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Numerology What ?

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What is Numerology ?

In everyday life and conversation we use numbers almost without thinking. We enter a known series of numbers into a machine, and it gives us the amount of money we have asked for. We dial a certain combination of digits into the telephone system and speak to the particular person we wish to contact. If visiting friends interstate we tell them when to expect us by the use of numbers indicating both time of day and the day itself: "I'll be arriving on flight No.747 on the 15th of next month. It's due to arrive at 2:30pm.", tells them all they need to know. We use numbers to indicate precise quantities, sizes, locations, times and types of anything and everything in a way we can all understand. "It's part No.147621", says what we want much better than "It's that little thing that fits inside etc...", and ensures we get what we want. Life as we know it could not exist without numbers. Important as they are to us, they were even more important to our ancestors, who believed that numbers, and also words, were symbols  of power.

The ancient Assyrians, Babylonians, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Greeks, Hebrews and Hindus all used their own system of numerology to try to understand the mysteries of life, and the nature of humanity, as well as trying to forecast future events. It was "Sacred Knowledge" and the priests guarded it jealously. With the passing of time, the various systems merged and the system we know today began to evolve. Many name, well known to students of the occult, have been associated with numerology, including Pythagoras, Henry Cornelius, Agrippa, Giuseppe Balsama Cagliostro, Eliphas Levi, and in more recent times Count Louis Hamon (Cheiro) and Aleister Crowley. Numerology continues to evolve, and its' study can be a life long interest.


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This page was last updated on 05/04/02.