dåligt konstruerad och ineffektiv vild chansning, som inte kommer att minska antalet hundbettsolyckor i framtiden. De kriminella i vårt samhäl e kommer att finna ersättande raser för sin misshandel. Denna lag föder rädsla och skräck hos allmänheten, och hundar och hundägare blir generellt kriminaliserade. Nord-Rhen-Westphalia har redan haft en "Farliga Hundar Aktion" som om den blivit konsekvent och lämpligt efterlevd hade varit tillräcklig för att undergräva dessa kriminella element. Det får inte ske att hundar och dess ägare blir generellt straffade på g und av myndigheternas oförmåga. Tyvärr har pressen, som tidigare tacksamt publicerat varje hundbettsolycka, valt att inte eller otillräckligt publicera artiklar om den ohållbara situation som hundar och dess ägare befinner sig i nu. Kämpa mot denna lag i tidningar, hos politiker i TV så att goda hundägare inte blir instängda i ett kriminellt hörn, och blir lovliga byten för allmänheten. Använd alla kontakter du har för att påverka politiker och personer med inflytande. Glöm inte klub ar och organisationer, vilka kanske inte har någonting att göra med hundar, men trots det kanske kan sympatisera med oss mot diskrimineringen av hundar och dess ägare. Vissa åtgärder, till exempel ett fläckfritt kriminellt förflutet och bevis på kunskap om hundägande, genomdriven av den nya lagen ska ju gälla ALLA hundägare. Vidare ska VARJE hund gå igenom en "Bra Hundmedborgare"-kurs för att bevisa ett gott beteende oc föräkran om att hunden inte på något sätt är farlig. Politikerna, som diskriminerar och bannlyser människor och hundar som aldrig haft något otalt med rättvisan, kan inte vara bra politiker. Okontrollerbara och aggressiva hundar ska inte vara tillåtna i vårt samhälle. Vissa kriminella skulle bli nekade tillgång till alla sorters hundar. Även hundar som inte finns med i "Farliga Hundar Aktionen", kan förvandlas till bitmaskiner om de blir utsatta för direkt våld. Och den mest älskvärda hund kommer att förvandlas till ett monster om den blir behandlad så omänskligt. Idag är det Pitbull och Doberman, i morgon Saint Bernhard&Co som kommer att stå på dessa listor då de kriminella i stället vänder sig till andra raser. Listorna måste bort! Inte bara för att de flesta av dessa 42 raser aldrig visat någon aggressivitet. Djurskyddsföreningar, Hunduppfödare, Hundklubbar, Hundägare, Veterinärer och många fler är här i Tyskland chockerade och säger att de vill göra allt de kan för att få ett slut på denna ogenomtänkta lag. Denna lag är i sin existerande form inte till någon ytta för hundägarna och framför allt inte för hundarna i detta land. Hjälp oss! Sänd detta mail till så många vänner och familjemedlemmar som du känner. Hjälp oss få en lag som är effektiv utan att kriminalisera! Som bilaga finner du adresser dit du direkt kan rikta din protest. TACK FÖR DIN HJÄLP!" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5. Die Adressenliste: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ===>>> Hier finden Sie die Gefahrhundeverordung NRW <===== ===>>> und im Gästebuch unzählige Meinungen <==== ===>>>und Komentare zu dem Thema: <===== <===== ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Die Gefahrhundverordung beim Innenministerium: Hotline zur GVO (8:00 - 18:00 Uhr) 0211 - 5188012 franzoesische Hirtenhunde die Termine für Demnonstrationen in NRW und deren Ergebnisse ganz aktuell aufführt. Liebe Grüße Rosi Das Tierschutzgesetz der Bundesrepublick Deutschland: Verband der Tierärzte - Stellungnahme der Tierärzte zur Verordnung: Meinungen zu Stellungnahmen zu dem Thema: Hier finden Sie eine Petition gegen Gefahrhundverordnung NRW: Eine HP-Adresse spricht für sich - Informationen zu einer Sammelklage usw. Die Homepage der Verbands für das Deutsche Hundewesen Zeitungung mit Berichten - zur allgemeinen Informtion zum Thema: Bundesregierung, Landesregierung und die Einzelnen Parteien: (meist ist auf den Seiten auch ein E-mail-Kontakt angegeben) http // Ministerin Bärbel Höhn (zuständig für die Gefahrhundverordnung) mailto: Wahlkampfzentrale Bündnis90/Die Grünen NRW Jahnstr. 52 40215 Düsseldorf Dienstanschrift: Ministerium für Umwelt, Raumordnung und Landwirtschaft Schwannstr. 3 40476 Düsseldorf Tel: 0211-45 66-0 Bundespräsidialamt Bundespräsident Johannes Rau Christina Rau Spreeweg 1 10557 Berlin 11010 Berlin Telefon: (030) 20 00-0 Fax: (030) 20 00-19 99 IVBB: (01888) 5 00-0 E-Mail: Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder Doris Schröder-Köpf Bundeskanzleramt Berlin Schloßplatz 1 10178 Berlin 01888-400-0 030-4000-0 Fax: 030-4000-2357 e-mail: E-mail: dokument/Regierung/Bundeskanzler/ix420_.htm Bundesumweltministerium 11055 Berlin Fax 01888 - 305 20 44 Bundesminsterium für Familie, Senioren Frauen und Jugend Ministerin Dr. Christine Bergmann Rochusstraße 53123 Bonn Ministerpresident NRW Wolfgang Clement: Innenministerium Hessen Südwestdeutscher Hundesportverband e.V. (swhv) 1. Vors.: Rainer Gerstlauer Geschäftsstelle: Geranienstr.8, 73663 Bergen-Stöckenhof, Tel./Fax: 07195-7 18 81 Deutscher Verband der Gebrauchshundsportvereine e.V. (DVG) Präsidentin: Christa Bremer Geschäftsstelle: Gustav-Sybrecht-Str.42, 44536 Lünen, Tel.: 0231-87 80 10, Fax: 0231-87 80 122 Hundesportverband Rhein-Main e.V. (HSVRM) 1. Vors.: Norbert Daum Geschäftsstelle: Kreuzstr.55, 64331 Weiterstadt, Tel.: 06150-21 13 Bayerischer Landesverband für Hundesport e.V. (BLV) Präsident: Heinz Uebler Geschäftsstelle: Allinger Str.67, 82223 Eichenau, Tel.: 08141-53 84 76, Fax: 08141-8 05 68 Deutscher Sporthund-Verband e.V. (DSV) 1. Vors.: Klaus-Dieter Dieck Geschäftsstelle: Dieter Schaumann, Maastrichter Str. 48, 41464 Neuss, Tel.: 02131-98 00 35 Schutz- und Gebrauchshunde - Sportverband (SGSV) 1. Vors.: Inge Möller Geschäftsstelle: Dreihöferstr. 15, 08626 Eichigt, Tel.: 037421-2 69 25, Fax: 037421-2 69 26 Berliner Verband der Hundesportvereine e.V. (BVH) 1. Vors.: Daniela Spree Geschäftsstelle: Waldstr.72, 15732 Schulzendorf, Tel.: 033762-9 15 43 Effem (Pedegree) Effem GmbH Der Inhaber ist Hemut Homann Die private Email-Adresse lautet: und

astrid geskes - 07/31/00 21:16:40
My Email:germany
Email Address:

I want you to read this Canadian Page: And now tell me: is that a german virus spreading all over the world??? I don't understand what is happening. Why do people blame innocent animals for their faults???? All these accidents with dogs mostly have one thing together: a human behaved wrong! Ev n children behave wrong, because their parents dont teach them how to behave. They teach children in school how to behave on the streets or how to recognize a drug dealer or anything like that. And, nearly 400 dog bites in a country with million of people is that really a big problem??? how many people die because of car accidents??? I cannot believe that within a short period of 2 month nearly the whole world gets crazy. more than 8000 years dogs live together with us, and now they all are killers??? I t ink, the politicians really need someone to blame for to cover the social problems all over the world and its the best thing, to blame someone without a voice and without any rights. But these poor creatures still have someone to fight for them, we all lo e our dogs and we will not stop doing that. So please, don't stop acting against germany, but think, if there are some others to fight against!

Lovelace - 07/31/00 21:05:56
My Email:England
Email Address:

can't believe this can happen in this day and age in amodern country.

Ines - 07/31/00 20:15:54
My Email:Essen
Email Address:


Tanya Odoardi - 07/31/00 19:32:10


Samantha Everett - 07/31/00 18:29:02
My Email:England

I'm horrified at what is happening in Germany at the moment.We own a Rhodesian Ridgeback who is our family pet,if Germany are successful in passing the bans into the European Union then we may very well lose our wonderful dog.I can't believe that they are condemning these dogs when it is just an odd few who have attacked.Surely it should be the responsibilty of the owners to train their dogs to behave well therefore the owner should ultimately be responsible. We have added an on line petition to our website please take the time to go & sign it

CRAIG CARR - 07/31/00 18:15:30
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Thse of us who have spent the last three weeks trying to get media attention to expose this reawakening of the Nazi Nightmare -- are you aware...this SAME legislation tactics of "overnight edicts" was done once before -- in 1939---SAME country against AL pets and then would have to be deaf dumb and blind NOT to see the parallels.WHO and WHAT is next?The greatest aid anyone with E mail can give the innocents ofGermany s to form a blitzkrieg on every major news broadcaster, IN America,that mea s, E mail: ABCNews,com,,CBS your local tv news, your mjor newspapers,Extratv.National Enquirer,Seeing Eye Dogs ofAmerica(a blind woman was nearly assaulted with her seeing eye dog in Dusseldorf 2 weeks ago) chastise People magazine for celebrating airheads instead of covering REAL People in true need of each case...WHY aren't they covering THIS ultimate betrayal of the public by their elected officials. And don't forget Dateline/(NBC).20/20 (AB ), don't forget Chrysler/Daimler, and Time and Life magazine too! short, the more messages that stack up from around the world on their websites...the more the producers are likely to get off their buns and to shed a spotlight on it...volume of respo se gains headway.I'm tempted to start wearing m neighbor's dobermanpincherspiked collar over my shirt and tie and make a big green "ID" tag like owners in Germany are being forced to buy if their dogs passes the 3 hr psychological evaluation test.But I t ink I'll put the German : Ich bin ein Kampfhund! on it (I am a killerdog) wouldn't that gain some media attention if people started wearng those in support of good pet owners being singled out and punished by Draconian methods!Just a positive thought Unlike 60 yrs ago,dirty little secrets CAN be exposed by the internet, it just needs the support of more than a handful of us people complaining to the media to gain the response needed....and I think we CAN DO IT!!!

Michele Turek - 07/31/00 14:26:55
My Email:USA
Email Address:

These practices are atrocious. I would like to help. The Germans were always so good to their dogs from what I had witnessed. I'm stunned to see that this happening!

Michele - 07/31/00 14:25:40


P. Homesley - 07/31/00 12:36:31
My Email:USA

As an animal owner and lover, training animals to attack ppl is criminal. The ethical treatment of these animals has befallen on non civilized ppl. This has to stop. I can not damn an entire country for the acts of some of its uncivilized citizens however, i can damn a government who will not take action on those ppl. Why must the German government fall upon what was done in the past...Abolishment of all who they presume to cause a problem...It is wrong of them to place the blame on certain breeds of animals, the blame needs to be directed at the root cause. the owners are not treated as the criminals they are.

Craig Perdue - 07/31/00 12:18:25
My Email:USA
Email Address:

This cannot continue to be tolerated! I will not buy anything of German origin until this groteseque injustice ceases, and I will encourage all of my friends and acquaintances to do likewise.

Leo - 07/31/00 09:59:50
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

In Saturday, a group of Jews in Duesseldorf were injured by a bomb made by a Nazi. Some Mass-Media tried to discuss the Nazi danger in Germany.(One should say that about 800 Nazi attacks against foreigners occur every year in Germany; many foreigners are illed by Nazi) It is worth to compare the style and the level of discussions about the Nazi and dog problems: Against dogs: strong, decisive, hard words and decisions, quick acting, hard punishments, mass killing, new laws, the official side is represented by Federal Minister Schilly, supported by the wife of Chancellor Schroeder, all ministers are actively invo ved. Nazi problem (last many decades): middle-level officials discuss on TV that the school education should better look at the problem; Minister Schilly said "No new law is required"; the courts give the Neo-Nazi criminals very mild punishments after many yea s of consideration. In fact, this Dog Holocaust Case looks as a practical exercice to the know book of D. Goldhagen "Hitler's Willing Executioners".

Peipei - 07/31/00 05:34:05
My Email:USA
Email Address:

It is just another reason why I don't want to live there! Germany has a history of torture on animals AND humans (does Hitler ring a bell?). The only thing we can try to do is to get all like-minded people together and stop this insanity! (By the way, I A GERMAN!)

Maria Cristina - 07/31/00 01:50:14
My Email:Brazil
Email Address:

About this???? It is impossible you talk about what the German governors are doing,they don't deserve any kind of comment.

Lynn Geubelle - 07/30/00 23:07:37
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I am heartsick about these stories of torture to the most lovable creatures on the planet!!! I plan to stay out of Germany at all costs and thank God I live in America.

Rick Sellers - 07/30/00 23:07:11
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Yes I'd like to state that when we all hear about these attacks, its always "ooh a pitbull attack", but the real question is why did this dog do such a thing? The public is so very blind about this beautifull breed.I own two APBT myself, and there is no s ch thing as a pitbull turning on his owner, its just the constent abuse the fighting and being treated less than dirt, well would you boycote your owner. The owner should be reponse able for these dogs actions. A week ago here in my town a Pit bull attack was in the paper. Well of coures it was a big deal and it had a full page for the story. Well the stroy stated that this lady(the dogs owner rocket) came home and her dog attaked her. Hmmm well then it said she ran out side to escape from rocket, and on the way out the door the dog turned its attenion on a car that stopped do to all the comotion. Well the story said it took 3 cops and 2 dog handlers, and 4 darts of tranquelizers. Sounds pre ty wild. So my wife and i went to see this so called mean dog, hey real mean this dog had apperant bruises scars a big scap on his back, this beautifull dog even pissed on him self. Ok so what happened to this dog at home, the press don't care its just an ther story. I once heard this saying six standard poodles are far worst than one mean pit, rott, or pincher. Its people like that man in the story why owners lik emy self and many others can not get home owners or renters insurance, and why because we own an APBT..I was in the Army not too long ago, and to go to germany you can not take pitbulls, hmm need less t say i did not go. I love my dogs to no end and to hear of such ignorance apauls me. The dogs of Germany are doomed do to one stupid owner, the title fits the story well....

Wuff - 07/30/00 22:59:18
My Email:Germany

A letter from Austria to Germany and the answer: one word, but read: Here is my letter to GS and his reply To: Subject: Kristallnacht for dogs Dear Chancellor Schröder As an english dog lover, living in Austria, I am writing to ask you to halt the slaughter of innocent dogs currently taking place in Germany. As any rational person is aware there are no dangerous breeds of dogs, only dangerous dogs. *als englischer Hundefreund, der in Österreich lebt, schreibe ich Ihnen um Sie zu bitten, diesem Schlachten unschuldiger Hunde Einhalt zu gebieten, das momentan in Deutschland stattfindet. Wie jeder vernünftige Mensch weiss, gibt es keine gefährlichen Ras en, nur gefährliche Hunde. The current public reaction and the government's response is sickeningly close to that of the earlier holocaust. You have the power to redeem the reputation of the german people as being sensitive and thoughtful, not barbaric and cruel. *Die derzeitige öffentliche Reaktion und die Anwort der Regierung ist gefährlich nahe an dem früheren Holocaust. Sie haben die Macht, den Ruf des Deutschen Volkes als einfühlsam und nachdenklich wieder herzustellen, nicht als barbarisch und graumsam. Please help family pets and deal with the real issues in a logical manner. *Bitte helfen Sie Familien-Haustieren und gehen Sie mit der Angelenheit in sachlicher Weise um. Yours sincerely Catherine Walker reply starts Die Antwort From: Parteivorstand To: "''" Subject: AW: Kristallnacht for dogs Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 13:51:16 +0200 Return-Receipt-To: Parteivorstand bullshit! *Muss ich "Bullshit" übersetzen - ungern, gehört eigentlich nicht zu meinem Wortschatz, heisst aber definitiv "Scheissdreck" oder wörtlich Kuhscheisse Mit freundlichen Grüßen SPD - Bürgerservice Please circulate freely. Bitte frei verteilen Catrin

Anja - 07/30/00 20:01:04
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I'm shocked to hear what's going on in Germany. It's sad to hear why does Dogs have to pay for the stupidity of Humans. We own 8 American Pit Bull Terrier. I'm speechless, I just know we have to do something. Who knows which Country or Dog Breed is next

Anja - 07/30/00 19:59:13
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I'm shocked to hear what's going on in Germany. It's sad to hear why does Dogs have to pay for the stupidity of Humans. We own 8 American Pit Bull Terrier. I'm speechless, I just know we have to do something. Who knows which Country or Dog Breed is next

Jil Beamon - 07/30/00 18:31:31
My Email:USA
Email Address:

We have had numerous problems throughout the U.S. with people using their dogs as "macho" signatures of themselves. However, no one in the U.S. has ever been so cruel as to put an all out ban on a certain breed. We as a people understand the stupidity of ndividuals in using animals as a way of elevating their importance in any situation. However, we also understand that it is not the dogs fault, it is the people who breed them for whatever purpose. I feel the ban in Germany is unthoughtful and actually de ided upon an emotional situation rather than a logical one. I hope the German people think twice about what they are doing and correct the situation.

Tabitha - 07/30/00 18:01:51
My Email:US
Email Address:

I am sadden by the abuse these poor people are getting. I own 2 APBT's, and I have a 6 yr. old son. They play great together. My female is in therapy groups and my male has played w/ a dog as small as a pomeranian. This has to stop, what can I do?

Patrick - 07/30/00 16:43:52
My Email:USA
Email Address:


kirsty - 07/30/00 14:03:44
My Email:uk
Email Address:

At the beginning of this year we bought a dog (oliver) whom we were sold as a staffy cross mastiff , now he is 6mths old it is clear for anybody to see that he is in fact an apbt , i now have to have him dna tested,registered,insured,licensed etc.It is ba enough in the uk to keep these dogs but what is happening in germany is utterley appalling i am now going to get a petition to try and stop this atrocity...Please everybody try and do the same!!! As it happens my dog would never hurt a fly.

S. Linnmann - 07/30/00 10:22:25
My Email:Germanys
Email Address:

Dear reader, please help the German dog friends to fight against the new regulations in Germany which declare special breeds as dangerous. I possess a four year old doberman who now has to wear a muzzle in public. I am very sad about this regulation. Best wishes S. Li nmann

Christina Economou - 07/30/00 08:34:37
My Email:Greece
Email Address:

This constitutes a real attrocity and although German people are nice overall, the world knows very well about a few that have in the past and still (!!!) climbed the ladder of government by mistake only to commit such despeakable crimes. It comes as no urprise to me!

tierfreund - 07/30/00 00:45:57
My Email:dark germany
Email Address:

please look at the killed dogs in germany!!! -------------------------- please give it to the press and so on, we need help, the politicians kill day by day and will kill the all dogs in germany!! PLEASE HELP US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

René Sørensen - 07/30/00 00:42:57
My Email:Denmark
Email Address:

I never thought that Germany, who used to be a dog loving country would go into mass hysteria.I hope that the German goverment will realise soon, that they have make a very big mistake. Before to many innocent dogs have to die.What they are doing in Germa y right now is mass murder. I feel with all the German dog owners, and hope this nightmare soon will end.

