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Before You Get One...


After You've Gotten One...


Choosing Your Design:

What are you willing to commit to forever? What are your aspirations? What gives you strength? The answers to these questions can help you to decide on a very personal tatttoo design. Try to remember that what may tickle you at 20, may not at 50! There are almost as many styles of tattoos as there are places to put them, with different combinations, your possibilities are endless! Whether you decide to have a custom design drawn by the tattoo artist, bring in your own or choose from available "flash", you will want to make sure that the design is one that will transfer easily into a tattoo, and that will make you happy for years to come.

Health and Safety Concerns:

To date, not a single case of HIV or Hep.B. has been linked to tattooing, but this doesn't mean that you shouldn't be extremely cautious when selecting an artist. Don't be afraid to watch the artist set up the equipment for your tattoo, or to ask about the process. All tubes, needles, and equipment should be completely sterile prior to beginning your tattoo. The artist should be wearing surgical gloves throughout the procedure. If it is necessary to get more ink, ointment, or to take a break, the gloves should be removed and replaced with new ones. The artist should be willing to answer any and all questions that you my have about the sterilization procedure; forget, someone who seems evasive or flustered. Make sure that you ask any questions that you may have, remember,it's your body!


AfterCare instructions may vary with different artists but whatever instructions you are given, be sure to follow them.

Some Quick Tips:

1. Don't pick the scab

2. Stay outta the sun, pools & hotubs for a while

3. Only put a light coating of ointment on yer tattoo...too much can harbour excess bacteria and cause an infection

4. If there's sumething funky going on with yer tattoo and yer not sure if it's normal or not; just ask your tattoo artist!


Oceanic Tattoos encourages the use of: