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PUBLIC HEARING, Monday, 7th May 2001, 9:30 AM
at the CICG Centre International de Conférences de Genève
15-17 rue de Varembé

**********DogHolocaust declares 7th May 2001 Red and Black Ribbon Day**********

For almost one year now, certain breeds of dogs are being subjected to cruel and officially organised persecution in Germany. Round-ups, impoundment, expropriation, forced castration, compulsory confinement in cages and death kennels, deviously performed and absurd character tests, enforced euthanasia and painful extermination are all part of the day's work. The aim, already partly achieved, seems to be the mass-extermination of dogs belonging to discriminated breeds such as the Pit Bull and Bull Terrier, Bull Mastiff, Bandog, Bulldog, American Staffordshire Terrier and others. The reason given for these brutal activities are the incidents with so called fighting dogs, dogs which have injured or killed humans, and serve as grounds for short-sighted and irresponsible revenge on guileless animals as well as on an untold number of conscientious dog owners.

For many years German politicians have chosen to ignore the burning question of dogs misused as fighting weapons, even though animal protectionists have continuously drawn attention to the situation. Today however, these same politicians are active in interfering with the rights of dogs and their owners as well as committing serious offences against the animal protection law. The results are mass-killings of completely innocent dogs and the traumatic ordeals suffered by the resulting social out-casting of blameless dog owners. These acts of destruction are not only totally senseless but also feed and support a dangerous tendency within the population towards mass hysteria leading to an inflammatory lynch-justice against people and animals.

Those really responsible for the tragic occurrences leading to this situation are never the animals but humans who make their profits out of breeding and dealing in 'fighting breeds' and/or turning dogs - by the fitting training methods - into dangerous fighting weapons. These people will not be dissuaded by the elimination of some canine breeds but will simply switch their gruesome activities to other breeds.

End of August 2000 the Court for Animal Rights sent an urgent written report to the German President, the German Chancellor, the Leader of the German Government and other important German politicians stating its concern about the situation of mass canine extermination. Response by these persons was evasive, devious or appeasing. Now, as before, the drama surrounding the fate of these dogs is played out of the sight and reach of the general public.

The hearing set for the 7th May will clearly and unmistakably expose the brutal reality and political background of the dog massacres in Germany, setting the stage for those responsible to be brought to justice. The hearing takes place in the presence of the international press and under the guidance of capable legal practitioners and experts. The plaintiffs are the Animal Protection Party of Germany and and numerous other German organisations.

The hearing is public. Start: 09:00 AM
Conference languages: German, French, English, Spanish (Simultaneous translation)
Case postale, CH-1820 Montreux
TEL 0041 21 964 42 84 - FAX 0041 21 964 57 36
Montreux, April 25, 2001

Breed discrimination and extermination of dogs in Germany tried by the INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE FOR ANIMAL RIGHTS Invitation to the Hearing

Dear Sir,

We wish to inform you of and invite you to the above trial, specifying that on Monday the 7th May 2001 the International Cour of Justice for Animal Rights in Geneva will deal with the present persecution and culling of certain breeds of dogs in Germany, among them the Bull Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Mastiff, Bandog, Bull-dog, American Staffordshire Terrier and others. A public hearing will cause those responsible, including the German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, Vice-Chancellor Josef Martin Fischer and the German President Johannes Rau as well as other politicians to be morally called to account.

The plaintiffs are the Animal Protection Party of Germany and 19 other registered German organisations. Delegates of European Animal Defense organisations, experts, jurists and witnesses from Germany and other parts of Europe will attend the trial. Film documentaries and photos will be shown in support of the accusation.

The hearing which is placed under the patronage of the U.A.N. (United Animal Nations) will be held on Monday, 7th May 2001, 9.30am
At the Centre International de Conférences de Genève (CICG)
Rue de Varembé 15-17, Geneva
Close: about 5pm.

The Court is composed of an international jury of 9 jurors and 3 judges and is presided by Franz Weber.
Conference languages: English, French, German. Simultaneous interpretation.

The purpose of the trial is 1 - to break the silence which presently covers the tragedy of the persecuted dogs by bringing their plight to the attention of an international public 2 - to publicly expose the culprits: humans who make their profits out of breeding and dealing in "fighting breeds" and/or perverting innocent dogs - by brutal training methods - into dangerous fighting weapons, and politicians who have criminally neglected to set up proper legal barriers against such activities.

We will be pleased to receive your returned and completed form of participation to
FAX to 0041 21 964 57 36.

Looking forward to hearing from you and meeting you in Geneva

The Secretary general Franz Weber
Montreux, 25.04.2001