Dr. Daleiden - 07/29/00 23:07:21
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Please boycot Germany and german products and let it know the to the german politicians. Money is perhaps the only thing they understand. I am not an owner of a so called "fighting dog" (I think all those dogs I know and 99.99 % of the others, too, are go d animals). But we have to resist. Today they come for your doberman and tomorrow for your leonberger or your borzoi or your deerhound. I never understood the things that happened before 60 years (we can not compare this, I know) but now I can. At the mom nt it is not possible here to walk with a big dog in public areas, we have to go out at fife a clock in the morning or in the late evening. In the town of Wuppertal a "very dangerous" little spitz was killed by the mob with a knife and a border

Martin Orpe - 07/26/00 21:25:44
My Email:England
Email Address:

yet again little minds trying to tackle a large problem and blaming the few !!!!!!!!!!!

Athen Schoenenberger - 07/26/00 20:53:57
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I was appalled when I read the accounts of people being assaulted for their choice of dog breed, responsible owners who raise well mannered and well socialized dogs. As a lover of APBTs I cannot, in good conscience, ignore this disturbing trend. My fath r was born in Germany and we have always been proud of our German heritage but this, this just makes me sick. I totally agree with the proposal to boycott all German products until this mass hysteria is stopped!!

Margaret Tilbury - 07/26/00 20:13:44
My Email:England
Email Address:

Having owned a staffordshire Bull Terrier Dog for 5 years we have never had any worry about his temperement. We even have Racing Pigeons which he has gone to every day from being 8 weeks. He sits amongst them, eats their corn, and lets them walk over hi . He has even been know to clean under the wings of the baby birds. I consider it an atrocity that this wonderful breed is looking at extinction because of some peoples ignorance. Any dog, any breed, has the potential to be a dangerous dog if not trained and disciplined properly, or given a caring and loving home.

Vicki Spina - 07/26/00 18:03:49
My Email:USA
Email Address:


Alex - 07/26/00 17:35:04
My Email:Deutschland
Email Address:

Helft uns, sonst wird es unsere Hunde in Deutschland nicht mehr geben

Nicolla Baharie - 07/26/00 17:29:39
My Email:UK
Email Address:

What are the ribbons all about and can you buy them or do you have to make them.

nik salsbury - 07/26/00 15:02:41
My Email:england
Email Address:

this is a very worrying trend!!!!!!!

Anne Valtola - 07/26/00 12:02:42
My Email:Norway
Email Address:

This is indeed a very sad state of affairs. All the innocent that are being harrassed and hurt in this hysterical witch-hunt on poor innocent creatures all over the world, purely because of a couple of dogs that unfortunately did some terrible things ( ei her due to craziness or to having owners that were irresponsible or who had a hand in turning them aggressive). A dog showered with love does not do terrible things. Any dog, of any race, even the so-called harmless ones, can bite and attack under certain circumstances. It's funny to think about it, but there would be no human beings left in the world if we were to start wiping out each race, various groups or a whole family, everytime a human-being commits a crime, a murder or just goes plain crazy.The list is endless.. But then again, we cannot say that there haven't been attempts. All in all, human-beings are the most cruel of all creatures on earth, whether intentionally or not. Somehow we still haven't got it through our heads that we are not God and do not have the right to play God either. In the end, we only end up by destroying ourselves and the rest of this beautiful world with us.

duncan windsor - 07/26/00 10:58:25
My Email:germany mg
Email Address:


Vibeke Sch Reese - 07/26/00 09:17:10
My Email:Denmark
Email Address:

It is wrong to punish the dogs !!!!!!!!! It is the people mistake... Kind regards From Denmark

Pauline Richmond - 07/26/00 07:30:36
My Email:England
Email Address: p.richmond

I wish to add my voice to the ever increasing disgust we all feel here at the way you are treating the "so called" dangerous dogs. If German people were forced to have their dogs trained they would not be dangerous dogs. It seems the German solution to verything they don't like is slaughter them. What a disgusting attitude to take. There are no such things as "dangerous dogs" it is their owners who are dangerous and should never be allowed to keep animals if they are incapable of training and looking fter them. Thank goodness I am English where we are tolerant of animals I would hate to have to live in such a country as yours

Michelle Marshall - 07/26/00 07:18:36
My Email:England
Email Address:

I think it is barbaric in situations where dogs have to be slaughtered over the fault of the owners. Every dog owner has the ability of keeping their dog under control and controlling the dog's fierce tendancies (if it has any). If people cannot control certain types of dogs then they shouldn't be allowed to own them, slaughtering them is just an excuse for ignorance. I am a female who own two Dobermanns which I can very easily keep under control, maybe the Germany community should go on training course if they want to own dogs so they can learn how to handle them. I am just relieved that England is not as ignorant as Germany, thank goodness I do not live there!!!!

Julia Magness - 07/25/00 22:56:49
My Email:USA
Email Address:

It is unbelievable that a country with a history of allowing the government to commit genocide would be so eager to let it happen again. The German people have been raised as a culture to obey authority but this goes too far. The people in Germany need to wake up & address the real problem. People are the problem not the dogs.

Jorgen H Zaborowski - 07/25/00 21:47:37
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Please go to: Tell the German Govemet what you think. You submit and we send it to 32 (more to come) Government, Authority, Press, TV, Radio, etc. At the moment this is the best to help the dogs in Germanny. With one easy entry you get a lot of readers! Do it ! Now! Every foreign voice will count a lot and help for a change. Tell others remember the URL Thank You for Your time ! By the way The submit URL has no advertisements or counters is not fancy. IS MADE ONLY FOR THE POOR GERMAN DOGS !!

michael ulrich - 07/25/00 21:46:10
My Email:germany Bösel
Email Address:

Please Help my Rotti's Postzustellung Diensthasusbebäude Rathaus Am Kirchplatz 15 ,26219 Bösel telefax:04494/8910 telefon 04494/89-0 Durchwahl 89-17 Bearbeiter Herr Ruden Bösel 17.7.2000 Haltung von Hunden hier:Anordnung eines Leinen - und Maulkorbzwanges Sehr geehrter ............ Für die von ihnen gehaltenen Hunde der Rasse Rottweiler ordne ichgemäss §11 des Niedersächsischen Gefahrenabwehrgesetzes (NGefAG) folgendes an Ausserhalb ihrer Privatwohnung bzw.eines ausbruchsicheren Grundstückes sind die vo ihnen gehaltenen 1. an einer 1.20 lagen Leine zu führen 2. als Halsband ist ein Stahlkettenhalsband mit sogenannter Würgefunktion zu verweden wobei dieses beim Führen ausnahmlos in der Würgefunktion zu nutzen ist 3. hat einen Maulkorb zu tragen ,dieser muss so beschaffen sein ,dass er nicht vom Hund selbsttätig entfernt werden kann 4. der Hund darf nur von einer volljährigen Person an der Leine gefeführt werden ,die zuverlässig und körperlich in der Lage ist bei aggressiven Verhalten des Tieres die erforderliche Kontrolle auszuüben Für jede Fall der Zuwiederhandlung gegen diese Verfügung werde ich gemäss $ 67 I.Vm. $$64,65 und 70 NgefAG ein Zwangsgeld in Höhe von 2.000,00 Dm gegen Sie festsetzen .Das Zwangsgeld drohe ich hiemit gemäss $65 NGefAGan.Sollte sich herausstellen dass ein wangsgeld nicht beigetrieben werden kannn ,werde ich gemäss $68 NGefAG einen Antrag auf Anordnung von Ersatzzwangshaft beim Amtsgericht Cloppeburg stellen. Darüber hinaus wird die sofortige Vollziehung dieser Verfügung gemäss $80 abs 2. der Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung(VwGO) angeordnet. Soweit Sie die Anordnung nicht beachten ,werde ich darüber hinaus gegen Sie ein Verbot der Haltung von Hunden bistimmter Rassen bzw. Kreuzungen mit dieser verfügen.Diese Verfügung ergeht kostenfrei ,da Sie als Hundehalter meier Aufforderung zur Auskunft über dessen Rasse fristgerecht nachgekommen sid. Begründung: Nach $11 NGefAG bin ich berechtigt ,notwendige Massnahmen zu ergreifen,um eineGefahr für dieöffetliche Sicherheit abzuwenden. Durch widerholte Attacken der sogenannten Kampfhunde sind in der Vergangeheit Personen massiv verletzt und sogar getötet worden .Das Land Niedersachsen hat deshalb folgende Hunde und Kreuzugen daraus grundsätzlich als aggresiv,bissig und gefährlich eingestuft 1 Rottweiler 2.Fila Brasileiro 3Rottweiler 4 Kaukasischer Owtscharka 5Mastiff 6Mastin Espaol 7Mastino Napoletano 8Badog 9.Tosa Inu 10 Bullmastiff 11 Dogo Argetio 12Doberman 13Staffordshire Bullterrier Das Führen dieser Hunde und Kreuzunge ohne Leine und ohne Leine ud ohne Maulkorb auf Stasse ,Wegen, Plätzen und Grünalagen stellt eine Gefahr für die Öffetliche Sicherheit dar .Die Kommue sind daher angewiese ,alle MASSNAHMEN zu ergreifen ,um den Schutz on Personen ,Tiere und Sachen vor Agriffen dieser Hunde bzw.Kreuzugen daraus zu gewährleisten. Nach ihren Angaben gehören die von ihnen gehaltenen Hunde zu de v.g. Huderassen bzw.Kreuzugen mit diesen ,so dass Anlass besteht ,eine korrekte Gefahreabwehrmassnahme zu treffen. Dies erfolgt mit meiner ,jetzigen Verfügung,die Sie persönlich konkret zum Leinen und Maulkorbzwang für die vo ihnen gehaltenen Hunde verpflichtet ,so dass Sie als Halter und Führer von Hunden in jeden Einzelfall bei der Zuwiederhandlung im Rahme des angekündigten Zwangsmittel in Regress genommen werden. Begründung für Die Anordnung der sofortige Vollziehung Das öffentliche Interesse an einer ordnungsgemässen Hundehaltung ,zu der auch die ordnugsgemässe Führung von Hunden auf öffentliche Strassen und Plätzen und in allen anderen öffentlichen Bereichen zählt ,ist zum Schutz von Personen ,Tieren und Sachen erfo derlich. Die Gesundheit der Allgemeinheit und damit auch einzelnen Personen in Bezug auf körperliche Unversehrtheit ist höher zu bewerten ,als ihr Interesse an einer nicht ordnungsgemässen Hundehaltung und -führung ,die auf Grund der von Ihnen geführten Hunde der Rasse Rottweiler auch im kokreten Fall eine Gefahr für Leib und Leben von Personen und Tieren begründet.Es kann nicht hingenommen werden,dass Sie bis zu einer gerichtlichen Entscheidung weiterh n von Ihnen geführte Hunde ,die den Kampfhunde/bissigen Hunden zuzurechnen sind ,unangeleint und ohne Maulkorb laufen lassen bzw. führen und dadurch die Allgemeinheit gefährden Das besodere öffentliche Interesse an der sofortigen Durchsetzung dieser Verfügung zum Schutz von Leib und Leben von Personen überwiegt somit im vorliegenden Fall bei weitem ihre Interessen an der aufschiebenden Wirkung eines Wiederspruchs. Rechtsbehelfsbelehrung: Gegen diesen Bescheid

Joanne Greaves - 07/25/00 19:56:48
My Email:England
Email Address:

I have a 6 year old Staffie who is the softest (although admittedly daftest) dog I know. Everyone tells me how lovable she is and the local children love her!! She has NEVER so much as growled let alone bitten anyone, not even another dog, though she ha been attacked several times by various mongrels in the park. I was shocked and distressed to read about the Germans - are they really so ignorant as to believe that one dog who has been TRAINED to attack is representative of a breed. Words fail me, I a very angry and deeply saddened.

Billy Jane Warner - 07/25/00 16:04:14
Email Address:

Iam appalled at the treatment that the German government I am throughly disscusted to hear what is going on with the innocent animals being treated like criminals when it isn't the animals that are doing wrong , it is the owners of the dogs that are in the wrong , the animals only do what the people teach them to do. This is an absolute obstrositdy ..Please do something to help the dog.

WILFRID - 07/25/00 15:18:15
Email Address:


WILFRID - 07/25/00 15:17:13
Email Address:

We have the same probleme in France !!!! come on us forum also !!! Please answer the question : WHAT IS DOG HOLOCAUSTE ? on : please we all wait for you !!! join us all together ... see you soon , willy'zzz

Susan Sprague - 07/25/00 13:30:18
My Email:usa
Email Address:

I have never heard of anything more ludicrous. I am part German and I thought that was the intelligent side of me. I am beginning to think differently. Be more afraid of the person behind the leash. You don't train dogs you train people. Anyone who owns a dog or is involved in dogs learns this very quickly. I can't even fathom the kind of thinking that has developed such violent reaction to a biting incident.

Elke Verreet - 07/25/00 13:24:21
My Email:Belgium
Email Address:

I hope this breed ban will end really soon and that politicians will open their eyes , hearts and minds. The real criminals should be punished , not innocent dogs. I own a Rhodesian Ridgeback and am really happy that the Belgian government will not follow Germany's proposition to ban certain breeds from Europe. They believe that any breed can be made aggressive and used for dog fights so why punish an entire breed. lso statistically , the breeds that are in danger don't bite that often. All people who have been harmed and hurt , our thoughts are with you. If I can do anything (sign more petitions ,...) , please let me know , I will do anything I can to stop this insanity

florian - 07/25/00 12:00:10
My Email:germany
Email Address:

Yes patty, I think you´re out of line. This is just horrible, what´s happening to the dogs, but has nothing to do with WWII. I truly hope at least some of you treasure the value of being able to have a different opinion.

Patty - 07/25/00 10:33:27
My Email:USA
Email Address:

How can this happen after all the German people went thru in WW2. Does this sound familiar or what? Am I out of line?

Florian - 07/25/00 09:14:28
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Hi, just thought I should write something in here, after some of you have written me. I appreciate what you´re doing here, keep up the pressure to ensure a fair dealing with the situation. However, I still think the word dog holocaust is badly chosen, esp cially if someone writes me things like "haven´t you germans learned anything from the horrible killing of the jews". I am a german, and grandchild of a jew who died in Mauthausen concentration camp. I feel deeply insulted by this, I´m sorry. I appreciate what you´re doing, but please, please be careful what you´re saying. Flo (the one whose been misunderstood)

Ursula - 07/25/00 08:16:45
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

What is happening today in Germany is totally disgusting. No dogowner is safe anymore, neighbours and friends are called on to spy and report. Dogs are already being killed in animal-shelters, just because of their breed. Their has been a witchhunt for ye rs on various breeds by the media. Every incident with a dog was blown out of all proportion, badly injured people were only hours after the so called vicious attacks interviewed and all smiles and happiness about their own importance. Some people were no even attacked, they made it up, to get into the media. The death of that poor child in Hamburg was due to total negligence of the authorities and nothing else. Dogs should be taken away from such criminals. Had the authorities enforced the existing laws, which were good, we wouldnt be in such a state now. I own dogs and I want to live in peace and quite with my animals, as my family and I have done for over 30 years. No dog of ours has ever bitten, threatened or otherwise misbehaved towards people. Why sh uld people like us and our animals be punished for the negligence and stupid behaviour of others. I am grateful for all the support we are getting on these pages. Thanks

Ruth Weddle - 07/25/00 05:21:08
My Email:USA
Email Address:

By way of sharing further information: the "dangerous dog mania" in Germany is not confined to government determined to stamp our dangerous dogs, but here are two recent incidents showing how the general public is "helping" to eradicate dangerous dogs... hich are not even on the lists. Christa Uferman was on her way to the Dusseldorf protest last Saturday. travelling by bus and train with her seeing eye dog. Three young man got on the same train, one of which threatened to beat her GSD to pulp, and let her "have it". Fortunately he was restrained and neither Ms. Uferman nor her guide dog were injured. Another newspaper account in the Westfahlen Rundschau (no date on the clipping, but apparently hot off the presses) relates the experience of Erika Klappe and her German Shepherd Cora on their5 way home from an evening stroll. They were assaulted by two g nmen who wanted to put her and her critter away for good. Fortunately the gun misfired and neighbors rushed out at the commotion, so the gunmen took off and vanished. A police report was filed, but the men have not yet been apprehended. Finally, a German reporter who has been chronicling the events from the Hamburg region but has been unable to get her accounts into print, told me that Hamburg authorities set up a hot-line for folks to report "dangerous dogs". The hotline broke down fro heavy use as neighbors of dog owners turned in anything with four legs. While the police rushed out to "inestigate", they mostly found puppies at play and harmless breeds not on that list... but doesn't that ring bells for anyone familiar with history f the last decade?

myrna seva - 07/25/00 03:51:46
My Email:usa
Email Address:

As a Amstaff owner, I am outraged by these reports. People make the dogs and punish the people who make these lovable and affectionate dogs into killers, and laud the dog lovers who recognize these dogs and any other "marked" breeds as lov ng, loyal companions.

Sami D. - 07/25/00 03:41:59
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I fully suppport what you are trying to do. Keep up the good work of spreading the word and I will do my best to help. Good Luck all...

Dee Ahrens - 07/24/00 23:10:32
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Dogs should be judged on an individual basis. Not categorized as evil or bad because of a few. I have rescued and fostered dobes and rotts for 10 years and haven't met one that wasn't a sweetheart. Even one that someone said growled at them lies at my fee every night.

Astrid Geskes - 07/24/00 20:54:14
My Email:Germany/Düsseldorf
Email Address:

I thank all you people a lot for your engagement!! Boykott Germany as much as you can and write to our government why you do so! I really want my country to be blamed in the eyes of the world and I would prefer to get this country poor like a so called 3rd world nation! There is no humanity in our governm nt any more! we are ruled by mass medias who want to make profit by selling awful horror-stories! If you are interested to help the dogs, please look at: -> this is a german website in english! There you can send your comments directly to all our politicians! -> this is an information desk made by a big dog-magazine. you can get english information too there! and spend money to -> go to "Sammelklage". there you get information where you can spend money to try to save the dogs by court! these people especially care about all Staffordshires, Bulldogs etc.. Not all Germany are bad and we fight as much as we can, but we need the world to help us! There is no information here in Germany about foreign petitions or newspaper edtions or something! Except if you have internet and connect the world.

