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Lists 7



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Every now and again I find a list pertaining to local history. I then spend hours trying to find someone or something that I recognise. Sad isn't it? Well, perhaps you too suffer from the same affliction. So go on - have a good browse!


County Directory 1846-47

New Deer - George Middleton, Postmaster

Bisset, James cart & plough wright Black, James blacksmith
Bruce, Hugh veterinary surgeon Davidson, John saddler
Farquharson, Peter Parish school Forbes, George cooper
Gavin, Rev Richard Free Church Gerrie, Alexander innkeeper
Glennie, Alexander merchant Gybson, Alexander baker
Ironside, Elizabeth innkeeper Ironside, James A merchant
Johnston, James blacksmith Johnston, John feuar
Johnston, William Peterhead carrier Joiner, John, sen merchant tailor
Joiner, Alexander & John merchants & spirit dealers Keith, William cooper
Law, Andrew sheriff-officer Mavor, George cart & plough wright
Middleton, George bank agent Middleton, John apothecary
Milne, James turner Milne, John turner
Mitchell, Alexander saddler Moir, James & John shoemakers
Petrie, John & William watchmakers Scott, John Aberdeen carrier
Smith, George surgeon Stuart, David feuar
Taylor, George merchant Taylor, Thomas junior merchant
Taylor, Ann junior merchant Thomson, Andrew merchant tailor
Walker, Alexander Aberdeen carrier Walker, Hugh merchant
Webster, John feuar Welsh, Rev James Parish church
Wood, William innkeeper Wright, George baker


County Directory 1846-47

Auchmull - Alex. Lindsay, Postmaster

Abel, William Mill of Craibston Alexander, John spirit dealer, Denhead
Anderson & Tough builders Birnie, Alexander quarrier
Birse, Miss teacher Booth, John farmer
Brown, Charles grain-merchant Brown, James farmer
Campbell, Alexander officer of Excise Craven, Rev John E Free church
Davidson, Charles & Son snuff & paper manufacturers, Muggiemoss Durward, Andrew farmer
Findlay, David overseer, Seaton Fraser, William baker
Fyfe, Alexander blacksmith Fyfe, John tea and spirit dealer
Gall, James wright, Stonywood Gibson, William surgeon
Glennie, John farmer, Goodhope Howie, Alexander (of Howie & Tytler), Stonywood
Howie, Alexander, jun., manufacturer, Sclattie Howie & Tytler wool mill, Stonywood
Hutcheon, John boot and shoe maker Jaffray, Thomas paper manufacturer, Waterton mills - warehouse, 39 Netherkirkgate, Aberdeen
Kelman, William officer of excise Large, Nevil supervisor of excise
Leggat, James farmer Lindsay, Alexander merchant and postmaster
Lindsay, John grain merchant Lindsay, Robert vintner
Mackie, John builder McNee, Alexander officer of excise
Marr, William wood merchant, Chapel Massie, Alexander gardener
Murray, George merchant, Bankhead Petrie, Alexander quarrier
Philip, Alexander Sclattie Rae, George farmer, Mains of Sclattie
Reid, James manager (Stonywood Paper Works) Reid, James, jun., clerk (Stonywood Paper Works)
Ritchie, George mason Sang, Mrs Grove
Smith, David Bankhead Stevenson, John blacksmith
Troup, Alexander grain merchant Wallace, Andrew grocer and brewer of ginger and small beer
Wallace, James mason Wilson, Alexander tailor
Yeoman, George A teacher


County Directory 1846-47

Tarland - Robert Ewing, Postmaster

Anderson, Joseph tailor Beverley, Alexander blacksmith
Bey, Alexander blacksmith Brebner, John innkeeper
Burley, James miller Cameron, John shoemaker
Crane, Alexander surgeon Cumming, John slater and baker
Davidson, Alexander merchant Ewen, Robert merchant and postmaster
Farquhar, John weaver Fraser, Isaac shoemaker
Fyfe, William shoemaker Grant, Mrs merchant
Grant, Miss M teacher (Female School) Gordon, George blacksmith
Hay, Mrs innkeeper Illingworth, Mrs midwife
M'Condach, James postrunner Mann, James wright
Mann, William dyer Milne, Andrew tailor
Milne, John wright Neil, Rev. Robert schoolmaster
Procter, Alex., watch & clockmaker Redfearn, Jachin tailor
Ross, Andrew bank agent Skene, George messenger-at-arms
Skene, John merchant & innkeeper Skene, William sheriff officer
Smith, Harry wright Sorely, Robert veterinary surgeon
Thomson, J W saddler Thomson, Thomas weaver
Watson, Rev. James minister Watson, William druggist
Allan, Rev. T schoolmaster, Coull Anderson, Charles farmer, Davoch
Anderson, George farmer, Mill of Wester Coull Archie, John farmer, Willock
Beattie, Francis schoolmaster, Logie Coldstone Calder, Duncan Free School, