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25mm ACW cavalry Gallery    

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06 Figures & 06 Horses @ $12.95                 
03 cav Figs/03 Cmd & 06 Horses @ $12.95 
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25mm ACW cavalry 

HGACC01 Troopers taking light fire
HGACC01c Troopers taking light fire w/cmd
HGACC02 Troopers taking heavy/withering fire
HGACC02c Troopers taking heavy withering fire w/cmd
HGACC03 Troopers in greatcoats taking fire
HGACC03c Troopers in greatcoats taking fire w/cmd
HGACC04 Rebel Raiders w/shotguns/floppy hats some firing
HGACC04c Rebel Raiders w/shotguns w/cmd/floppy hats some firing
HGACC05 Troopers/floppy hats firing pistols
HGACC05c Troopers/floppy hats firing pistols w/cmd
HGACC06 Federal Troopers/kepi/carbine
HGACC06c Federal Troopers/kepi/carbine w/cmd
HGACC07 Federal Troopers/kepi/shotgun
HGACC07c Federal Troopers/kepi/shotgun w/cmd
HGSSC01 Casualties; Trooper & Horse down dead on the ground
HGSSC02 Horse Casualties;Horse/dead on ground;horse rolling over
HGSSC03 Horse Cavalry Saddles (6) $5.95
HGSSC04 Supply Mules (6) $8.95