Lisa Ip - 07/24/00 20:08:56
My Email:Scotland
Email Address:


Dawn McCandless - 07/24/00 19:27:08
My Email:United States
Email Address:

This all encompassing ban on dogs of specified breeds is senseless and irrational. Dogs who attack humans should be put to death, family pets with good socialization should not. This is a large net cast out over many breeds which do not deserve such con emnation. Once again, is Germany going to disgrace both their own country and the world by this type of behavior, condemning to death breeds of dogs for no reason other than their breed type is no less irrational than condemning Jewish people for their r ligious beliefs. ARe there no voices of reason in the whole government over there? Is this still a country governed by lambs who will follow any one sheep who starts a source of descrimination and condemnation? Does no one in the government ask questio s, or do they just follow one another, like lambs to slaughter? The whole dog ownership world is watching you and will do whatever is necessary to protect the dog members of our families from another holocaust. This is insanity, once again.

mark foster - 07/24/00 19:20:48
My Email:UK
Email Address: xep21@dial,

I am giving my wholehearted to your campaign and will be boycotting German goods from this day onwards. I hope the German govt is listening to the people supporting this campaign and decide to rethink their incredibly shortsighted policies. Perhaps they c uld invest in training new dog owners on how to control and train their dogs from an early age so that these problems do not occur rather than banning certain breeds which in the right hands are not dangerous in any way. I own two German shepherd dogs who love people and are more likely to lick someone to death! Therefore I can only imagine what would happen if I lived in Germany right now.... I will continue to boycott all German goods until this policy is reversed. Keep up the good work.

Geert & Ria Hebels - 07/24/00 18:56:44
My Email:nederland
Email Address:

never give up!!!

Peter Gaivan - 07/24/00 18:30:48
My Email:portugal
Email Address:

I am a proud owner of an Amstaff the most loving and caring dog, I would like to express my concern with the lack of good sense that most politicians from Europe have, they always choose and and pick the easy and wrong way to solve problems. The dog issue is ridiculous, Ban their criminal owners not the dogs!!! Peter Gai

tierfreund - 07/24/00 16:27:05
My Email:germany
Email Address:

Please Help us!!

tierfreund - 07/24/00 16:24:13
My Email:germany
Email Address:

Please Help us!!!

daniela - 07/24/00 15:54:59
My Email:dortmund/germany
Email Address:

please look at the killed dogs in germany: -------------------------- please look at this killed dogs! and please write to mr. schröder and mrs.höhn. please write quickly. because their will kill other dogs too! please write to their. thanks for your help!!!! and make a mail by please. thanks a lot and a kiss from my dog!!!

daniela - 07/24/00 15:49:55
My Email:dortmund/germany
Email Address:


daniela - 07/24/00 15:46:48
My URL:http://-
My Email:dortmund/germany
Email Address:

please, help us!!!! we love our dogs too. but only german people as mr. schröder and mrs. höhn will kill our dogs like american stafford shire terier, bullterrier, pitbull and so on. i'm a german girl but i love my american stafford shire terrier(her name is dana) and i must look for it and i can't let her allone. i must look for everbody who can take her and will kill her. i'm verry angry and i have fear! but i must fight for my dog! an please all the people must help us for fighting for our dogs, please, our dogs don't be killed. please send mails to mr. schroeder and mrs. höhn. please help us. thanks. daniela and staff dana e-mail: mr. schroeder ------------------------------ mrs. höhn ---------------------------

Patricia - 07/24/00 14:38:30
Email Address:

Thanks for doing what you do. I think, it is a drama what is happening in Germany right now. Not the dogs should be punished. Its their owner who make every dog to that what it is. So why don`t they just go and check out the owners of the dogs???? If a pe son kills another with a gun nobody ever says we must destroy every gun and the production of guns must be stopped. No in this case the person who used the gun to kill someone is going to be punished. So, is there anybody out there who can explain to me, hy dogs must be killed?

Jan Warburg - 07/24/00 14:36:36
My Email:Denmark
Email Address:

It is disgusting what the Germany government has come to..... How barbaric Germany has become again ! I support this protest a 100%

Henrik Jorgensen - 07/24/00 14:26:49
My Email:Denmark
Email Address:

You have all my support in this awful situation... Good luck from Denmark !

Dana - 07/24/00 12:36:39
My Email:Italia
Email Address:

Poveri pitbull, maltrattati ed usati come macchine per fare soldi! Anche qui in Italia tira una brutta aria a proposito di leggi sui cani pericolosi, perchè non fare una legge sugli uomini pericolosi? Perchè non sterilizziamo anche loro?? Qualsiasi legge uscirà non mi separerò per nessuna ragione dal mio Blaze, APBT di 7 mesi. Come dice Einstein: "Due cose sono infinite: l'universo e la stupidità umana... ma riguardo l'universo ho ancora dei dubbi". SALVIAMO IL PITBULL!!!

Lucie Perron - 07/24/00 11:17:48
My Email:Canada
Email Address:

Please continue with your fight againts killing of dogs and the abuse they are getting. I beleived that its all in the education of owners/dogs .You have all my support in this awful situation. Good luck.

Cyn Dommett - 07/24/00 10:48:14
My Email:England
Email Address:

This is not only very sad and my heart goes out to all dog owners in Germany, but it is worrying. I have noticed an air of anti-dogness creeping in even in England. We must re-educate. Let me know how I can help Cyn

Susanne Tinzmann - 07/24/00 08:38:54
My Email:Denmark
Email Address:


kj wood - 07/24/00 02:58:13
My Email:usa
Email Address:

someone has to speak out for the animals that cant speak for themselves.god gave the animals to us for a reason and that reason is not senseless slaughter.

kj wood - 07/24/00 02:57:34
My Email:usa
Email Address:

someone has to speak out for the animals that cant speak for themselves.god gave the animals to us for a reason and that reason is not senseless slaughter.

take2pits - 07/24/00 02:45:11
My URL:http://same
My Email:us

how can any idio passuch laws this is just the type of thing that creates civil wars teen rebellion etc. wake up & smell the dog poop on your feet man they were here before you

Ronni - 07/24/00 01:33:26
Email Address:

Hi to everyone ! I´m a little sad to live in a country in which is it possible to kill some kind of races after ´45. The so called strong gouvernement should do this way to all the drugdealers and the lovers of Child-Sex !!! They all should be shot or gas....d ! I´m a father of 2 very nice kids, they all live together with 3 cats and a very bloodthirsty bullterrier, inthe next 3 weeks we´ll have another very bloodthirsty Bullterrier. We have so much friends with staffs or what ever - I can´t understand this histerc way ! hope to see you soon on my page ! Ronni

Michelle Scott - 07/23/00 22:45:19
My Email:England
Email Address: michianti\

A dog no matter what sort it is ,no matter how big or small it is they are all loving if they are looked after and trained right and have plenty of love, its the owners fault not the Dogs

Joanne - 07/23/00 21:41:27
My Email:England
Email Address:

I proudly own a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. I also have three children. I would never have any other breed.This whole thing should be stopped now before things get any worse. Because a few which it has not been through their own doing it's the people who own the dogs and train the dogs, are being tarred with the same brush it is a good bloody job mankind don't get tarred with the same brush as theres a few wrotten eggs among us the whole world would be put to an end ...

Sharon Holland - 07/21/00 23:44:43
My URL:http://www.bearcoatsharpei.freeserve,co,uk
My Email:England

This madness has got to stop. The German government has now arrogantly insisted that this ban will be Europe wide by November!!! This is totally preposterous - how long before YOUR breed is included! Please keep up the good work and EVERYBODY spread the m ssage!

Judy Chappell - 07/21/00 18:14:51
My Email:UK
Email Address:

This legislation is appalling: my breed the Kangal Dog of Turkey, but AKA Karabash, or ASD, has been included in the list. These are wonderful livestock dogs, and marvellous companions, especially with children. I am stunned that this has happened.

STEVEN KING - 07/21/00 17:04:57
My Email:U.S.A

That is just crazy what is going.All i can say is.(PUNISH THE DEED NOT THE BREED)

morven - 07/21/00 16:52:54
My Email:Scotland
Email Address:

This whole fiasco is an outrage, the British Dangerous Dogs Act is bad enough, again specifying against particular breeds, but the German Government is creating absolute hysteria. Take steps to educate the public and dog owners, any breed is a potential iller if not trained and handled correctly. This ban must be stopped before it spreads further and results in the death of more dogs.

T. Grinstead - 07/21/00 16:09:08
Email Address:

I am the owner of a Yorkshire Terrier. So, even though my dog is not seen as a threat, I can understand the bond that these other so called "vicious" dogs and their owners have. A dog is a dog. Some have genetic traits that make them excell at certain obs. But, with proper understanding of the breed by the owners, they can be taught to be good human companions. I let my little 4 pound Yorkie play with Dobermans, Rottweilers, and Mastiffs. They have all been wonderful toward her and myself.

Min Inches - 07/21/00 13:53:04
My Email:Scotland
Email Address:

I see the comments below and weep! This is the sad mindless thinking we hope to fight against. Yes of course we are heartbroken that these children were killed, no mater who by. But these dogs were taught by humans to fight, were proven biters and already had an 'order' against them. Why was this not acted on? Why did the politsions not rectify the social unrest that caused these idiots to teach their dogs to guard? Why blame breeds of dogs when the biggest menace is the human one.

a. - 07/21/00 13:21:28

you are so ridicolous. dogs aren't slaughtered in germany. but it's so easy to make up a nice fairytale about evil germany, isn't it? the law that now not everyone can buy a dog of any breed was necessary. every day, somebody was attacked by a dog in the street. and there's also the six year old kid that was killed by two dogs in his schoolyard. everyobne knows that it's not the dog's fault. it's the owners who train them to be weapons. and irresponsible people should not have those dogs. or any dogs, for that matter. this is also *for* the doggs, can't you see? but oh no, this is evil and dark germany where people and animals are slaughtered in the street. i could just puke my guts out at such stupidity.

FREE DOG - 07/21/00 12:38:21
My Email:Germany

ATTENTION + IMPORTANT + ATTENTION Stop Dr. Jahn! Prevent behördlich arranged Tötungen! Mrs. Dr. Jahn requires the Oberbürgermeister of Aachen, Bonn, Köln, Leverkusen in the name of the district government Köln; the Landräte of Aachen, mountain home, Bergisch Gladbach, Düren, Euskirchen, Gummersbach, victory castle and the Veterinäram concerning that " dogs, which show even no aggressive behavior, but as half-breed or a reinrassiger dog the aggressive races aufgeführten in system 1 angehören " to the following procedure up: - Tötung in the tierheimen dog present of the system 1. - suspended and delivered dogs of the system 1 are to be getötet. - because of not type-fair attitude taken away dogs of the system 1 are to be getötet. - dogs, which are taken away after §7 of the LVH the holding because of their Unzuverlässigkeit, are to be getötet after 35 days. Read the following fax casting and submit you unverzüglich your protest during the district government Köln: District government Köln please you help to save these dogs and to stop Mrs. Dr. Jahn! Silke Groos Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals für the set Olpe e.V.

Meike Wollenweber - 07/21/00 11:21:20
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Thank you so much for fightinh with us against this Holocaust. I really feel sorry to be a german. Some people never understand what they are doing to others. We need your help. Show the german governement what you think about this stupid law! Again - tha k you so much!

Andreas - 07/21/00 10:37:52
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Thank you for your support. I should like to report what happend yesterday to me: I went walking with my "sponsored" pit bull, who has to live in the animal shelter. Within only one hour I was TWO TIMES stopped and checked by unmarked policecars. This did not happen in urban area, but at the border of the airport area, where there is very few traffic. I should feel like a criminal for walking with a pit bull I think. That's what's going on in Germany nowadays. (sorry for my poor English) Andreas

Eva Zernack - 07/21/00 09:44:20
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Please help us!! In NRW they plan to kill all the dogs from "Anlage 1" who haven`t got an owner. Plesa sen your protest to More information at at AKTUELLES, but only in german

Claude - 07/21/00 08:40:28
My Email:Luxembourg

Translated from Westfälische Rundshau ( Newspaper ) of today july 21st : Dortmund : Around 10 PM the silence in the Hainallee was suddenly interrupted by a shooting. Two unknown gunmen shot twice at Mrs. Erika Kappe and her faithfull sheperd Cora. After several hours this lady, living in Dortmund, is still under shock : " How could this ever happen ? ". No trace of the two gunmen. In 1999 Dortmund organized the Agility World Championships. 9 months later people are threatened just because they walk their dogs. This shows the fear and hate climate, created by the German politicians and fueled by the extreme right wing press. Send your protests to

Anette Nilsson - 07/21/00 08:06:44
My Email:Belgium.

It is horrible!!

Sabine Gerlach - 07/21/00 08:03:23
Email Address: NRW

No dog holocaust is in Germany? OK, the name is surely not quite correct. But: The signs stand on storm and this means: fight the beginnings! In the federal state "Hessen", all owners of a definite breed of dog must attach reds signposts at the door. Three breeds of dog must be passed on by the owners until October 2000. The dogs may not be arranged, therefore they are killed. There is a clear tatement of the politicians in different federal states: „.. We must kill as many brutes, as possible ... ". (Statement of Mr. RUNDE, Mayor of Hamburg - Statement of Mr. BOUFFIER, Secretary of the Interior of the federal state Hessen). dpa reported on July 6th: „The Hessian authorities will have thousands of „fight dogs" retracted and killed until October 2000." I live in the federal state of NRW. I am owner of a Dobermann. This dog is mutated to a „fight dog" overnight. Because this dog stands on a "list" since 7-6-2000 , I must pay 1.800,00 DM dog license fee every year. This means: ca. 900 US-Dollar every year Until now, it was 180,00 DM ( ca. 90 US-Dollar) every year. And: from now on, my dog must be muzzled. American Staffordshire, Pitbulls and Staffordshire still may fortunately live up to end in the federal state NRW. But: there are no more capacities to take dogs from other federal states. This means the sure death. The „protection of animals"- organization in Hamburg has announced a stop of capacities for these dogs. It is called there: We aren't a slaughter-house for dogs. But meanwhile, a former institution for animal experiments became to the accommodation place or dogs of the "3 races" in Hamburg. The animals shall be killed there. This is an unbelievable cynicism of the politicians. Furthermore, owners of dogs of any race become attacked and sworn. „Dog-Haters" celebrate a triumph. Sabine Gerlach / Germany, NRW.

Vueline - 07/21/00 04:19:15
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I can't believe this is still going on today... Did Hitler get cloned? This sound like the days of the Holocaust. Did no one learn anything from history? Where is PETA? How come this story's not on Dateline or one of the major news shows. How about nimal Planet? Anyone knows if they got something in the works?

Patricia Lenahan - 07/21/00 04:15:58
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I cannot believe what is happening in Germany. I love your country, I have friends and family there, and I have bought horses in the Hamburg area. I had planned to return to Germany for the Trakehner Hengstmarkt, but now I do not feel I can return. I cannot believe what individuals and families must be experiencing in losing their loving pets. The mass slaughter of any breed of dog is unconscionable.

RUTH WEDDLE - 07/21/00 03:21:51
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Two sugestions: are there lawyers on this list who would take on a constitutional test of the new or proposed new German laws? To the German High Court on grounds that it violates Germany's own anti-cruelty laws which, I understand, prohibit the killing f healthy animals, regardless of breed? To the Hague World Court if German jurisprudence is unwilling to repeal unreasonable laws? Secondly, could Germans on this list compile all case histories in this matter -- date and location of occurrence, names, addresses of wronged dog owners, supported by written statements? It takes concrete case histories to buttress a case. If German br ed clubs could volunteer,or if this seems too risky in the current climate, perhaps KCs in adjacent countries act as record keepers? This would allow lawyers to make a case.... and perhaps finally draw the desired media attention, rather than the hysteria fanned by tabloid journalism. Just a thought... What do you think?

kim andrews - 07/21/00 01:38:28
My Email:usa
Email Address:

What ever happened to dogs being man's best friend. Seems the only regression is in humanity and the nature of the human spieces. Hence it is ashame that dogs don't rule and humans drule

Hushpuppy - 07/21/00 00:46:38

I think that this is really stupid.How can they stoop so low? first I hear that The goverment wants to get rid of bull dogs,basset hounds ect..for there looks and GSd for how there owners raise them?? How terrible! I hope this is stopped soon!

linda barker - 07/21/00 00:39:12
My Email:United States of America
Email Address:

punish the deed, not the breed.

Sue Damanski - 07/21/00 00:36:34
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I think this is stupid and should be stopped. The german shepherd is the most popular breed around the world. I have 2 dogs from germany myself.

-fortsetzung folgt-

Sue Damanski - 07/21/00 00:36:34
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I think this is stupid and should be stopped. The german shepherd is the most popular breed around the world. I have 2 dogs from germany myself.

kerstin - 07/20/00 23:57:11
My Email:germany
Email Address:

I´m ashamed for the group of Germans, who want to kill a whole breed of excellent dogs. We ourself have two nice Am. Staff dogs and we are lucky with them. They are cute, lovely and nice to all animals and humans. I would like to leave Germany, but I hope that someday they´ll get back what they´ve done.

Jacque Liewer - 07/20/00 23:06:44
My Email:United States of America
Email Address:

Dogs don't make dogs killers, it is the thoughtless actions of stupid people. It is also the actions of stupid who are allowing the current situation to become what it is. After all DOG spelled backwards is GOD.

mitch - 07/20/00 22:59:01
My Email:united kingdom
Email Address:

I think the goverments of our day are a big bunch of idiots!why are they banning these lovely protectors?the only flaw these dogs and so many other fighting dogs have is this@they serve theirs masters, what their owners want of these dogs they will do fo he love and affection of the owners.please wake up before its to late and we are stuck with lousy dogs like the modern english bulldog, cute but totally useless.

Matthias Walter - 07/20/00 22:51:06
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Thank you very much for your support! Keep the pressure up, inform the media and boycott Germany! Help to find new homes for our dogs. Please, keep on supporting us. THANK YOU! Matthias Walter, Germany

Animal Lover from Germany - 07/20/00 22:20:45
My Email:Germany
Email Address: sorry

Sorry, that I do not write my e-mail-adress in this letter. I´m afraid of people, who hate dogs and kill them. I come from Germany and the sad, sad news is, that there are proposals to kill dogs in animal farms -sorry, if I don´t find the correct words, I hope you understand, what I´m trying to say- by the following link you can see the argumentation of "Frau DR. !! Jahn", who wants to kill dogs because they belong to "Cathegoy 1" -Kampfhund (by law). For "Dr. Jahn", it is unimportant, if these animals bite other people or other animals, for Fr. "Dr. Jahn" it is important, that these poor animals belong to the bre d of Pitbull, Stafford and.... Please tell all other people and friends about "Fr. Dr. Jahn in Germany" You can see the documents in German -Im not able to translate it in English- by the link: THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kenneth - 07/20/00 22:16:14
My Email:USA
Email Address:

This is so draconian and to be unbelievable. I will purchase nothing from Germany nor will I visit. There are now bad dog just bad dog owners you are in My thoughts and prayers

Schueppner - 07/20/00 21:47:56
My Email:Germany / NW
Email Address:

Dear Friends in USA, thank you for each letter or e-mail, that you wrote to the german gouvernment or to the guest book of "Baerbel Hoehn". ( Baerbel Hoehn did never answer to the questions and problems of dog owners. People, who own dogs, feel like criminals. It´s a very good feeling to know, that everwhere in the world are people who love animals and who fight for them. THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aiga Willmot - 07/20/00 21:11:07
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Hi, sorry to disagree! I am a german citizen, a dog lover and - because people are so hysteric at the moment that they cannot tell a black labrador from the so-called "dangerous breeds" - am suffering not only because I feel for all dog-owners who have a seve e problem at the moment, but personally as well. In my personal opinion the government bans on the dogs are an over-reaction to cover the fact that administration has not been able to act upon the existing laws. On the other hand, a ban of german products by a few dog-lovers abroad will not worry anybody over here. If you want to make an impression, send eMails to all german politicians, ministeries etc and get your friends, politicians, senators and whoever has name to do the same. Ask your embassy for an official protest. Use democratic ways and state your point in a calm, sensible way and don't be over-emotional. Greetings to all dog-lovers abroad Aiga Willmot

Katy Likes - 07/20/00 20:46:20
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I will buy nothing German made until this can reasonably be resolved for the benefit of innocent dogs.

ALICE - 07/20/00 20:39:32
Email Address: ABNRML@AOL.COM


citizen family - 07/20/00 19:25:10
My Email:Germany 2000

In innumerable hessian living rooms to date blameless citizen family tragedies take place at present: Fathers, mothers and children sit, partly loud crying, partly in quiet mourning together, full hopelesness. Between them, is situated or tears usually he trip of the mourning sits: two weeks ago ago still normal, inconspicuous family dog, today as killer machine more stigmatisierter a " combat dog ". AmStaff, Bulli & CO have a heavy lot, and nevertheless they have a large advantage opposite their owne s: they do not know that perhaps they must leave their life. If one inquires in one of these families, one finds only lack of understanding: " as we are to explain to our children, what takes place here? They grew up with our dog, them love it, it are pleased with them if them are merry and troestet them, if they have grief. What do you say to a child, if you are insulted with the daily walk of their formerly nice neighbours as Rabenmutter, from which one would have to remove the children? What do you say to your child, if you are not only threatened insulted bu also? One even already threw with stones after us!" With each view of the four-legged family member new tears break out: " I cannot permit nevertheless that one takes us away our dog! How is he to understand, why he suddenly appears in a tierheim or a catching station? There one will not meet it surely ith love, he is a " Bestie ". Its last days or weeks he in constant mourning will spend, until then any veterinarian by means of syringe its life an end will set." And, in almost any family similarly stated, the appeal follows to the hessian politicians " gives us and our dogs a chance! We are not blameless hessian citizens and voter, we pay our controls, we are not criminal and our dogs are murderers! We are cons ious dog owners and always large value put to educate our dogs to safe companions of our life and the life of our children. Does someone that we would risk it as normal citizens really believe, to endanger health and life of our fellow men? Give us and ur dogs a chance, because we earned it! Leave our family dogs in our families, where it since years our life to divide surely, saved and inconspicuously and by no means aggressively and enrich and where it also a daily their last breath will do - between humans, who are loved it and loved by those her, at their favourite workstation, to the couch. ******* Hessen. We write the year 2000, briefly after beginning of the new time calculation with the addition " day 7 after the publication of the hessian KampfhundeVO " an owner one of Mr. Bouffier as a combat dog of overall kriminalisierten dog make ourselves n the way to the nature test to Frankfurt / Main. The KampfhundeVO did not enter into force yet (this occurs only on memorable 15 July 2000), but the owner as respect for the law citizen and conscious dog owner in decided to meet so fast as possible all ecessary measures in order to be allowed to spend their life further with your dog. So it has at home dog and accessories (muzzle etc..) in the auto packed, their animal lady doctor fetched and drove to Frankfurt. The nerves of the two women are strained and also up to tearing the dog up can the strain clearly feel - however not to understand. And in such a way it is pleased, as it is always pleased, if the trunk flap to enters is opened, finally means this always something beautiful: a walk in interesting environment, with type comrades (other or admits), merry Herumflitzen on dirt roads, merry Plan in brooks or ponds. " which it does not make white, it not hot ", then it says an old proverb. In this case one can say of luck that this here really like that is. The two women, owner and animal lady doctor, have terrible fear. The forthcoming " nature test " by a consultant will decide on living on the dog. And nobody knows so quite, what is n w examined and like. Adventurous stories do not climb around in the past the executed tests and it give a uniform methodology. Already for days, since two fight to straightened dogs of a criminal one in Hamburg a small child killed, the Hundehalterin must prove nerves: each walk in the public means inevitably a Spiessrutenlauf by applied fellow citizens. Insults are at the agen a, sometimes give it even violent encroachments. Will the consultant be influenced also by the unbelievable agitation of the press? All these thoughts circle in the headings of the two women, on their way to Frankfurt. Finally arrived at Frankfurt, they find not equal the correct way to the agreed upon meeting place. Completely desperately and with the nerves at the end they are with the auto close of a delimitation to a people celebration. Two there likewise standing policemen come to the two women and address these whether they could be helpful. The dog owner, meanwhile in tears resolved, explains circumstances: one is arranged with a consultant to the nature test and actually thought, at the correct place for being... The policemen know the agreed upon meeting place - he is situated directly behind the people celebration and the shortest way passes through that people celebration. The policemen regard themselves the two women and the dog and meet the statement that th way would equal a suicide by the people celebration. After some considerations the policemen offer " escort protection " to the still crying dog owner and the meanwhile likewise crying animal lady doctor - fortunately they would have a muzzle thereby. Thus the dog from the auto is gotten, the muzzle is tightened and one goes fearfully on the way by the quantity. At the beginning everything is not so bad, only sorted or other fixed visitor aeugt on the strange prozession. But the further one advances, the more it becomes a Spiessrutenlauf: furious insults of the worst type and the lowest rail must let the women ver itself be issued. Only once an applied man comes on the women and policemen and inquires anxiously, what takes place here: it is the 1. Chairman the local society for the prevention of cruelty to animals and it would give still no handle, since the regulation was not yet valid. This incident does not please the two escorting policemen, but it will remain positive for the two women still for a long time in memory. With soft knees the small group achieves with a completely disturbed and verschuechterten dog with the consultant agreed upon the meeting place and despite all fears and the frightening finally plays passes the dog the nature test without restrictions. Hessen. We write the year 2000, briefly after beginning of the new time calculation with the addition " day 7 after the publication of the hessian KampfhundeVO ". Which one must experience and endure as hessian dog owners nowadays everything. Germany in the summer 2000

KIRSTEN SALVITO - 07/20/00 18:48:10
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Iam sick to my stomach to hear people blaming dogs for their own shortcomings! There are no bad dogs, only BAD ignorant people! My dogs best friends are a staffie and a rottie and I would take those dogs into my home in a heartbeat!

Detlef Goßmann - 07/20/00 18:45:51
My Email:unfortunately still Germany!

Apology. the correct URL of the homepage is:! Pure nerve thing. however with this situation excusably at the moment: -) Thus again THANKS for the support!

Lynnae Bissell - 07/20/00 18:42:58
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I think you're all mad. There is no such holocaust. My father lives in Germany and there were plenty of these dogs about on the streets and I travelled from Frankfurt to Munich - no dog holocaust exists. This rumor was started by someone who was trying to get a rise out of ya'll. Guess it worked, didn't it? DO something constuctive with your time and work on helping find adoptive homes for the dogs in your local shelters and pounds. Peace, Lynnae

Lynnae Bissell - 07/20/00 18:41:27
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I think you're all mad. There is no such holocaust. My father lives in Germany and there were plenty of these dogs about on the streets and I travelled from Frankfurt to Munich - no dog holocaust exists. This rumor was started by someone who was trying to get a rise out of ya'll. Guess it worked, didn't it? DO something constuctive with your time and work on helping find adoptive homes for the dogs in your local shelters and pounds. Peace, Lynnae

Bianca van der Post - 07/20/00 18:38:14
My Email:Holland

Well we've got really lucky this time!!! We just got back last week from our holliday in Germany, in the Swarzwald. Things started while we were there. And we were there with 2 Bull Terriers, and an Border Collie. The first morning we woke up, the owner o the camping came to ask us if we could move our caravan to another spot, because there were so many complains of people who were afraid of our dogs. Luckely the owner was a real "dog-man" and he tried to explain to the people that there was nothing to be afraid of, but they wouldn't listen to him, so he promised theme to take care of it. He showed us a spot, on the edge of the camping nearby an exit, so we would not have to walk all over the camping with our dogs. And because he saw we had an Border Colli he took the sheep that where there to another place. So thank you very much, for the owner of this camping!!! He could have easely refused us any place at all........ But for now we won't go to Germany again while this terrible thing against all dogs the e is going on!!! To me it looks a lot like the 2e worldwar; not just one dog but emediatly ALL dogs ?!?!?!?! Suppose a child with brown hair and blue eyes would shoot another child in his street, how would the German people then react ?????

Cheryl Helton - 07/20/00 18:36:57
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I hope these stupid people will soon realize its the owners of the dogs they need to ban. Be nice if we could put the owners down instead of the dogs! Thats a little extreme, but they should atleast be locked up for the rest of their lives. Especially if heir dog is responsible for the death of an innocent human. In my opinion, banning breeds of dogs will eventually wipe out every breed of dog on the planet! Small dogs can attack as well. And, when it happens to those breeds they will also be banned. To m , this is a people problem, not a dog problem. Thanks alot, take care. Cheryl Helton, Hurricane APBTs.

Detlef Goßmann - 07/20/00 18:30:14
My Email:Berlin

Hessen - which become hessian authorities starting from October several thousand combat dogs to draw in and put to sleep let. An express regulation forbids other combat dog races since latter week breed, trade and acquisition of Pitbulls, bullterriern, B ndogs as well as the members and crossings of 13. Holding combat dogs is attached in the future to an official permission, which is only given in special exceptional cases. By 15 August all persons, who already possess a combat dog, must request a permi sion with their responsible office for order. It does not concern already for a long time any longer the combat dogs. It concerns dog-free cities! Do not let you tell that everything is not so bad. It is everything only the start!!! Assistance is nec ssary. THANKS

P.siemons - 07/20/00 17:10:10
My Email:Holland
Email Address:

We have planned a vacation to Germany this year. We would be leaving on the fifth of august. We would also like to take our Staffordshire Bull Terrier on holiday with us, she's really a part of our live. But we were warned bij the Staffordschire Bull terrier club here in Holland not to go there, because of the war against these dogs. We received hat letter by mail. After we received that letter i have made some calls to other breaders of the staffordshire bullterrier here in Holland, and the story's i've heard really frightened me. We don't want to go on this holiday. I don't mind because no money can replease our Stafford. P. Siemons en M. Jansen Dongen (Holland)

Soulhunter (Bodner) - 07/20/00 16:43:27
Email Address:

Seas Thom!!! Bin auf dei HP im ICQ aufmerksam geworden!! Naja das Design lässt zu wünschen übrig! Aber es kann ja nicht alles perfekt sein!! Ja, ja dann bis bald!! mfg soulhunter

Walter - 07/20/00 16:32:03
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Germany is cloaked in SHAME, thanks to the mindless actions of its politicians, the media and the actions of those citizens who are turning their vengence towards entire breeds of dogs. A dog must be judged for its deed, not for its breed, and the irresp nsible owner must be held accountable. The past pattern of German problem solving by total elimination has to change. It must change now for Germany to shed its Cloak Of Shame.

Karen Drager - 07/20/00 16:16:33
My Email:USA
Email Address:

It is amazing to me how people refuse to recognize thier own responsibility.... We took the dog and made it dependant on us and now blame it for our own stupidity and hatred. Please stop this madness.... the haters are the ones to be punished, not the dogs and thier owners..........

Shannon Dixon - 07/20/00 15:51:57
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I think it's horrifying what they're doing to these dogs in Germany, and I think this trend is making its way to the US. What can we do??

HIGH-END - 07/20/00 14:34:51

We apologize for the latest comment: this is not our opinion, and this is not written by us!!! A guest has been using our system. HIGH-END

JohnDoe - 07/20/00 14:29:11
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Ooops, sorry, but there is no "dogholocaust" in Germany! And NO dog has been killed in Germany caused by government. There is only a discussion about defence against aggressive dogs. THINK AT YOUR CHILD! YOUR CHILD COULD BE NEXT KILLED BY A AGGRESSIVE PITBULL!! By the way: Join the fight against the American goverment obliviousness, find out what your history has done to the Indian Holocaust! It's THEIR land you are living on, you are living on THEIR bones...

smets john - 07/20/00 14:27:23
My Email:belgium
Email Address:

In Belgium we had also a wave off killing-dogs opinion is that the problems known today are related to several facts. 1.a lot off people keep strong dogs to prove themselves,and don't give them wath they need:an education,affection... 2.the fenomen off pets-supermarket:where puppy's are traumathized during the first 12 weeks off live.whit strong behavior problems as result. 3.the fact that many people breed with their dogs for fun without knowing about it. i don't have a problem with the fact that their would be more control on breeding dogs.but between black and white their is still grey!

- 07/20/00 13:34:55
My Email:USA
Email Address:

It is disgusting what the Germany government has come to! This is like the holocost! I will NEVER buy a product from Germany, NOR will I EVER visit or support any items made in that country. Punish the owners, as their dogs were the VICTIMS OF THE PEOP E WHO OWNED THEM!

Jean Clayton - 07/20/00 13:26:41
My Email:America

Shame on the German Media (television, newspapers, radio) for perpetrating the senseless harassment of upstanding German citizens who happen to own a dog. And shame on the citizens that worship the media and do what the media suggests. Perhaps they and th media should re-read the ninth commandment.

Kaye Wotherspoon - 07/20/00 13:09:40
My Email:UK
Email Address:

I own a 4 year old English Bull Terrier who is very sweet natured and loves everyone. She lives loose with my 2 cats and 7 guinea pigs and can be trusted 101%. My friend's 2 year old Chihuahua is far more likely to attack someone. Will Chihuahua's be n xt? Germany's knee-jerk reation to all 'potentially' dangerous breeds is totally unjust. PROSECUTE OWNERS OF DANGEROUS DOGS - DON'T PERSECUTE THE INNOCENT.

Moonshadow Kennels - 07/20/00 12:59:43
My Email:Spain
Email Address:

Spanish breeders are with you... We can´t let pay we all, for a bit group of "-------".

abehS - 07/20/00 12:54:14
My Email:Untied States
Email Address:

How barbaric your country has become!! To condemn all dogs that are over knee high. Some of these maybe guide or service dogs. Besides stop and think some folks are short in stature and therefore the measure of the dog is different for everyone. These dogs are serving the owners. How about attacking the owners of proven attack dogs instead of all the dogs? I do hope your people come to their

Diane Robichaud - 07/20/00 12:10:20
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Once again, the stupidity of elected officials, who know nothing, do not enforce existing laws, punish the innocent. Punish the owners, who repediately break the law not the innocent dogs.

Sigrun Konieczny - 07/20/00 11:26:11
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Many thanks for your help. I is good for us slandered Dog owners here in Germany to know that we are not alone.

Birgitt - 07/20/00 10:57:38
My Email:Germany

Please, HELP us and SOS. a german woman with a dobermann

Kim Hojberg Jensen - 07/20/00 10:17:35
My Email:Denmark
Email Address:

I used to say, that what happened in Germany 60 years ago could happen anywhere. Now I know that I was wrong.

Rachel Janes - 07/20/00 09:16:54
My Email:New Zealand
Email Address:

I show and breed Rhodesian Ridgebacks. It is my experience that dogs (the same as children) are the product of their environment. I am appalled at the actions of the German Government....they are acting in a way that one would have to consider them to be ignorant and lacking all reasonable judgement. I certainly will not be supporting Germany in any way.

Helle Lauridsen - 07/20/00 08:13:11
My Email:Denmark
Email Address:

I am ashamed and scared by the behaviour of our closest neighbourgs and will not go there again.

Smeyers - 07/20/00 07:47:21
My URL:http://www.
My Email:Belgium
Email Address:

It's time that people understand that the problem is coming from the owners and not the dogs.

R. Berchtold - 07/20/00 07:47:18
My Email:Switzerland
Email Address:

Hello everyone I keep track with the situation and it's getting worse every day. Sensible voices go unheard, the new legislation leaves doors wide open for any communal action. Having a dog is a stigma now and having a dog makes you vulnerable and almost powerless. It's like James Bond "with the license to kill" but it's for real and the average German James Bond IS NOT ABLE to handle his responsibility. And hold your breath - there's worse to come. The proposed nation wide new legislation gives anyone the means to say: "That dog's dangerous, I feel threatened by it or it growled at me." That's enough reason for the police to come and get your dog - becau e it's going to be considered a weapon. And the police has the authority to come into your home (because you're obviously an armed criminal!!!!) and take your dog away on the SUSPICION that your dog's dangerous. The law has changed: GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE!!! In short: Just the fact that your dog is a dog makes it the target of every neighbour who holds a grudge on you. The awful attacks against children have to cease!! Therefore we need to reinforce the use of the legislations. We don't have to threaten average people for it. Thousands of law abiding citizens are now in fear of their neigbours, minor mishaps, anything. And the media are pushing it on, have pushed it over the edge!! R. Berchtold Switzerland

Ruaan Barnard - 07/20/00 07:02:42
My Email:South Africa
Email Address:

What a disgrace. First they steal the World Cup and now they want to repeat the World War's against the dogs. I also own a Bullterrier and up to this point no human or other dog has been attacked by him. The people responsible for the dog should be punish d not the dog!

vanbrabant - 07/20/00 06:28:00
My Email:belgium
Email Address:

A law made in to mutch haste, in the middle of the histery. They better register certain people instaid of banning breeds. Most of the accidents take place by German shepherd and Rothweiler (also because their are a lot of them) but why then eliminate tho e other breeds and say nothting about the popular German breeds. This all say to me that this law is as illogical as it can be. I think perhaps we need laws that look after good breeding from good dogs by good people. This law smels like discrimination of certain breeds, only by the action of a few dogs . It is not because of one Geraman that is steeling something, that all Germans should be in gail. By this short vision one can ban everything f.i. knifs, cars hammers, people, horses, .....Claude - 07/20/00 06:01:16
My Email:Luxembourg

The cynical approach of the town of Duesseldorf ( Germany ) Surf to the site of Duesseldorf. Next to the tourist information you will find two pages with pictures of so-called dangerous dogs ( like the pictures of criminals ) It should HELP people in the street to easily identify the breeds. This is racism, 100 % pure. This is just an example of how German authorities are deliberately fueling the fear & hate climate they created themselves. look at and

scott Morley - 07/20/00 05:18:25
My Email:USA/Korea
Email Address:

What is the solution? Is there a solution? Coming from a country where drugs are illegal and easily purchased, anywhere, I doubt there is a simple solution. But irrational violence and bigotry is not the solution.

Dominique - 07/20/00 03:20:09
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Totally out of control in Germany. Stop killing a beautiful breed and start charging those at fault. God did not create animals of all kinds to kill. However, he created man, who in Gods likeness does not follow in his footsteps, but rather turn to the dark side by destroying all good things. And of course the innocent are left to suffer, just as Jesus did on the cross for our sins!

Shanita Duke - 07/20/00 02:09:36
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I own,breed,show and rescue Bullmastiffs here in Arizona, USA.I am very concerned about Bullmastiffs being added to the list of dogs deemed "vicious" in your contry. This breed is of very sound temperment, please reconsider your decision to place it on y ur list of dogs that you DEEM to be vicious. Also, please do not condemn a breed as a whole due to isolated incidents of attacks...please do not bow to the hysteria...please do not slaughter dogs of certain breeds outright...for the actions of a few dogs ho have irresponsible owners Shanita Duke Taif Bullmastiffs Az ABA Rescue Coordinator Member in good standing ABA

Bill Walkey - 07/20/00 01:12:04
My Email:Canada
Email Address:

dog control is like gun control, its not the dogs or guns but the owners

Moonway - 07/20/00 00:28:15
My Email:Duesseldorf-germany
Email Address:

Hello, A friend of mine (great animal lover) - just sent me your URL - I am a member of german animal protection -and volunteer at our animal shelter here at Duesseldorf - and regretfully I have to tell you that IT IS NOT TRUE !!!- What you are stating here in y u article. It is true that regretfully so many dogs have been brought into the shelters because the owner are afraid of the high taxes and because there is a kind of 'silly panic' about that dogs - but there is NO Mass holocaust here - and there will be a big demonstration next Saturday (over 30.000 dog owners) here in Düsseldorf, that I will attend too. There is a protest note against that law given to our highest court here in germany, and hopefully that law will be altered again - ( as it has been done n a haste and is absolutely not acceptable- ) - I love animals and protecting them is a quest in my life - but PLEASE - before you write such articles , collect reliable informations - Writing such article that is far away from reality - does not help our dogs - yours faithfully Moonway = Heike Borgard (Duesseldorf/germany) Member of animal care – germany

Denise - 07/20/00 00:11:54
My Email:Canada
Email Address:

While I feel for the family of the little boy who was killed, the problem does not lie with the dogs, but the stupid owners who train them to be like that. It is not the nature of the dog just to attack. The stupid owner is the one who should be punished NOT THE DOGS


Moonway - 07/20/00 00:28:15
My Email:Duesseldorf-germany
Email Address:

Hello, A friend of mine (great animal lover) - just sent me your URL - I am a member of german animal protection -and volunteer at our animal shelter here at Duesseldorf - and regretfully I have to tell you that IT IS NOT TRUE !!!- What you are stating here in y u article. It is true that regretfully so many dogs have been brought into the shelters because the owner are afraid of the high taxes and because there is a kind of 'silly panic' about that dogs - but there is NO Mass holocaust here - and there will be a big demonstration next Saturday (over 30.000 dog owners) here in Düsseldorf, that I will attend too. There is a protest note against that law given to our highest court here in germany, and hopefully that law will be altered again - ( as it has been done n a haste and is absolutely not acceptable- ) - I love animals and protecting them is a quest in my life - but PLEASE - before you write such articles , collect reliable informations - Writing such article that is far away from reality - does not help our dogs - yours faithfully Moonway = Heike Borgard (Duesseldorf/germany) Member of animal care – germany

Denise - 07/20/00 00:11:54
My Email:Canada
Email Address:

While I feel for the family of the little boy who was killed, the problem does not lie with the dogs, but the stupid owners who train them to be like that. It is not the nature of the dog just to attack. The stupid owner is the one who should be punished NOT THE DOGS!

Melissa - 07/19/00 23:12:13
My Email:USA
Email Address:

As an owner of an American bulldog I am appauled about what is going on in Germany. Why are they crucifing the dogs, when it is the irresponsible owners who need to pay the price. My Bulldog has been the most human friendly dogs I have ever owned in my li etime. I have owned several other breeds and no other has been so gentle with my children as my bulldog.

thomas - 07/19/00 23:06:20
My Email:germany

i'm an amstaff owner. this ist not the time to be proud to be a german.

Ellen Powell - 07/19/00 23:04:08
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Hello Everybody, I tried to download the "Best Friend" flyer to make copies of and hand out in my community. Unfortunately I have a MacIntosh computer and cannot open it up! Would someone PLEASE download it for me and email it to me? Please send the text of the flyer in he body of the email so I’ll be able to read it? THANKS!

Nancy - 07/19/00 22:44:47
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Stupid and ignorant and cruel says it all for me.

Tanya - 07/19/00 21:46:55
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Is it really hard to see that when a dog is trained to attack and/or kill, it is of no fault of the dog? Is it the dog's choice? Obviously not. Should the dogs themselves be killed for something they didn't do???? Some justice.

Karen Stark - 07/19/00 21:24:51
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Many people believe that Germany is making a huge mistake in the killing and banning of these dogs. People domesticated dogs and they became our responsibility just as if they were our children. More and more people will be banning anything from Germany unless this madness is stopped! Karen Stark

Edeltraud - 07/19/00 21:01:51
My Email:Germany /Hessen
Email Address:

Thank you all for this site and your help. In my region of Germany (Hessen) the minister (Bouffier is his name) wanted to collect the dogs of 16 different breeds at certain places and then kill them all. He was stopped the night before this law came official - and not at least it were your voices from other countries, who made it. Your help is GREAT - good to have such doggiefriends all over the world. Edeltraud and her three Miniature – Bullterriers

Sandy Durachka - 07/19/00 20:26:54
My Email:USA
Email Address:

To encourage people to attack others with dogs is only perpetuating more violent behavior. What happens when a dog protects its owner from such attacks? Another vicious dog to be taken away and killed. I will not buy products from a country that allows or encourages abuse of dogs or people!!!!!!!

Catherine Walker - 07/19/00 19:12:36
My Email:Austria
Email Address:

" One can measure the size and the moral progress of a nation by how it treats its animals. " Mahatma Gandhi How sad to see Germany regress so soon!

Lanya - 07/19/00 18:58:42
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Hi, I red you writings and a lot of them are right. But please do not compare the situation now with the one in the third worldwar!! We are speaking for our dogs and we need your and every help. We´ll get it! But don´t speak of a holocoust! It won´t go like t is and the people living here are not the same as in those days!!! Help us with protest letters to all responsible persons and spreading the theme out in your land. That is the help we need! Hope you can understand my english. Thank you for helping our dogs! Saving animals has to be put into the constitution! Bye Lanya

Suzanne - 07/19/00 18:22:39
My Email:Canada
Email Address:

I believe there are bad dogs as there are bad people but not such a thing as a bad breed or a bad race. My two year old staffordshire bull terrier was viciously attacked once by a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (although somewhat embarrassing to admit) sh ran back to me for protection. It was not the dog's owner fault, it was on a leash, but got away from its owner. Breed specific laws really does not solve any problems. All the best to you in Germany...

Angie Golka - 07/19/00 18:22:19
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

PLEASE HELP US AND OUR DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!! I`am afraid here in germany with my two dogs, a bullterrier and a staff. It`s war here on the streets, when we go out with ouer dogs. PLEASE HELP US !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CBE - 07/19/00 18:07:50
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I am totally heartbroken by what is currently happening in Germany. It is completely ridiculous to ban breeds!! Its just like racism!! These people should spend their time banning certain "humans" from having dogs!! Owner of a 100lb Old English Mastiff puppy & 60 lb Lab/Golden mix

Just a friend - 07/19/00 17:47:53
My Email:USA

The following contribution is recorded at the Baerbel Hoehn website ( Any word on a position from the AKC, GSDCA-WDA, USA, USRC, FAST, UDC, etc.??? Cindy Cooke, United Kennel Club Our registry is over 100 years old and we are the second largest all-breed dog registry in the world. We strongly oppose breed-specific dangerous dog laws. We favor laws that require permanent identification by microchip or tattoo and strongly enforced le sh laws. We have issued a press release that you may view at our web site: The world is watching as Germany hastily enacts these laws that turn decent people into criminals and victims of mob hysteria. I lived in Germany when I was a child and I know the German people deserve better laws than this. Please reconsider this path yo are taking. Very truly yours, Cindy Cooke United Kennel Club Kalamazoo, MI, USA 19.07.2000 - 16:31

Alisha Segovia - 07/19/00 17:28:46
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I find this totally insane to punish all dogs for other people's stupidity, makes me ILL. I own three show APBT and I would simply die if anything happened to them. PLEASE PEOPLE BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR PETS AND PROTECT THEM. This situation can happen nywhere.

Petra Hitz - 07/19/00 17:22:01
My Email:Deutschland
Email Address:

Bitte helft uns und unseren Hunden. Viele Grüße Petra Please help us and user dogs.

Audrey - 07/19/00 17:15:41
My Email:United States
Email Address:

BSL is nothing more than wishful thinking for the politicians and civilians who support it. How can people who know so little about dogs make the final decision about what causes a dog to be dangerous? My thoughts and prayers are with the dog-owners of urope. Audrey

Hagen Wagner - 07/19/00 17:13:34
My Email:Germany

I hate the stinking maschines of shit and the stupid owners.

Aidalyn Cordisco - 07/19/00 16:50:38
My Email:USA
Email Address:

This has got to stop. I've heard people compare this to what happened during WWII. In addition to being such a stupid law, this has got to be a P.R. nightmare for Germany. The real problem is the people training their dogs to be aggressive, not the dog .

Wendy Miller (Muiller) - 07/19/00 16:49:13
My Email:US
Email Address:

I said this once before but I will say it again! Germany is showing the SAME ignorance now as they did when Hitler was killing innocent people due to their Religious beliefs! My God people....Jesus was a Jew and he too was persecuted! It only goes to s ow you that Satin is the ruler of this world and even though some people don't know it, Satin is their Master!

Bert Tissen - 07/19/00 16:47:20
My Email:Holland
Email Address:

To the German people, First you choose Hitler. After that you started the second world war. Sorry I forget the first. After that you tried to kill all the Jews. After that you tried to kill some of the best dog breeds in the world.Shame on you!

Melissa Bausman - 07/19/00 16:28:36
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Breed specific legislation will not solve your problems, and the manner in which you are doing this is reprehensible. Toughen penalties for criminals; don't persecute and execute innocent dogs.

Carl Stone - 07/19/00 16:16:33
My Email:USA
Email Address:

This is an outrageous over reaction. I'm appalled! The German people should take their leaders to task for this outrage.

Red - 07/19/00 16:10:39
My Email:United States
Email Address:

America could be next! Watch yourselves and your dogs!

Carol Beans - 07/19/00 15:39:19
My Email:USA
Email Address:

The actions of the German government make them liable for the injuries to those innocent people and/or their dogs attacked by hyterical fools because of the government's stupid, over-reactive response to a tragedy. The laws need to be rescinded and some ommon sense regulations developed. I realize that is very difficult for almost any governmental agency but I will boycott anything to do with Germany until this has been done.

Illya Hansen - 07/19/00 15:15:26
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Thanks a lot to all the people feeling with us. I never would have thought that any german politician is able to call out for a genocide in any way again. We need any help we can get to stop such things in their very beginning. Now they are starting with ogs they do not accept in germany anymore. Who gives a any guarantee they are not going to do so with human beeings, again? No creature has to be vanished from earths face by humans, even not dogs. ITS A GENOCIDE, planned by germans. Dont let it happen ag in !!!!

Thomas Müller - 07/19/00 15:00:13
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Dear american dog friends! I am very happy to see, that you show solidarity with all dog friends in germany. Unfortunately is all true, what you have written. Many germans fight against these stupid laws. But many germans discover their own little nazi again. They demand the holocaust for many breeds. In this days I'm very ashamed, to be a german. The last time, when I was so ashamed was, as I visited the former nazi concentration camp Buchenwald. There I saw pictures of dead bodys. Now I must see pictures of dead dogs. But is it the right way, when you demand the boycott for german goods? We need enlightenment for our people and goverment. Tell them your experience with such dogs. And at last: many thanks for your support, together we are strong Thomas

Carolyn Briggs - 07/19/00 14:42:34
My Email:UK

The UK DDA is ridiculous enough and has caused much suffering for both Dogs and their owners. Acts like this just do not work. The animals that attack are not of a specific breed but they often have a specific breed of owner. Deal with every case as an in ividual. Killing breeds will solve nothing.

Zengin, Bayram - 07/19/00 13:43:27
My Email:Germany Baden-Württember

Hi Everybody, i`m very sad about the situation here in Germany. I can´t describe my feelings in some words maybe i can describe it with the Link please go in there and have look at the Fotos. This happened in an Animal Shelter in Möchengladbach/Germany -> PLEASE TELL E ERYBODY WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE. peace and JUSTICE FOR ALL. ->

wendy - 07/19/00 13:39:32
My Email:US
Email Address:

I think this is totally senseless! I am half German and ashamed of it! How can MY blood be so STUPID and naive? Just look at Germany's history...I think that is Satans hometown and I dispise that fact that I have ancestory there!

- 07/19/00 13:28:06
My Email:germany

Hallo! I'm from germany. Let me tell you a little story that had happened last week when I took my Foxterrier for a walk. Last Saturday I took my dog for a walk, after an hour or so, a man came out of his garage with a baseballbat in his hands and want to hurt m dog. I tried to talk to the man, but it was senseless, so i had to run away with my dog. The people are so afraid, that they see in pit bull in every dog. In my opinion our government sleept for many years and after this terrible "accident" they want to olve the problem in a fast way, but as you can see in france, this is impossible

BBeaudreau - 07/19/00 13:28:03
My Email:USA
Email Address:

The way this situation is being handled in Germany is disgraceful. Dogs have rights too. Just because an animal can not speak for itself is no reason to discriminate. Stop the holocaust.

Romuald CHAUDANSON - 07/19/00 13:25:45
Email Address:

Je pense que ce truc est affreux et ne devrait pas exister je vous encourage

Zinta Gulens-Grava - 07/19/00 13:20:55
My Email:USA
Email Address:

This is horrible. Education of society should be the primary goal, not getting rid of entire breeds in Germany.

Heidrun - 07/19/00 12:50:21
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

To all dog-owners all over the world: PLEASE support us to keep the German government from killing our beloved friends! THANK YOU! Heidrun

alexandra schuhmacher - 07/19/00 12:48:31
My Email:germany
Email Address:

thank you very much for this page - maybe it can help us in germany to handle this crazy situation i am the owner of two pitbulls and they mean everything to me - i will never stop fighting for them

Tomas Horalek - 07/19/00 12:36:57
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Soryy, but my english is not so well so i have to write in German. Ich bin absolut überrascht und fassungslos, das eine Diskriminierung von Menschen innerhalb unseres Landes überhaupt möglich ist und das diese Diskriminierung vom Staat selbst ausgeführt wird. Maybe, someone can translate it for me.... thanx

Eva Zernack - 07/19/00 11:27:15
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Thanks for your help. It`s good to know that we are not alone!!!

Maico Schulz - 07/19/00 11:02:18
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

What is going on in my country? We fall back to the mediaeval, every gouverment makes their own rules, but every rule is just a demonstration of "not knowing". An example: It is forbitten, to breed a Tosa Inu. But in Germany are just 30 Tosa Inus exist, and no one of them has been biten someone. This is just one example of many things, that goes on. :-( there are no happy days in this country today..

Antje - 07/19/00 10:04:15
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Hi, thank for your support! I'm a german woman, i support all the dog owners in my country. PLEASE: THIS IS A URGENT MESSAGE TO ALL DOG OWNERS IN THE WORLD! WRITE TO YOUR EMBASSY AND TO THE GERMAN EMBASSY! SUPPORT US AND THE DOGS IN GERMANY! With best wishes Antje PS: Sorry, my english is not very well :)

Atilla Memet - 07/19/00 09:48:46
My Email:Germany Baden-Württemberg
Email Address:

Ich Finde es eine riesen schweinere das man uns und unsere lieblinge dermasen dieskrieminisir!!! --------------Stopt die angriffe auf Pit's!!!-------

Petra ten Cate - 07/19/00 09:46:01
My Email:The Netherlands
Email Address:

Please, doglovers all over the world, let your voice be heared! The situation in Germany must be STOPPED, right now! I live near the German border and I'm the owner of 2 very dear Dobermann's. They wouldn't hurt a fly. I believe that a dog is as good as his owner. They shouldn't kill the dogs but go after the owners who train them to kill dogs and even people. No dog is voilent by birth!!! Please save all the innocent dogs and their owners!

Béatrice LEPOIVRE - 07/19/00 07:42:49
Email Address:

Cessons ces actes de cruauté aussi bien envers les maitres que leurs chiens. Une poignée de mauvais maitres donnent une bien mauvaise image de nos chiens. Eduquons d'abord ces maitres là, les chiens suivront.

Claude Beullens - 07/19/00 06:56:00

To everybody who wishes to react. Send a copy of your e-mails to following address : ( prime minister ) Let him know how the world thinks about Germany !

Juan Sangüesa Massiel - 07/19/00 05:39:00
My Email:Chile
Email Address:

I cannot understand how a country with such a long tradition and culture about dogs is doing this...where id the VDH, ADRK, boxer klub, etc...? Germany is the craddle of the boxer, the dobermann, the rottweiler, the german shepherd...all working, protecti n can they pesecute what themselves created..and is admired throughout the world, for they exceptional qualities as companions and loyal defender of their human friends ??? what happens with germans...are they becoming mentally underdeveloped ?!?

Ellen Powell - 07/19/00 03:42:07
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I am so glad to find this site! I am trying to find out if there's a central place that is coordinating people from outside Germany who are willing to take dogs that are on the banned list into their homes with organizations in Germany that are trying to et banned dogs to safe homes outside Germany. I have people where I live that are willing to take dogs in the U.S. but they don't know who to contact. Does anyone know? Also, does anyone know where donations might be sent to help pay to get these poor dogs to safe countries? I'm sick about this!

The Black Family - 07/19/00 03:18:09
My Email:Australia
Email Address:

I totally against blaming one breed or a whole group of dogs for the actions of the minority of dogs. Usually it the TOTALLY the fault of the owner or handler. make the fines or jail terms mean something to these people that comtinually abuse animals and rain them to be untrainable killers.

Ruth Weddle - 07/19/00 02:36:11
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Hope this helps to better understand. Gleaned from the German Press: (1) there appears to be NO National Dog Law, rather a proliferation of new dog keeping regulations at the city and regional level. i.e., Berlin has a different version from Hamburg or B varia, etc. (2) Only Berlin seems to have rushed emergency enactment of its new regulations after a 12 yr old girl was bitten by a pitbull on way to school. Other jurisdictions have 8/1, 8/15, etc. enactment deadlines for their new laws, some are not sur if they can even enforce the new laws and may stick by the old. (3) Not all versions include hight and weight definitions of what makes a dangerous dog. (4) some laws are to be envorce by armed policy, some by civilians, some by mixed teams of both. Ge erally, Police is opporsed to dog patrol duty, citing lack of personnel, funds, equipment and diversion for more important crime control work. (Berlin Police also cited need for "bite resistant pants" they want issued before taking on this task.) (5) ve erinarians are generally opposed to new law requiring muzzling of potentially dangerous dogs, stating that it would encourage aggression rather than curb it in animals who have heretofore shown no such tendencies. Vets also report turning away frightened owners of the target breeds who would rather have their dogs peacefully euthanized than exposed to mob violence and torture. NOTE: THEY ALSO STATE A GERMAN LAW AGAINST KILLING HEALTHY DOGS UNDER THEIR CRUELTY TO ANIMALS STATUTES. (6) The chief "dog home" operator in Hamburg has severed ties with the City government and will no longer accept any of the "outlaw" breeds so as to not be in a position where he would have to become part of a killing spree as these types of dogs are aban oned by panicky owners or surrendered because of the high costs involved in keeping them unde r the new laws. He estimates that in Hamburg alone this might involve 1000 to 2000 dogs whose blood he will not have on his hands. (7) the current hysteria is t e direct result of sensationalized media coverage of bite cases, in particular one in Cologne, one in Berlin and the fatal case in Hamburg. This sells papers and gives politifcians an excuse to exert power. (8) The "Greens" are particularly vociferous n pushing anti-dog measures through their elected reps in Govt. Their professed goal is to ban all dogs from every park and public street, etc. and failing that, to have every dog muzzled and leashed, while imposing enormous financial burdens on dog owner through licensing, permts and fines. (9) All affected breeds are characterized as "Kampfhunde" (fighting dogs) to futher whip up public fear and antagonism. The following control measures are to be enacted: Both dogs in these breeds and their owners m st pass tests such as -- temperament tests conducted by state veterinarians. If a dog passes, it gets a green "Plakette" (insignia) to wear on the collar to indicate he's declared "safe". His owner must pass a criminal background check before he gets the plakette, can have no cruelty to animals, drug or other convictions. Each plakette costs 350 DM, the temperament test is another 100 DM, the vet gets 60 DM for his services. The total cost for a properly tested, licensed, leashed and muzzled "Kampfhund" s estiamted to be in the 1500 DM range, any violations carry fines up to 10,000 DM. (Sorry, don't have current conersion rates on hand.) Clearly, the real crime is the hatred unleashed by irresponsible media handling of a sad experience, due to one 23 yr old man's need for what he described as "only a status symbol and weapon" not a fighting dog. In an atmosphere of have vs. have-not, Eas vs. West Berliner, native born vs. immigrant or "guest worker", this was all the exuse for disgruntled elements in society to vent their frustrations on the next creature "down" from their level. (My apologies to all dogs!) Add power hungry politicians, a bureaucracy eager for all the new licensing and fine monies, and == yes, some irresponsible dog owners who even now refuse to put a leash on their dogs when out in public or pick up after them, and you have a volatile mix that will explode at the least rovocation and hurt those least deserving of condemnation: caring, loving pet owners who do not permit their pets to be a nuisance. It is for them that the German Government must be sent a loud message from the rest of the civilized world before there i more violence, oppression and destruction of the innocent victims of this rage. Sorry this took much space -- but I hope it helps in understanding what is going on right now -- and don't think for a mimute it couldm't happen here!

Silvia - 07/19/00 00:43:57
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Dear friends, germans didn't learn from their history. I'm shocked. Please, help to stop the killing of innocent dogs. Reading your homepage warms my heart. Thank's! Keep up your good work.

Woody Woodruff - 07/19/00 00:20:35
My Email:U.S.A.
Email Address:

I own 3 pit-bulls. All of them are very friendly and loyal dogs. I did not register my oldest female until she had her first litter of pups;because here in louisiana they have been talking about banning this beautiful,loyal breed. Any information on preventing the ban or in helping Germany remove their ban would be much appreciated.

Cindy Hörr - 07/18/00 22:56:39
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Thanks for all the people of all the foreign countries who are with the german dog friends. Please try to induce your gouvernments to enter a protest against these insane laws.

Cecilia Sjöström - 07/18/00 22:43:51
My Email:Sweden
Email Address:

Didn´t the germans learn anything from the time of Hitler????? To me it looks like the same thing. We planned to visit Germany this autumn, but we´ve canceled our trip. I´m extra careful about where the things I buy comes from. If it´s from Germany I can manage without it. I´m suffering with my dog friends down there. Where´s peoples commons sence??? From a very angry Cecilia

Susanne Hollesen - 07/18/00 22:13:59
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Hi, thanks for this great page. I'm a GSD-breeder in germany.I'm luck to live in a couty, where the dog-laws are not that hard. But even here the people turn out their hate towards dogowners on the street. I'm very ashamed of my nation. All the stories you ca read about what happens here in my coutry are true. Germany turned out to be a battle-field just over night. All dog-owners are treated like criminals, all dogs are treated as killer-dogs.Keep up your good work and tell the hole world about this shame.

Mlen - 07/18/00 21:24:37
My Email:
Email Address:

To the person who stated "Death to the fucking stinking shitting dogs", have you no balls? You must either be scared shitless, are brainless, or don't believe what you say. Why not sign your name, country, or e-mail? To the German government, I am of German decent, have several relatives in Germany, and will no longer buy, travel to, or support Germany, or any other country who supports this legislation, anymore. I will be ditching any stocks that I hold that directly do business with, or are owned by a German company. We are serious.

dee dee Andersson - 07/18/00 20:54:31
My Email:
Email Address:

It is unbearably sad that Germany would label innocent breeds as "fighting dogs" and try to remove them from their small portion of the earth. What will the Germans do when all molosser breeds are gone and the criminal humans begin to train their beloved SD, Rotties and Dobes to become the new "fighting breeds?" Will these breeds then be exterminated, too? Is it too simple a solution for Germany to grasp that it must be the humans training the dogs to kill who need to be punished?

Frattini Monique - 07/18/00 20:42:48
My Email:
Email Address:

It is a certain category of owners who will be exterminated...

Mook - 07/18/00 20:35:38
My Email:
Email Address:

We need your help!!! Thank you

Jan Dykema - 07/18/00 20:16:03
My Email:
Email Address:

I will be buying NOTHING German, including my new car. I feel for my bull terrier friends in Germany.They are some of the best breeders around and the most careful. They and their dogs do not deserve this treatment as do NONE of the dogs mentioned. Ger any has, once again, gone over the top in their reaction..First innocent Jews, now innocent dogs. Will their small mindedness never end? Will their stupidity?

Naz Bakshi - 07/18/00 18:49:59
My Email:
Email Address:

What is wrong with the German government?? Are they insane? What do they possibly hope to accomplish by engendering such hatred against dog owners. This from a culture who proudly developed the German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, the noble chnauzer, etc.??!!!? They should be focusing on having deterents in place for owners who cruelly abuse their animals instead of the animals themselves. What on earth do they do to child-abusers... kill the victims? This type of thing just makes my blood boil!!!!

Karen dam - 07/18/00 18:43:34
My Email:
The Netherlands
Email Address:

Hallo every one, my english is'n perfect, so I hope you understand what I have written here. I am very disappointed in the goverment of Germany, I have never thought they would be that blind. In the Netherlands te goverment is also planning of making laws for the dangerous dograsses. End they want to test if our dogs are dangerous by absurt tests wich will make the dogs as agressive as they can be, becourse they atack the dog while he can't run. I am working on a website in Dutch to wake up our goverment. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Greetings, Karen

Bart - 07/18/00 18:08:09
My Email:
The Netherlands
Email Address:

Are they insane! Do they never learn! What is next, put yellow tags on dog owners! Punish people who train their dog(s) to attack people or animals. Leave the dog out of this. Stop the dog massacre in Germany!

Bonnie Earnhardt Booker - 07/18/00 17:50:42
My Email:
Email Address:

COME TO YOUR SENSES, GERMANY. Prosecute the dog TRAINERS, don't persecute the DOGS!

Lynn Balsiger - 07/18/00 17:45:43
My Email:
Email Address:

Germany, Please come to your senses.

cooljazz - 07/18/00 17:07:46
My Email:
Email Address:

As I sit here with my *enormous*, gentle greyhounds, rescued from the racetrack, just another example of how humans exploit animals, I hate even to contemplate how they would be received in Germany today, they are so big. This is not the first incident of attempted breed discrimination. It has been fought in the US. It is wrong and must be stopped! As so many have said here, dogs are just the instrument. If people didn't teach them to be vicious, 97% of dogs woudln't h rm anyone.

Randy J. Dupea - 07/18/00 17:01:33
Email Address:

We raise dogs to be our friends through thick and thin even when we are angry at them they still love us. Leave it to some retards to train their dogs to be like that!!!!!

Laurent - 07/18/00 17:01:01
Email Address:

Hello , I'm owner of APBT and I'm very disapointed that your Governement take this decision very stupid against the bulldogs like APBT , Am'Staff , and Staffie . Try to find a solution for stop this stupidities because , it's only the owner that make the fault and not the dog . Laurent . Owner and Breeder of APBT , Editor of the magazine " American Pit Bull Mag " .

- 07/18/00 15:59:30
My Email:
Email Address:


SAVE MY PIT-BULL !!! - 07/18/00 15:56:38
My Email:
Email Address:

In france the police controle all personne who have a pitbull dog's. We have to sterilise all of them or they take your dog ! some dog die because this stupide new law !!! We are juste few in France ... Please come in to us forum and concerse with us !!! even try !!! please... on : see you, willy'zzz

Susan C. Johnson - 07/18/00 15:00:49
My Email:
Email Address:

This practice is disgusting. What would people do if they saw my dogs. I have 2 Newfoundlands. Dangerous, I know they are not. However, to the uneducated they may think differently. Proper training and ownership is the key.

Claude Beullens - 07/18/00 14:35:23
Email Address:

To everybody who wishes to react. Send a copy of your e-mails to following address : ( prime minister ) Let him know how the world thinks about Germany !

Diane Tippit - 07/18/00 14:29:46
My Email:
Email Address:

I am shocked an appalled that this type of mass hysteria could occur in a civilized country. The German government needs to carefully re-evaluate it's position or risk the world community seeing this as a through back to the Hitler mentality they are sti l trying to live down. My heart goes out to all the upstanding citizens of Germany who are being terriorized simply because they own dogs. What ignorance. The Government is clearly using this situation as a politcal ploy and I sincerely hope it will boomerang back on them. I certainly seems the German government has more important and pressing problems to address than persecuting animal lovers. The German Government would better serve it's citizens by addressing laws that would aggressivly prosecute acts of cruelty to animals; Not the innocent animals themselves.

Bogaerts MAria - 07/18/00 13:41:30
My Email:
Email Address:

We have Newfoundlands, live close to the German border and we decided to not go to Germany to a show again before this mess is over. It's a big shame, people can act like this. If somebody kills someone else with a gun, nobody kills the gun, no?

jessica elfving - 07/18/00 12:56:08
My Email:
Email Address:

I can´t believe this is happening.... It makes me so angry!

Brooke Taylor - 07/18/00 12:10:51
My Email:

How silly the German Government looks to the rest of the World. What embarressment. The great German Government scared, terrified of a few dogs. Sounds awefully like Nazi Germany to me, The Hitler gang were scared of the Jews then. Now this Government is rightened of puppies. What will you try and kill next, cats? They should be ashamed of themselves, what a stupid kneejerk reaction. Oh, the man who trained the dog to kill, what did they do to him?..Nothing I bet, he is truely dangerous and they are too scared to touch him. Much easier to kill defenceless people..s rry DOGS this time isnt it.

Patricia Ann L. O'Malley - 07/18/00 10:56:04
My Email:
Email Address:

Is Tuetonic efficiency really just rabid hysteria? For a people who gave birth to so many wonderful thinkers, how can the germanic peoples be so irrational? Do they realize that they are again being held emotional hostage by the efforts of a fanatical f inge? Manipulated by the same group that has a nude fashion show on NY's 5th Avenue and that throws blood at people in anything resembling fur and that "sets free" diseased and ill-equipped for survival lab animals? Get a grip. Its not bred in the bone its raised in the rearing.

Sabine Gerlach - 07/18/00 10:33:40
My Email:
Germany / NRW
Email Address:

Dear friends I am glad that we were heard. Almost 5 million german dog owners live in fear. The death threatens hundreds of thousands of innocent dogs. As an owner of a Dobermann and an American Staffordshire Terrier, I live in fear and fright. At the moment, I can walk these two dogs only in the early morning hours or in the evening. Both dogs are family dogs. The American Staffordshire Terrier (her nam is Sofie) is very popular with the children of my employees. The Dobermann is the descendant of a bitch, which is used in the rescue service (also at the great earthquake in the Turkey). He is an enormously gentle and careful dog - because of this he be rs the name „Ghandi". Four weeks ago a Dobermann was stabbed to death in Berlin. They had pulled a muzzle up for him before, so that he couldn't defend himself. The dog died painfully. The death cries of this dog are in my ears at every night. Please, help us to stop this insanity. God is with you.

Sofie Kohl Jensen - 07/18/00 10:30:55
My Email:
Email Address:

I'm terrified with the situation in Germany at the moment. We must raise our voices and stop the killing of innocent dogs. With care Sofie

Pia Palmblad Wright - 07/18/00 09:54:08
My Email:
Email Address:

It warms ones heart to read how many dog owners in other countries are willing to help the unfortunate and helpless dog owners in Germany - This should however not be so - What is the German Government thinking of? Or is the case that they are not thinkin at all - and why do German people (or some of them) have to pick on some otheres? - The 2 world wars should have tought some of these folk a lesson, - If there is anything I can do to help German Dog owners let me know

Silke Groos - 07/18/00 09:13:59
My Email:
Email Address:

Dear friends, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Please keep on fighting. We need you. I am a student of veterinary medicine and member of an animal shelter in germany. When these things began, we immediateley made public, that we deny to kill dogs because of "law and order". If you like, vistit us on our homepage - and keep on supporting us, don´t stop - we really need all the help, we can get! Silke Groos, Animal Shelter Olpe, NRW Germany

Wibke - 07/18/00 09:03:24
My Email:
Email Address:

It is so terrible whats happening!!! Im owner of three American Pit Bull Terrier. My 3 years old male is a direct descendant of Colby's Texas. Now he should die in five month because Im living in Hamburg! I got the notice for my flat because of my dogs just like about 11,000.- other People in Hamburg! We have to do something!!!

Jacquelien Woerdman - 07/18/00 06:45:44
My Email:
The Netherlands
Email Address:

I am appeled with the way the Germans treat this problem of dogincidents. But I hate the fact that on this questlist people compare this with what happened during the NAZI-regime. That's an insult to the people who suffered during those black years in Ger an history. Let's persuade the German governement with good arguments instead of this "namecalling".

Armbrust Uli - 07/18/00 06:39:58
My Email:
Email Address:

Thank´s for the help and homepage.My kennel name is Boyscout´s, and I´am happy that you want to help us in germany with the problems we have here. See you Uli.

Sibylle again :-) - 07/18/00 06:30:02
My Email:
Berlin, Germany
Email Address:

Sorry, wrong email-adress, must be:

Sibylle - 07/18/00 06:18:49
My Email:
Berlin, Germany
Email Address:

Hi out there! If u wanna help us u can send emails to the german government: or vistit the Website Thanks for your help! greetz from Berlin

Ruth Weddle - 07/18/00 06:09:33
My Email:
Email Address:

Pls. advise if you got my first message tonight. It seems to have vanished in cyberspace. I have downloaded and translated about a dozen articles from the German press which shed considerable light on what is going on in that country right now, which I t ied to share, but got cut off. There's clarification of deadlines, requirements, jurisdictional issues.

Ruth Weddle - 07/18/00 05:34:47
My Email:
Email Address:

Guess I was too wordy -- so let me just mention one ironical fact before I butt out: Ten Hamburg schools (where one of the incidents triggered the terrible overreaction) are now getting proper fencing to better protect the kids from stray dogs! BUT -- t the very school where it happend and at several others, the resident custodians have..... Rotties!.... to protect the school property and children. This seems to be causing a special dilemma. Also found that some bastard put out 50 plus chunks of sausage laced with broken razor blades in a Lubeck park == which fortunately were discovered before anybody got hurt. I will be glad to share more insights if anyone is interested, including the new certification requirements for dogs and owners of targeted breeds. In Berlin, the "Greens" appear to be the most intolerant of the legislators, exhorting their colleagues t ban dogs from park and public place.

Karen Cheffer - 07/18/00 03:43:34
My Email:
Email Address:

Why ban the dog..Ban the owner... I have seen many, many of what you can bad breeds that are more like pussycats than dogs. Until you educate and repremand the bad owners we will have a problem. Please look at what you are doing. Loving dogs in loving hom s don't deserve the bad rap. It is sounding like gestapo tactics. Many innocent people and their pets will be harmed and for what?? Panic gets us nowhere, this will hurt the wrong people. The people that this SHOULD affect will hide while innocent people are haressed.

Linda Bagnall - 07/18/00 02:18:11
My Email:
Email Address:

I think that the german public has been sold a pup with the new laws that are being brought in. The german goverment is looking at the wrong end of the lead for the solouition to the problem. They would be far better doing some thing serious about the owners of dangerouse dogs. The owners are the problem here. They bring up the dog and change it's nature so it is no longer a good member of society.


Moonway - 07/20/00 00:28:15
My Email:Duesseldorf-germany
Email Address:

Hello, A friend of mine (great animal lover) - just sent me your URL - I am a member of german animal protection -and volunteer at our animal shelter here at Duesseldorf - and regretfully I have to tell you that IT IS NOT TRUE !!!- What you are stating here in y u article. It is true that regretfully so many dogs have been brought into the shelters because the owner are afraid of the high taxes and because there is a kind of 'silly panic' about that dogs - but there is NO Mass holocaust here - and there will be a big demonstration next Saturday (over 30.000 dog owners) here in Düsseldorf, that I will attend too. There is a protest note against that law given to our highest court here in germany, and hopefully that law will be altered again - ( as it has been done n a haste and is absolutely not acceptable- ) - I love animals and protecting them is a quest in my life - but PLEASE - before you write such articles , collect reliable informations - Writing such article that is far away from reality - does not help our dogs - yours faithfully Moonway = Heike Borgard (Duesseldorf/germany) Member of animal care – germany

Denise - 07/20/00 00:11:54
My Email:Canada
Email Address:

While I feel for the family of the little boy who was killed, the problem does not lie with the dogs, but the stupid owners who train them to be like that. It is not the nature of the dog just to attack. The stupid owner is the one who should be punished NOT THE DOGS!

Melissa - 07/19/00 23:12:13
My Email:USA
Email Address:

As an owner of an American bulldog I am appauled about what is going on in Germany. Why are they crucifing the dogs, when it is the irresponsible owners who need to pay the price. My Bulldog has been the most human friendly dogs I have ever owned in my li etime. I have owned several other breeds and no other has been so gentle with my children as my bulldog.

thomas - 07/19/00 23:06:20
My Email:germany

i'm an amstaff owner. this ist not the time to be proud to be a german.

Ellen Powell - 07/19/00 23:04:08
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Hello Everybody, I tried to download the "Best Friend" flyer to make copies of and hand out in my community. Unfortunately I have a MacIntosh computer and cannot open it up! Would someone PLEASE download it for me and email it to me? Please send the text of the flyer in he body of the email so I’ll be able to read it? THANKS!

Nancy - 07/19/00 22:44:47
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Stupid and ignorant and cruel says it all for me.

Tanya - 07/19/00 21:46:55
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Is it really hard to see that when a dog is trained to attack and/or kill, it is of no fault of the dog? Is it the dog's choice? Obviously not. Should the dogs themselves be killed for something they didn't do???? Some justice.

