My Homeworkers PageThere are many companies out there that hire Homeworkers to save them on costs like office space and back-up on work from employees taking sick days due to sick children or themselves. They willing pay good with the expectation of good work. Unfortunately these companies have a hard time finding people due to all the many schemers out there making most of scared to take a risk. It also becomes quite dificult for most of us to find these companies not knowing where to look for the legit ones. This is why I have choosen to provide this page for those of you out there interested in this. Below I have provided a couple of helpfull suggestion and info on obtaining a directory of companies hiring.
How to get started... There are a few things you need to do to get started in choicing the company best for you. * Decide how many hours a day you want to work, what days and the total numbers of hours per week. * What kind of work do you want to do? Do you want to work with your hands (ex. crafts), on the phone, on your computer, etc. * Do you have any space you can set up as your home office? And is it quiet (if not, you may not want to go with phone work). * How much many do you need to earn per week/ per month? * What skills do you already have? After you have answered these questions and have narrowed your options down look for companies that can fit your needs. You can find these companies in the newspaper and on-line. Then verify that these companies don't have any fraud complaints against them. You can do this thru the Better Business Bereau, unfortunately they can only tell you if a complaint has been filed that doesn't mean they are not a scam. So you still need to be carefull. |
![]() I have been working as a homeworker for many years now and have been scammed and have also found many great companies out there. Before I found those great companies I put a lot of time and energy researching many companies out there. I realized how dificult it is to find these companies and figured it must be the same for the rest of you out there. A group of friends of mine and myself decided that there was real need out there for a directory of these legit companies. After spending hours on research and money we have come up with a directory of 100+ companies that hire Homeworkers, from Phone work to Crafts to Mail Processing and more. We have also included some Party Plan and MLM companies for those who might be interested in sales. As well as some rules to follow on doing some local Mail Processing ( envelope stuffing ). For those interested send an order request which includes: *Your Full Name, *Mailing Address, *E-mail Address (optional), *Subject: Homeworkers Directory, and a check or money order made payable to: G. Lopez-Siple for $10.00 + $3.50 S&H (TOTAL $13.50) to 121-C Leonard St., Columbus, GA 31905. Sorry we are not set up yet to handle on-line orders. We are a new small business. Thank You for your order. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions, comments or suggestion. We welcome all. |