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On Tuesday, 1st October 2002, Kennel Club representatives travelled to the European Parliament, Brussels, to attend the European Pet Night 2002, which highlights the positive role that animals play in the lives of thousands of EU citizens. Pet Night is part of a week-long exhibition in the European Parliament aimed at informing Euro-politicians about the wonderful benefits that animals bring, and is always well attended by Members of the European Parliament.

As part of the visit, the Kennel Club took the opportunity to speak with MEPs regarding the continuing 'dangerous dogs' issue in Europe, particularly with reference to the possible further adoption of breed specific legislation in Norway. A private meeting was also arranged with two MEPs now well known for their support of the Domino campaign - Theresa Villiers and Roger Helmer - who were, once again sympathetic to the campaign call of 'Punish The Deed Not The Breed' and eager to assist.

Said Theresa Villiers MEP, "We were dismayed to learn from the Kennel Club that the German situation is still on-going and that hundreds of dogs are incarcerated in German kennels waiting to be put to sleep, with their only crime being that they were born the wrong breed or type! This is a desperately sad state of affairs and it is our intention to find out exactly what is happening to these poor animals. We intend to focus our efforts on highlighting their plight in conjunction with the Kennel Club."


Roger Helmer MEP continued, "As well as Germany and other countries in Europe, we have now learnt that Norway is considering adopting similar breed specific legislation. Whilst Norway is not part of the EU, we will be making representations to see exactly what can be done to prevent 'man's best friend' being further persecuted in Europe, as the current 'dangerous dog' laws clearly do not work."

Caroline Kisko, Secretary of the Kennel Club concluded, "Once again we have had a very positive trip to meet with MEPs. It is quite clear to us that, with the recent announcement of a further ten countries joining the EU in the next few years, it is imperative that MEPs are fully aware of the spread of this anti-dog legislation, so that they can continue to be an active voice for dogs in Europe. We were also delighted with the assistance given to us by Pets As Therapy (PAT dogs), who kindly displayed Domino posters, leaflets and prints on their stand within the European Parliament for the entire week, further spreading the message."

The Kennel Club continues to receive a large postbag regarding the current situation in Norway and is liasing with relevant Norwegian parties and assisting them with their internal campaign. They request that all UK canine enthusiasts lobby the Norwegian Government to bring pressure to bear. In the first instance write to the Norwegian Ambassador, Mr Tarald O Brautaset, The Norwegian Embassy, 25 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8QD, tel: 020 7591 5500.

For further information on the Domino campaign please go to , or telephone 020 7518 1008.

11 October 2002

Contact For Further Information:
Press Office
020 7518 1020 / 1008