Karen Stark - 07/19/00 21:24:51
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Many people believe that Germany is making a huge mistake in the killing and banning of these dogs. People domesticated dogs and they became our responsibility just as if they were our children. More and more people will be banning anything from Germany unless this madness is stopped! Karen Stark

Edeltraud - 07/19/00 21:01:51
My Email:Germany /Hessen
Email Address:

Thank you all for this site and your help. In my region of Germany (Hessen) the minister (Bouffier is his name) wanted to collect the dogs of 16 different breeds at certain places and then kill them all. He was stopped the night before this law came official - and not at least it were your voices from other countries, who made it. Your help is GREAT - good to have such doggiefriends all over the world. Edeltraud and her three Miniature – Bullterriers

Sandy Durachka - 07/19/00 20:26:54
My Email:USA
Email Address:

To encourage people to attack others with dogs is only perpetuating more violent behavior. What happens when a dog protects its owner from such attacks? Another vicious dog to be taken away and killed. I will not buy products from a country that allows or encourages abuse of dogs or people!!!!!!!

Catherine Walker - 07/19/00 19:12:36
My Email:Austria
Email Address:

" One can measure the size and the moral progress of a nation by how it treats its animals. " Mahatma Gandhi How sad to see Germany regress so soon!

Lanya - 07/19/00 18:58:42
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Hi, I red you writings and a lot of them are right. But please do not compare the situation now with the one in the third worldwar!! We are speaking for our dogs and we need your and every help. We´ll get it! But don´t speak of a holocoust! It won´t go like t is and the people living here are not the same as in those days!!! Help us with protest letters to all responsible persons and spreading the theme out in your land. That is the help we need! Hope you can understand my english. Thank you for helping our dogs! Saving animals has to be put into the constitution! Bye Lanya

Suzanne - 07/19/00 18:22:39
My Email:Canada
Email Address:

I believe there are bad dogs as there are bad people but not such a thing as a bad breed or a bad race. My two year old staffordshire bull terrier was viciously attacked once by a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (although somewhat embarrassing to admit) sh ran back to me for protection. It was not the dog's owner fault, it was on a leash, but got away from its owner. Breed specific laws really does not solve any problems. All the best to you in Germany...

Angie Golka - 07/19/00 18:22:19
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

PLEASE HELP US AND OUR DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!! I`am afraid here in germany with my two dogs, a bullterrier and a staff. It`s war here on the streets, when we go out with ouer dogs. PLEASE HELP US !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CBE - 07/19/00 18:07:50
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I am totally heartbroken by what is currently happening in Germany. It is completely ridiculous to ban breeds!! Its just like racism!! These people should spend their time banning certain "humans" from having dogs!! Owner of a 100lb Old English Mastiff puppy & 60 lb Lab/Golden mix

Just a friend - 07/19/00 17:47:53
My Email:USA

The following contribution is recorded at the Baerbel Hoehn website ( Any word on a position from the AKC, GSDCA-WDA, USA, USRC, FAST, UDC, etc.??? Cindy Cooke, United Kennel Club Our registry is over 100 years old and we are the second largest all-breed dog registry in the world. We strongly oppose breed-specific dangerous dog laws. We favor laws that require permanent identification by microchip or tattoo and strongly enforced le sh laws. We have issued a press release that you may view at our web site: The world is watching as Germany hastily enacts these laws that turn decent people into criminals and victims of mob hysteria. I lived in Germany when I was a child and I know the German people deserve better laws than this. Please reconsider this path yo are taking. Very truly yours, Cindy Cooke United Kennel Club Kalamazoo, MI, USA 19.07.2000 - 16:31

Alisha Segovia - 07/19/00 17:28:46
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I find this totally insane to punish all dogs for other people's stupidity, makes me ILL. I own three show APBT and I would simply die if anything happened to them. PLEASE PEOPLE BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR PETS AND PROTECT THEM. This situation can happen nywhere.

Petra Hitz - 07/19/00 17:22:01
My Email:Deutschland
Email Address:

Bitte helft uns und unseren Hunden. Viele Grüße Petra Please help us and user dogs.

Audrey - 07/19/00 17:15:41
My Email:United States
Email Address:

BSL is nothing more than wishful thinking for the politicians and civilians who support it. How can people who know so little about dogs make the final decision about what causes a dog to be dangerous? My thoughts and prayers are with the dog-owners of urope. Audrey

Hagen Wagner - 07/19/00 17:13:34
My Email:Germany

I hate the stinking maschines of shit and the stupid owners.

Aidalyn Cordisco - 07/19/00 16:50:38
My Email:USA
Email Address:

This has got to stop. I've heard people compare this to what happened during WWII. In addition to being such a stupid law, this has got to be a P.R. nightmare for Germany. The real problem is the people training their dogs to be aggressive, not the dog .

Wendy Miller (Muiller) - 07/19/00 16:49:13
My Email:US
Email Address:

I said this once before but I will say it again! Germany is showing the SAME ignorance now as they did when Hitler was killing innocent people due to their Religious beliefs! My God people....Jesus was a Jew and he too was persecuted! It only goes to s ow you that Satin is the ruler of this world and even though some people don't know it, Satin is their Master!

Bert Tissen - 07/19/00 16:47:20
My Email:Holland
Email Address:

To the German people, First you choose Hitler. After that you started the second world war. Sorry I forget the first. After that you tried to kill all the Jews. After that you tried to kill some of the best dog breeds in the world.Shame on you!

Melissa Bausman - 07/19/00 16:28:36
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Breed specific legislation will not solve your problems, and the manner in which you are doing this is reprehensible. Toughen penalties for criminals; don't persecute and execute innocent dogs.

Carl Stone - 07/19/00 16:16:33
My Email:USA
Email Address:

This is an outrageous over reaction. I'm appalled! The German people should take their leaders to task for this outrage.

Red - 07/19/00 16:10:39
My Email:United States
Email Address:

America could be next! Watch yourselves and your dogs!

Carol Beans - 07/19/00 15:39:19
My Email:USA
Email Address:

The actions of the German government make them liable for the injuries to those innocent people and/or their dogs attacked by hyterical fools because of the government's stupid, over-reactive response to a tragedy. The laws need to be rescinded and some ommon sense regulations developed. I realize that is very difficult for almost any governmental agency but I will boycott anything to do with Germany until this has been done.

Illya Hansen - 07/19/00 15:15:26
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Thanks a lot to all the people feeling with us. I never would have thought that any german politician is able to call out for a genocide in any way again. We need any help we can get to stop such things in their very beginning. Now they are starting with ogs they do not accept in germany anymore. Who gives a any guarantee they are not going to do so with human beeings, again? No creature has to be vanished from earths face by humans, even not dogs. ITS A GENOCIDE, planned by germans. Dont let it happen ag in !!!!

Thomas Müller - 07/19/00 15:00:13
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Dear american dog friends! I am very happy to see, that you show solidarity with all dog friends in germany. Unfortunately is all true, what you have written. Many germans fight against these stupid laws. But many germans discover their own little nazi again. They demand the holocaust for many breeds. In this days I'm very ashamed, to be a german. The last time, when I was so ashamed was, as I visited the former nazi concentration camp Buchenwald. There I saw pictures of dead bodys. Now I must see pictures of dead dogs. But is it the right way, when you demand the boycott for german goods? We need enlightenment for our people and goverment. Tell them your experience with such dogs. And at last: many thanks for your support, together we are strong Thomas

Carolyn Briggs - 07/19/00 14:42:34
My Email:UK

The UK DDA is ridiculous enough and has caused much suffering for both Dogs and their owners. Acts like this just do not work. The animals that attack are not of a specific breed but they often have a specific breed of owner. Deal with every case as an in ividual. Killing breeds will solve nothing.

Zengin, Bayram - 07/19/00 13:43:27
My Email:Germany Baden-Württember

Hi Everybody, i`m very sad about the situation here in Germany. I can´t describe my feelings in some words maybe i can describe it with the Link please go in there and have look at the Fotos. This happened in an Animal Shelter in Möchengladbach/Germany -> PLEASE TELL E ERYBODY WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE. peace and JUSTICE FOR ALL. ->

wendy - 07/19/00 13:39:32
My Email:US
Email Address:

I think this is totally senseless! I am half German and ashamed of it! How can MY blood be so STUPID and naive? Just look at Germany's history...I think that is Satans hometown and I dispise that fact that I have ancestory there!

- 07/19/00 13:28:06
My Email:germany

Hallo! I'm from germany. Let me tell you a little story that had happened last week when I took my Foxterrier for a walk. Last Saturday I took my dog for a walk, after an hour or so, a man came out of his garage with a baseballbat in his hands and want to hurt m dog. I tried to talk to the man, but it was senseless, so i had to run away with my dog. The people are so afraid, that they see in pit bull in every dog. In my opinion our government sleept for many years and after this terrible "accident" they want to olve the problem in a fast way, but as you can see in france, this is impossible

BBeaudreau - 07/19/00 13:28:03
My Email:USA
Email Address:

The way this situation is being handled in Germany is disgraceful. Dogs have rights too. Just because an animal can not speak for itself is no reason to discriminate. Stop the holocaust.

Romuald CHAUDANSON - 07/19/00 13:25:45
Email Address:

Je pense que ce truc est affreux et ne devrait pas exister je vous encourage

Zinta Gulens-Grava - 07/19/00 13:20:55
My Email:USA
Email Address:

This is horrible. Education of society should be the primary goal, not getting rid of entire breeds in Germany.

Heidrun - 07/19/00 12:50:21
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

To all dog-owners all over the world: PLEASE support us to keep the German government from killing our beloved friends! THANK YOU! Heidrun

alexandra schuhmacher - 07/19/00 12:48:31
My Email:germany
Email Address:

thank you very much for this page - maybe it can help us in germany to handle this crazy situation i am the owner of two pitbulls and they mean everything to me - i will never stop fighting for them

Tomas Horalek - 07/19/00 12:36:57
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Soryy, but my english is not so well so i have to write in German. Ich bin absolut überrascht und fassungslos, das eine Diskriminierung von Menschen innerhalb unseres Landes überhaupt möglich ist und das diese Diskriminierung vom Staat selbst ausgeführt wird. Maybe, someone can translate it for me.... thanx

Eva Zernack - 07/19/00 11:27:15
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Thanks for your help. It`s good to know that we are not alone!!!

Maico Schulz - 07/19/00 11:02:18
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

What is going on in my country? We fall back to the mediaeval, every gouverment makes their own rules, but every rule is just a demonstration of "not knowing". An example: It is forbitten, to breed a Tosa Inu. But in Germany are just 30 Tosa Inus exist, and no one of them has been biten someone. This is just one example of many things, that goes on. :-( there are no happy days in this country today..

Antje - 07/19/00 10:04:15
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Hi, thank for your support! I'm a german woman, i support all the dog owners in my country. PLEASE: THIS IS A URGENT MESSAGE TO ALL DOG OWNERS IN THE WORLD! WRITE TO YOUR EMBASSY AND TO THE GERMAN EMBASSY! SUPPORT US AND THE DOGS IN GERMANY! With best wishes Antje PS: Sorry, my english is not very well :)

Atilla Memet - 07/19/00 09:48:46
My Email:Germany Baden-Württemberg
Email Address:

Ich Finde es eine riesen schweinere das man uns und unsere lieblinge dermasen dieskrieminisir!!! --------------Stopt die angriffe auf Pit's!!!-------

Petra ten Cate - 07/19/00 09:46:01
My Email:The Netherlands
Email Address:

Please, doglovers all over the world, let your voice be heared! The situation in Germany must be STOPPED, right now! I live near the German border and I'm the owner of 2 very dear Dobermann's. They wouldn't hurt a fly. I believe that a dog is as good as his owner. They shouldn't kill the dogs but go after the owners who train them to kill dogs and even people. No dog is voilent by birth!!! Please save all the innocent dogs and their owners!

Béatrice LEPOIVRE - 07/19/00 07:42:49
Email Address:

Cessons ces actes de cruauté aussi bien envers les maitres que leurs chiens. Une poignée de mauvais maitres donnent une bien mauvaise image de nos chiens. Eduquons d'abord ces maitres là, les chiens suivront.

Claude Beullens - 07/19/00 06:56:00

To everybody who wishes to react. Send a copy of your e-mails to following address : ( prime minister ) Let him know how the world thinks about Germany !

Juan Sangüesa Massiel - 07/19/00 05:39:00
My Email:Chile
Email Address:

I cannot understand how a country with such a long tradition and culture about dogs is doing this...where id the VDH, ADRK, boxer klub, etc...? Germany is the craddle of the boxer, the dobermann, the rottweiler, the german shepherd...all working, protecti n can they pesecute what themselves created..and is admired throughout the world, for they exceptional qualities as companions and loyal defender of their human friends ??? what happens with germans...are they becoming mentally underdeveloped ?!?

Ellen Powell - 07/19/00 03:42:07
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I am so glad to find this site! I am trying to find out if there's a central place that is coordinating people from outside Germany who are willing to take dogs that are on the banned list into their homes with organizations in Germany that are trying to et banned dogs to safe homes outside Germany. I have people where I live that are willing to take dogs in the U.S. but they don't know who to contact. Does anyone know? Also, does anyone know where donations might be sent to help pay to get these poor dogs to safe countries? I'm sick about this!

The Black Family - 07/19/00 03:18:09
My Email:Australia
Email Address:

I totally against blaming one breed or a whole group of dogs for the actions of the minority of dogs. Usually it the TOTALLY the fault of the owner or handler. make the fines or jail terms mean something to these people that comtinually abuse animals and rain them to be untrainable killers.

Ruth Weddle - 07/19/00 02:36:11
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Hope this helps to better understand. Gleaned from the German Press: (1) there appears to be NO National Dog Law, rather a proliferation of new dog keeping regulations at the city and regional level. i.e., Berlin has a different version from Hamburg or B varia, etc. (2) Only Berlin seems to have rushed emergency enactment of its new regulations after a 12 yr old girl was bitten by a pitbull on way to school. Other jurisdictions have 8/1, 8/15, etc. enactment deadlines for their new laws, some are not sur if they can even enforce the new laws and may stick by the old. (3) Not all versions include hight and weight definitions of what makes a dangerous dog. (4) some laws are to be envorce by armed policy, some by civilians, some by mixed teams of both. Ge erally, Police is opporsed to dog patrol duty, citing lack of personnel, funds, equipment and diversion for more important crime control work. (Berlin Police also cited need for "bite resistant pants" they want issued before taking on this task.) (5) ve erinarians are generally opposed to new law requiring muzzling of potentially dangerous dogs, stating that it would encourage aggression rather than curb it in animals who have heretofore shown no such tendencies. Vets also report turning away frightened owners of the target breeds who would rather have their dogs peacefully euthanized than exposed to mob violence and torture. NOTE: THEY ALSO STATE A GERMAN LAW AGAINST KILLING HEALTHY DOGS UNDER THEIR CRUELTY TO ANIMALS STATUTES. (6) The chief "dog home" operator in Hamburg has severed ties with the City government and will no longer accept any of the "outlaw" breeds so as to not be in a position where he would have to become part of a killing spree as these types of dogs are aban oned by panicky owners or surrendered because of the high costs involved in keeping them unde r the new laws. He estimates that in Hamburg alone this might involve 1000 to 2000 dogs whose blood he will not have on his hands. (7) the current hysteria is t e direct result of sensationalized media coverage of bite cases, in particular one in Cologne, one in Berlin and the fatal case in Hamburg. This sells papers and gives politifcians an excuse to exert power. (8) The "Greens" are particularly vociferous n pushing anti-dog measures through their elected reps in Govt. Their professed goal is to ban all dogs from every park and public street, etc. and failing that, to have every dog muzzled and leashed, while imposing enormous financial burdens on dog owner through licensing, permts and fines. (9) All affected breeds are characterized as "Kampfhunde" (fighting dogs) to futher whip up public fear and antagonism. The following control measures are to be enacted: Both dogs in these breeds and their owners m st pass tests such as -- temperament tests conducted by state veterinarians. If a dog passes, it gets a green "Plakette" (insignia) to wear on the collar to indicate he's declared "safe". His owner must pass a criminal background check before he gets the plakette, can have no cruelty to animals, drug or other convictions. Each plakette costs 350 DM, the temperament test is another 100 DM, the vet gets 60 DM for his services. The total cost for a properly tested, licensed, leashed and muzzled "Kampfhund" s estiamted to be in the 1500 DM range, any violations carry fines up to 10,000 DM. (Sorry, don't have current conersion rates on hand.) Clearly, the real crime is the hatred unleashed by irresponsible media handling of a sad experience, due to one 23 yr old man's need for what he described as "only a status symbol and weapon" not a fighting dog. In an atmosphere of have vs. have-not, Eas vs. West Berliner, native born vs. immigrant or "guest worker", this was all the exuse for disgruntled elements in society to vent their frustrations on the next creature "down" from their level. (My apologies to all dogs!) Add power hungry politicians, a bureaucracy eager for all the new licensing and fine monies, and == yes, some irresponsible dog owners who even now refuse to put a leash on their dogs when out in public or pick up after them, and you have a volatile mix that will explode at the least rovocation and hurt those least deserving of condemnation: caring, loving pet owners who do not permit their pets to be a nuisance. It is for them that the German Government must be sent a loud message from the rest of the civilized world before there i more violence, oppression and destruction of the innocent victims of this rage. Sorry this took much space -- but I hope it helps in understanding what is going on right now -- and don't think for a mimute it couldm't happen here!

Silvia - 07/19/00 00:43:57
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Dear friends, germans didn't learn from their history. I'm shocked. Please, help to stop the killing of innocent dogs. Reading your homepage warms my heart. Thank's! Keep up your good work.

Woody Woodruff - 07/19/00 00:20:35
My Email:U.S.A.
Email Address:

I own 3 pit-bulls. All of them are very friendly and loyal dogs. I did not register my oldest female until she had her first litter of pups;because here in louisiana they have been talking about banning this beautiful,loyal breed. Any information on preventing the ban or in helping Germany remove their ban would be much appreciated.



audrey seifert - 07/17/00 23:14:19
My Email:
Email Address:

Any dog will be mean if that is how it is raised. You can have "ankle-biters" small dogs that can be just as mean as a big "dangerous" dog. When are people going to wake up and realize that it isn't the dog its the owners who have no business owning a d g that is the problem.

sue spillane - 07/17/00 22:39:53
My Email:
Email Address:

i agree that the german government is wrong. dogs are what they are trained to be and if they are mean it is because people have made them that way.

Phil Morgan - 07/17/00 21:47:15
My Email:
Email Address:

What is the German Kennek Club doing? A few years ago when the World Dog Show was in Dortmund I saw that they made a big effort to try to show the general public that Dogs really could be mans best friend. However the criminal element just don't go to d g shows. I wish you luck, and have passed your address on to all my friends and will put a hard copy in our club canteen. Z.V.K.C. in Koewacht Zeeuws Vlander. Phil.

