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More Sketches

Laura DePuy drew this for me. She's a regular colorist for CrossGen and colors...CrossGen Chronicles, and Ruse (soon). Any more?

Mark Waid, famous writer of CG (he does Sigil and Ruse and Crux), was kind enough to whip out a marker and draw this for me.

Paul Pelletier, new pencilist of the upcoming Negation title, drew me this when i told him i was unfamiliar with his work.

Ron, of the keen fashionable CG shirts, drew me this. You haveta see Sojourn to understand (hint: it's a tatoo on top of Mordath's bald head) p

Steve McNiven is an awesome pencilist, and this is the main character of his title, Sephie.

Simon Archer, of the upcoming Ruse series, as drawn by the very nice Butch Guice.

Tony Bedard, newest writer to CrossGen swears this is the first page in the Negation Prequel...

Bart Sears was kind enough to draw me this Wyture (pronouced "witch-er" for those not in the know) as well as 7 other drawings!

Again, Jimmy shines with this lovely picture of Ashleigh.

Scott was nice enough to accomadate me by drawing me the same thing THREE times!