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About Green Lantern

Green Lantern

About Green Lantern

As of August 21, 2001 Green Lantern is no longer accepting quote requests. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please feel free to e-mail with any questions.

Suggestions, Comments, Questions, Orders:

Review the Privacy Policy

Why "Green?" Green is the color of trees and the color of money, the two things people save when they purchase CFLs and LEDs. Green Lantern is committed to providing the most economical, environmentally sensitive products on the market.

Green Lantern is neither a manufacturer nor an affiliated retailer. Green Lantern is an independent venture of Derek Lemoine that seeks to collect all the available, varied CFL prices in one location. The consumer no longer has to skip around looking for what he wants. Green Lantern tries to have every model at the lowest prices. Satisfaction guaranteed.

This web site is constantly being improved and updated. An expanded links section, further expansion into LEDs, and the possibility of online ordering are all in the works. The price quote method is currently preferred because it is easier to tailor to individual needs for the cheapest price.

Please spread the word. Banners and images are available upon request. Just e-mail Banner exchanges are welcome.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 413
Abita Springs, LA 70420

The cost and time of shipping & handling currently varies from order to order. By personalizing each quote and order, each individual's shipping needs and time frame can be accomodated. Checks, cash, money orders, and credit cards (Mastercard and Visa) are acceptable forms of payment. Credit card payments are processed through PayPal.

Sorry about the pop-up window. That's the mixed blessing of a free host.

Privacy Policy

Any personal information gathered is solely for the purpose of product delivery and will not be divulged, sold, or traded. E-mail addresses may be used to periodically inform the customer of important information or site updates. The customer may unsubscribe at any time by replying with "Unsubscribe" in the text or subject line. Spamming is against this policy. This site does not use cookies at this time, nor has it ever used cookies, but Green Lantern cannot make any promises regarding Angelfire's cookie usage. Back to top

Other pages in this site: Home, About CFLs, Product Types, Order Bulbs/Request Free Quote, Calculate Your Savings, Links

Contact: e-mail:
            PO Box 413
            Abita Springs, LA 70420

Last Updated: August 21, 2001
Copyright: Derek Lemoine 2001