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By Nick Mays

THE FIGHTBACK against the recently introduced dog control laws in Germany has gathered pace in the past week, particularly since the announcement by the German Federal Government that it seeks to ask the European Parliament to introduce an EU-wide ban on the breeding, sale and importation of Staffordshire Bull Terriers, American Pit Bull terriers and American Staffords. There are fears that the European Parliament may also be pursuaded to introduce muzzling laws for all dogs over 40cm at the shoulder, as is now the edict for all dogs in Germany from the German Federal Government.

The UK and USA have lead the way in protests against both the domestic German laws and their effect on innocent, responsible dog owners and their dogs, and also against any planned EU-wide legislation. The Dog Holocaust internet List has helped to co-ordinate various protests, which include a campaign of e-mails to German politicians, inlcuding the Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder and calling for a worldwide boycott of all German goods and services until such time as the laws are amended.

* The Dog Holocaust Internet Site is:


One such call for action is a Red Ribbon Campaign & Red Ribbon Internet 'Webring' against breed specific legislation in Germany and in other countries has been organised by American dog owner Porcha Leon Guerrero. Guerro declares: "Demonstrate your support, determination and solidarity with responsible dogowners in Germany and in other countries endorsing breed specific legislation and attach a red and black ribbon to your dog's collar, to your front door or fly a red and black ribbon from your car ariel. "Let everyone know that you do not support breed specific legislation discriminating and banning certain breeds in Germany as well as in other countries before it hits home and your dog is the next on the list in your country.

"The colour red symbolizes our the responsible dog owners'protest against breed specific legistation, the media hype as well as the verbal and physical attacks against innocent dogowners and their dogs and the colour black symbolizes mourning for the tragic victims of bite attacks." Guerro adds; "I have asked Pedigree Pal and Royal Canin (they sponsor conformation shows) to sponsor the Red Ribbon Campaign and to mass-produce ribbons. They'll have my fax on Monday morning so please also send a short fax in English to the company officials and let them know you support the red ribbon campaign. Details of these officials can be obtained from the Campaign Webring."


Various dog clubs and campaign groups are attempting to fight the German breed bans and control laws through both the German and European Courts, claiming - with some accuracy - that the hastily enacted laws are contrary to both German Constitutional Law and European lawe guaranteeing the freedom of the individual.

  • The DCBT german bull terrier club have a fund for legal cases and rescue for Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Miniature Bull Terriers, American Staffords and Bull terriers.

  • Bullterrier-in-not have a rescue fund, for all bull types and their crosses, more details on their site shortly.

  • Gregor von Dungen has fopught against all repressive dog legislation in Germany through Bullterrier-Freunde eV (Frienbds of Bull Breeds), aiming to help all threatened breeds by fighting legislation. Bullterrier-Freunde eV are aiming to help all threatened breeds, they have fought 30 legals cases in the last ten years and won 28, they want further funds for legal challenges.

    Details of funds (usually in Germany any bills or donations are paid by credit transfer directly into a bank account - credit cards and cheques are used rarely).

  • Donations may be sent to the folowing accounts:

    Juni2000 Der Vorstand, DCBT e.V. (DCBT Committee)
    H. Pöppke
    Volksbank Magstadt
    Kto.Nr. 55 062 016
    BLZ 603 914 20
    mark donations for "Hundeprobleme" (german paying in slips have a space for this)
    funds required for legal cases

    Bankaccount of Bullterrier-in-Not
    Address: Rosengarten, Niedersachen, 21224- Germany
    Bank account number: 93 93 900
    routing Number: 240 603 00 (bank code)
    Bankinformation: Volksbank eG Rosengarten
    Zip = 21224
    City = Rosengarten
    State = Niedersachsen
    Country = Germany
    use for = dog rescue (important note!)
    Bullterrier in Not e.V. Frau C. Schürmann
    Telefon (0 52 21) 39 39
    Fax (0 52 21) 3 32 87

    The organisation supporting all threatened breeds:
    Bullterrier-Freunde eV
    Donations should be sent to Aktion für bedrohte Hunderassen (Initiative for threatened dogbreeds) Hypo-Vereinsbank Holzkirchen
    BLZ 700 202 70 (bank code)
    Kto. 6 440 205 257 (account number)

    Cheques can be sent to (cheques in Germany do not have a payee, make UK cheques payable to Aktion für bedrohte Hunderassen):
    Gregor von Dungen
    Lindenstraße 37
    72810 Gomaringen

    Money may be paid in any European currency.


Following last week's well-attended demonstration in Dortmund against the reprssive dog control laws in Gfermany, a further, larger demontsration was staged last Saturday (July 22)in the industrial city of Duesseldorf. Protest / Demonstration Duesseldorf/Germany, July 22, 2000.

Police estimated the total number of people at the demonstration to be in the region of 10-12,000, almost ten times as many at the previous week's demonstration. The whole vent passed off very peacefully, showing that the protesters were ordinary, law-abiding citizens. Leading German campaigner Edith Steffen outlined to OUR DOGS the highlights of the demontsration. "The demonstration was sponsored by ROYAL CANIN - and even if this is good for the company for marketing - I want to be fair and mention this; as they provided us with microphones," says Edith.

"Amongst the speakers was a politician from the Green Party who critisized the edict, released by a colleague, Minister Barbara Hoehn, and told the crowd what's in his opinion wrong on the edict. He made the vital point that it would not have been necessary to enact any new laws if the existing rules and laws had been followed properly."

"We also heard from a lady from an animal rescue organisation, referring to the "abuse" of animals, mentioning that no creature is born "bad or aggressive" but each creature can be turned towards aggression (by torture/wrong training etc.)

"Then there were the organizers and members of the Buergerinitiative (initiative founded by the citizens, concerned by that edict " Edith added that several individuals spoke, including herself. Amongst these were a blind woman with a certified guide dog to guide her, complete with a special guiding leash, whilst she herself carried a white stick for everybody easily to recognize that she is blind. "She was ATTACKED on her way from Muehlheim to Duesseldorf at Main Station Duesseldorf." says Edith. "It was only due to the fact that some passengers showed courage and helped her that she was not hurt. The poor dog was much confused (which one could easily see on the body language, tail carried between the rearlegs, unusually shy and nervous due to that). It was a very friendly Old German Shepherd-male who could anyway be touched be everybody. - We convinced the lady that she should report this to the local police, which she agreed to do after the demonstration. A TV-Team was asked to cover this story and reporter from local press came over for an interview."

A brief news bulletin on the demonstration was carried on WDR TV News that evening, whilst the more 'serious' newspapers seemed to be undergoing a change of attitude towards the plight of dog owners and were reporting more favourably towards the campaigners. Edith concludes; "We are incredibly grateful for the support of dog ownbrs from all over the world in this campaign. The more pressure, such as a boycott of German products and by letting German industry know the reason for this boycott, letters to the embassies, emails to the politicians etc, the more we continue, the more likelihood that we are able that the Goverment will amend their edicts and release new, reasonable laws."

* The next demonstration should take place this Saturday, July 29, 2000 in Gelsenkirchen.


THE MEETING organised by the Bulldog Breed Council at last Saturday's Leeds Championship Show attracted over 200 people to discuss the growing concern of British dog owners over the implications of a possible EU-wide dog control law.

Robin Searle, who arranged the meeting told OUR DOGS: "A lot of people has simply not realised the implications of what's been going in Germany and the fact that it could become an EU law. That came as a shock to a lot of people, so there was muych discusion on what to do.

"We agreed that everybody should send one letter each day of the week to their MP, MEP, the Home Office, Foreign office and so on, as already suggested and keep up the pressure. Meanwhile, we are liaising with the Kennel Club to arrange a co-ordinated stance against this legislation." A further meeting for owners of ALL breeds of dog is hoped to organised within the next month, details of which will appear in the canine press.

Copyright (c) Nick Mays/OUR DOGS, July 2000
