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Knightly Art Awards (Site)

Huge thanks to the presenters
of these awards

Thankyou to Angelsnote

Creative Site Award

October 2000

Kisses to my sweetest net friend Sam

Great site awrd

October 2000

Thank you to Angel

October 2000

Thank you to Jacques Proulx

Terrific Site Award

October 2000

A big thankyou and hug to Di

Monumental Site Award

October 2000

Thanks to Hillary

Dolphin Award

September 2000


Ancient Warriors Web site of the Day

Thankyou to Anthony

Dragon Award

September 2000


Thank you once more to Orchidlady

Hummer 2000 award..for a humming good page

July 2000


Thank you to Orchidlady.

Orchid award for page excellence.

July '2000


Thank you and hugs to Sonje W.

Sonjes flames of passion award.

July '2000
