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Math Worksheets

It has been found through research that continued repetitive review of the basics of math that a student learns easier and faster. It is through these basics that they will find the harder grades and mathematical procedures a whole lot easier to understand. These worksheets are basic, repetitive, somewhat easy. This is so the child learns relearns the basics, each time doing the sheets faster. Also it builds self confidence and makes the student proud to see that the more they work on it, the faster they get and when they achieve perfect, they are proud and see the rewards of working repetitively. These questions are laid out in the "long way" method rather than "stacked" to train the brain to think quick and memorize rather than figure. Keeping track of the childs time can help show how they are progressing but is not necessary.

Each of these sheets can be used for any age child. Some suggestions with younger ones just learning is to use pennies, bottle caps, or something similar and do the sheets with them. Using the hop method on a ruler bar can also assist. Pennies arefun.......because after a math tutor session.....they can keep the pennies they worked so hard for!


The following sheets are addition....adding #1-10 or 1-15 plus 1-4

I will be adding the next set soon.

Is your child struggling with math or you feel they might need some extra help. A wonderful

program that I have my son in, he is in Grade 8 and still struggles, is KUMON Education.

Check it out here~