Leigh Ann Sproles - 07/17/00 20:45:04
My Email:

I just can't believe that anyone could do what Germany's government is doing to these poor dogs!!! I can't understand how they think these horrible mass murders of these dogs is going to solve any problem. It's just so sickening, outrageous, and heart-breaking. I also feel sorry for the good, responsible pet owners who have to fear for the safety and life of their beloved pet(s) and possibly for themselves as well!!! It's just ludicrous! I read some of the other comments made to this "Let *your* voice be heard!" petition and it is so wonderful to see people from all over the world joining together to voice our total disgust and to express our absolute shock in what Germany's so-called lea ers are doing. Thank you all and may God be with each and every one of us! Leigh Ann Sproles

Michael Bryant - 07/17/00 20:29:45
My Email:
Email Address:

I am an American serviceman in Germany and an owner of a beautiful Dogue de Bordeaux. It doesnt matter that she is freindly to people and patient with kids, that she has been obedience trained, or that I'm jumping through flamming hoops to meet the legal requirements in my state (Bavaria). All people see is a large dog their government told them to hate. So far all I have experienced is hostile looks and comments (I do speak some German). My heart goes out to the family of that little boy, he was the vi tim of an irresponsible owner. Please people socialize your dogs and if you breed try to screen your buyers. Its the only thing in our power to control, because one bad apple spoils the whole bunch.

L.Brouwer - 07/17/00 19:53:17
My Email:
Email Address:

Hereby I will protest against the unhuman behaviour of the German politicans and the German people against dogs and owners. Haven't we not learned from the past that this things may never happen again. L.Brouwer

Olli - 07/17/00 18:54:47
My Email:
Email Address:

Hi! Nice to get help from all over the world... It´s really hard to realize that germany is ruled by the yellow press...The yellow press(especially Springerpresse-->BILD-Zeitung)started a real persecution...And the politicians do whatever the yellow press wants. Sorry for my english...I´m out of school for about 4 years and that´s the first time I´´m writing english since that.... I´ts almost the same shit happenened 50 years ago... I hate this government...please boycott everything from germany...Let´s help our friends...the dogs...ALL dogs.... thank you Olli

Burkhard Redeker - 07/17/00 18:52:37
My Email:
Email Address: Germany

Hello, in the last four weeks two people where killed bei violent neonazis in germany, a dozen of other inocent people where injured by right wing attacks. But what does the german government, what does the german tv and press do against this violence on german streets? Absolutly nothing, they are to busy in hunting inocent dog owners. It's an easy game to mobilisize the german people against so called "kriminal fighting dog owners", but it's very difficult to destroy the neonazi structure. Help us, to come to an end with this foolish politik in germany, boycott german products, be solidarity with us and let the german government know about this. Save our freedom, save our dogs Have a look at the dog holocaust in germany under the URL Burkhard Redeker

Les - 07/17/00 18:18:36
My Email:
Email Address:

This is another example of hysteria, and blame leveled in the wrong direction. I would be interested to know if it is German Nationals who are attacking dog owners, or is it other cultural classes?

Don Stager - 07/17/00 18:01:01
My Email:

Being of German descent, I am proud to be German. The vast majority of Germans are great people, but the lawmakers and "powers that be" can be something else. This is a dog holocaust. Needless to say, I had always planned on going back to my family's root (Hamburg), after these actions, I will never go. And to think, I always thought of Germany as a canine Mecca! Now Germany is a canine Hell!

Heike - 07/17/00 17:56:44
My Email:
Email Address:

Thank's to all the People, how help us in this difficult Sitiuation. My Staff. Noah ist 8 months old. Sorry for my English. Thanks al lot and let is go on -we need this, to save our Dogs for Killing.

Donna Vartanian - 07/17/00 17:22:26
My Email:
Email Address:

This is Hitler revisted; it's happened once too many times in this world. Let's stop this before it gets out of hand.

Connie - 07/16/00 09:11:52
My Email:DK
Email Address:

Germany - When will you ever learn?????? Connie

"Eddie" - 07/16/00 08:23:43
My Email:UK

Wow! Read all the posts first, then sign this. It's REALLY scary. Especially the mail from Astrid. I'm Really sorry for the folk who live in Germany. Good Luck to you all. I WILL BOYCOTT any German goods in our shops. Keep up the good work. Lets all try to change the G governments mind!

Sue James - 07/16/00 05:16:24
My Email:England
Email Address:

You are doing a great job with this, keep up the good work!

sigrid cargile - 07/16/00 05:12:42
My Email:USA
Email Address:

its starts with Breeding...and continues with owners/handlers.....The dogs will learn or not learn whats exeptable....its up to the Breeder to breed for good disposition...the handler/owner to continue good training practice. The recent "witch hunt (dogs)" reflects VERY badly on society as a whole....where is the true aggression? aktions /aggressive /bad behavior that is shown 100 times more BY HUMANS right now. Does anyone even remember where and how it started?....BY ONE BAD HANDLER/DERELICT that trained his dog for attack....the PUNISHMENT SHOULD FALL ON THAT PERSON or persons. the goverment has to STOP punishing the wrong people and the wrong dogs. STOP STOP STOP THE INSANITY AND FOR GOODNESS SAKE THINK!!!!!!!!!! Sincerely concered about the mass hysteria and ugliness.....most people will use this issue for their natural aggression/akting up and out to have an official "excuse"...NOT WITH ME!!!!! Calif. has "roadrage" right now...just another excuse for aggression and least in Calif. its "just" a Germany they pass Ordinances for peoples sorry behavior? Ops...did I mention I am German born as well...grew up in Germany when people still had common sense...WHAT's happening? Where is the national pride on "cool" thinking? praktical action? At least face the core problem...which is BAD handlers/owners very ashamed for MANY of my country"men" Sigrid Cargile

Robyn Rogers-Fox - 07/16/00 01:56:03
My Email:Australia
Email Address:

I vehemently protest the archaic and draconian methods implemented by the German government against all dogs taller than knee-height, as many taller dogs are loving, gentle and protective companions to children and the elderly. Indeed, many acts of heroi m have been documented when dogs save their owners from maiming or death in accidents, fire, drownings, etc. I support the implementation of sanctions against the German Government until such time as the politicians regain their perspective on this issu and act against irresponsible owners and breeders, and not the innocent animal; who is, after all, only what Man has made him.

NELENE NARUCKI - 07/16/00 01:35:20
My URL:http://============
Email Address: JRN517@AOL.COM


Josephine Keliipio - 07/15/00 22:31:22
My Email:Hawaii
Email Address:

Stop this killing of innocent dogs, damn it! The real criminals are the owners! You should be banning the sport of fighting and going after folks who fight dogs.

April Oliver - 07/15/00 21:33:21
My Email:United States
Email Address:

I think the people in germany are wrong about our beloved dogs. Game or not these dogs are excellent pets and they do not all attack people. The people who train these dogs to be man bitters and vicious should be punished not our dogs.

Sheryl Glass - 07/15/00 20:56:23
My Email:USA

This is terrible. They must do something sensible about this immediately.

Tammy Olson - 07/15/00 20:29:00
My Email:USA
Email Address:

It is the owner, not the dog, that should be punished. Because of their eagerness to please, dogs are susceptible to training which would normally be against their nature. The German officials must understand this.

Melissa - 07/15/00 20:24:42
My Email:US
Email Address:

This is a shame that people dont understand that dogs are not born mean,its the people that make them mean!!

GERLINDE STAUB - 07/15/00 20:11:36
My Email:USA
Email Address: HUNDELS@AOL.COM

we will boycott you Germany - if you don't come to your senses. Banning all dog breeds in Germany does not solve the problems. Rather clean up with all the people you let into the country which are mouching off the land.

M Len - 07/15/00 19:36:11
My Email:USA
Email Address:

**Sigh** When will people get it? Dogs don't kill people. People train dogs to kill people. Why punish the dogs? If government wants legislation, address the people who train dogs to kill. Not the animals. They are just doing what they are told. mlen

Henric Glinghammar - 07/15/00 18:04:23
My Email:Sweden
Email Address:

This is a good start, dog people around the world need to know about this stupidity, and help stopping it before it gets out of hand. Henric with three un-muzzled pyrs.

Ann Garbarino - 07/15/00 17:59:17
My Email:Canada
Email Address:

What can I say, accept, it is unbelievable, what is happening in Germany. I live on a 100 acre farm, with a proper kennel, radiant heating in the floors. If anyone in Germany would like to send their dogs to me, for a short period of time, no matter how l ng, will be most happy to take them. I am heavily involved with Ridgeback rescue. I hope that no pet loving owner, needs this offer.

wolfsong - 07/15/00 17:27:46
My Email:United States of America
Email Address:

Consider: The kind of government that would mandate the murder of pet dogs just because those pets are of a certain breed. The kind of government that would suggest those owners and their pets be attacked? And finally, the kind of people who would attack those owners and their pets? Is the German government still corrupt? Do the German people still follow the dictates of their government without using their own intellect and conscience? The implications of this situation go far beyond the borders of Germany. Dog Holocaust, indeed. It offends me greatly, is intolerable and must be stopped.

Regina - 07/15/00 16:29:38
My Email:germany
Email Address:

Please help breedes of Pitbull, am.Staff and the other dogs to sell their puppies before they must die !!!

cmerlynck Jean-Marie - 07/15/00 16:03:07
My Email:belgium
Email Address:

its a scandel to handel anemals this maner

jena brodhead - 07/15/00 12:54:11
My Email:U.S.A.

The horrifice indiscriminate annhilation of pet dogs by the German government is unacceptable by the world - yes, I can speak for the world - that is how horrendous the act is. People of Germany collect yourselves against your governing bodies and electe officials - they have run amuk. Repeat the legislation, rebel, it could be your children next. jena

Lauri - 07/15/00 11:53:02
My Email:USA
Email Address:

My only response to this deplorable behavior is... Didn't the Germans learn anything from thier previous action of mass murder? How disgusting!

astrid geskes - 07/15/00 09:28:29
My Email:germany
Email Address:

I thank you so much for your big interest in "the new germany" (or should I call it "old Germany"??? I'm the owner of a mix-dog (mother labrador-father unknown - one night stand only!!)I grew up in the 100% believe to live in a free country with democrati rules. How much did I fail!!!! I have to beg pardon now to my grandfathers and grandmothers because I always asked them: how could that happen, how come you never did anything against Hitler and his companions? You should have recognized from the start! ! My god, I now understand. I feel like living in the 4. Reich!!!! I'm afraid of walking down the street with my dog, because I'm always expecting to be attacked by dangerous dog-hating peope, who now believe they got the waaranty by our government to att ck dog-owners! There are a lot of examples to express the mass-hystery here. Even children get attacked when walking around with their beloved pet. And if you want to see how the dog-holocaust works, look at www. the 4. Reich!!!! I'm afraid of walking dow the street with my dog, because I'm always expecting to be attacked by dangerous dog-hating peope, who now believe they got the waaranty by our government to att ck dog-owners! There are a lot of examples to express the mass-hystery here. Even children get attacked when walking around with their beloved pet. And if you want to see how the dog-holocaust works, look at vom Massenmord) There you can see pictures of dogs. murdered last days. Please, all dog lovers in the world, attack the german government by sending letters, faxes, emails. Please, don't buy any german products. I want my country to be blamed in the face of the whole w rld! Now one should believe, that the germans have changed in the las 55 years. the mass-mob is still there waiting to hunt whoever seems to be different. they start with dogs, how far will they go???? Hitlers "race-ideology" is now part of the german law If there are bad and good races of animals fund in a german law, don't you think they will find good and bad human races next??? I'm really afraid of my people now and I ask the world, don't look away from that new germany, don't ignore the beginnings ag in. Even Hitler showed the world a nice face before he started holocaust. Learn from history!!! Send this message around the world! Blame Germany!

Chris - 07/15/00 06:29:37
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I got word of the situation with dogs in Germany on a list I am on, and I am appalled. I agree with a lady who posted to the this book. I am a GSD fancier, and I also had the greatest respect for a country where to be shown, a dog had to have a working itle of some type. Now, I am not so sure. I understand that the German People are a very opinionated people, but THIS IS GOING TOO FAR!! I own a GSD, and a Great Pyrenees, which is on that list, and I am disgusted with the whole situation. If they wi l do that over there, how much longer will it be before the same things are instituted here? We are already seeing the prelude. Look! See how our freedoms are being taken away from us, both in Europe and in the rest of the world. Do what you can. If lived in Germany right now, I would be finding myself a new country to live in. There's no way I would give up my Pyr because the government thinks it is a threat to the "common good". I hope that there is something done soon to curb the excesses of Ge man Governmental control.

L Haugland - 07/15/00 05:42:47
My Email:USA
Email Address: America

And here I thought that the United States was the only country where a politician’s arrogance was surpassed by their stupidity.

Jack Mowery - 07/15/00 05:35:48
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I notice that the dogs with the largest numbers of reported bites (German Shepherd and German Shepherd crosses) are not listed as dangerous. What, are they Aryan? Isn't this the way the black shirts started 60 years ago? Isolate one group of people (it as jews, gypsies and queers last time, this time it is dog owners) and make them responsible for all the evil things happening. With the reunification and the massive clean-up required in the former East Germany, Germany has gone from a rich nation to a poor one. Someone is obviously to blame. Must be those damn dog owners. My sympathy is only for the dogs. You people allowed it to happen to yourselves. Just like last time. Jack Mowery Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Susan Black - 07/15/00 05:10:01
My Email:USA

It is embarrassing as a human being to hear stories of people torching live dogs just because they are a specific breed. I am disgusted that the government is allowing it to happen and even encouraging the violence. I pray that somehow this madness will come to a happy ending.

Shellie - 07/15/00 04:05:45
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I think that it is a horrible day when a government can punish all innocent dogs and their owners because of one ignorant person.It is the owner of the dog that killed that child who should be severly punished, for he was surely to blame for the tragedy. otal eradication of a breed or race? Hmmm when will the German government learn? I myself have 2 dogs that are on the red list over there and cannot imagine what I would do if I was told that I had to have them euthanized.I do know that I would fight in a yway Possible to save them.I wish you all luck in doing just that!I hope this in some way helps.

Mary Eisenhart - 07/15/00 02:45:32
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Legislate against criminal behavior of humans. Do not fall into the racist ideology of condemning dogs, humans or anyone else for their breed.

Sandy - 07/15/00 02:39:10
My Email:USA
Email Address:

This comes from a country whom I used to have great respect for in regards to how dogs (in particular) German Shepherds, had to have a working title before they could be shown in a breed ring! Could we be next?

Cara Cline - 07/15/00 00:29:31
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Please stop this inhumane senseless killing of helpless animals ...not ALL dogs are attack dogs !!!!! Remember the Holocaust? These animals are helpless and do not deserve this treatment .

rotti - 07/15/00 00:04:13
Email Address: rotti@de

please help us!

Linda Randall - 07/15/00 00:03:38
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Such a reaction to a specific incident by the german government, is like the US government saying that all Germans are murderers based on the crimes perpetrated against humanity by the Germans during the war. It is just as ignorant, as unfair and as unac eptable!!!

Rick Hirsch - 07/14/00 23:59:50
My Email:United States of America
Email Address:

This is absurd! Why are the German people ecouraging their countrymen to commit these acts. Apparently, they have not learned from the past. Committing these types of acts and inciting violence in this manner is pure ignorance. The same manipulation th t the Nazi's used with the public in the 1930's and 1940's. Those German citizens that are committing these atrocities need to realize they are being manipulated the same as their ancestors by fools.

Patricia Ann Willis - 07/14/00 23:39:31
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I certainly hope this travesty of justice may come to an end soon for all innocent breeds, breeders, and owners alike. It is heartbreaking to see how mob rule, even at the level of lawmakers, can take such a tragic toll on the innocent. Primarily because lack of personal responsibility just does not seem to exist.

eSPO - 07/14/00 23:34:54
My Email:USA
Email Address: DeSPIN5430@AOL.COM

I think that everybody should call the local Mercedes Benz Dealer in their area and remind them that Millions of American pet owners spend billions of dollars on German goods and services. We need to stop the violence against responsible owners and their pets !!! Daimler /Chrysler would love to hear from you !!!!

Edith & pets - 07/14/00 23:28:25
My Email:Germany
Email Address:

Hello Dog-Friends and animal-Friends all over the World, I thank you for setting up this website and for "fighting" on our side in this hard times. People are almost desperated ....and as they got knowledge of all the activities worldwide - to help our dogs and us - they felt much better. May I use the sign with the muzzled dog, please. I thank you also for linking my website - and please - it is not a German website / I did already everything on my 4 websites in English, only several parts such as "animal rescue and health-sites" are bilingual (the website Leomagazine with info on my br ed should at the end be trilingual) ...sorry I'm not proud to live her, I'm not proud to be born her --- I'm proud of my French and Italian ancestors --- and I think of leaving this country (which is unfortunately more easy said than done). Thank you on behalf of all dogs and their owners! Edith & pets

Crystal Bogue - 07/14/00 23:20:22
My Email:USA
Email Address:

One more thing. If People for Ethical Treatment of Animals is so worried about the dang elephant races as being cruel what they hell are they doing about this mass murdering of our beloved pets????? I guess they are showing their true colors when it com s down to personal ownership of animals.

Crystal Bogue - 07/14/00 23:18:31
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Great page but more graphic pics should be shown like how they are killing the dogs, the results of the public retaliation and such. Very scary stuff. It has been coming across my e-list everyday. It is so fast and fleeting that it is almost hard to ke p up. I do have a suggestion though: create a webring for stopping the killing over there. Yes, this is a holocaust and it is working the same way. We cannot let this just blow over because this is setting precedence for the rest of the world. We mus be heard! UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL AND LOSE OUR PETS!

Marsha Short - 07/14/00 22:39:50
My Email:USA
Email Address:

I think it is not the dogs faults but rather the irresponsibility of the owners. Any dog can bite as they all have teeth, for that matter any animal including humans can bite. If they are teaching these poor animals to act in this manner, than they will a t this way, and it is the owners that should be punished not every dog of this type.

Sooner Staffs - 07/14/00 22:32:19
My Email:USA
Email Address:

its a shame people lash out in fear when they should get to know all the facts before they judge a breed how many dogs or people for that matter have died and will die because of ignorance of the race or breed.

John Nicholson - 07/14/00 21:26:22
My Email:usa
Email Address:

I am greatly disappointed in your countries recent atrocities against Molosser Canines. Granted what happened at the school yard is a great tragedy that should have never happened, but by looking at the circumstances its painfully obvious that the owners of this dog are clearly at fault. I'm quite sure by now you are aware of the statistics of dog bites of Molossers as compared to other breeds of dogs like the great GSD and Rottweiler of your country. It's clear that the Laws being passed are prejudicia and inflamed by passion and grief over the tragedy. If history has taught us anything it should be that extermination of a species is not an option for a better world. The problems with bad people owning dogs can be handled through legislation. Also, ith the technology of the new millennium there are ways to register dogs to a specific owner without forgery. This might be costly to the owners, but that could also be a benefit to make sure the dogs don't end up in the wrong hands. I know its much eas er to exterminate the dogs than to find a real solution to the problem, but that shouldn't stop your country from acting like a civilized nation and treating their law abiding citizens rights with respect. I will be boycotting all German goods and servic s until the killing of your citizens pets is stopped and a real solution is found.

Teri - 07/14/00 20:12:44
My Email:USA
Email Address:

Our hopes are that this "guestbook" will be used by everyone around the world (Germany in particular) to keep us all up to date on the breed ban legislation in Germany. Please visit ofen and add links to websites covering the ban worldwide, enter new information you have received, etc..