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Hello there. I suppose you have clicked on the 'Biography' link to learn a bit behind the person who brought you this site. My name is Kaustav Acharya and live in San Diego, California. I love creating web pages and images. I have currently started working on the front end of Web programming and love every moment of it. I like running and physical challenges(I ran a mile in 6.19min and the 400 meter run in 1.59min! YEAH!) and also love to read. My parents have encouraged me to do the very best in school and in life. I want to say thanks for a job well done. I want to become a front-end programmer when I get of school, so I need to get a head-start on as much as I can. There are only a few more years left before I start work, so it's going to be a real treat for the people looking at my site when they see it flooded with the latest JavaScripts and such.

I also love nature, and can be considered extremely introvert. Music choices vary from calm soothing New Age, to up-beat Progressive Electronica.

If you have any questions about my lil' life, feel free to email me.


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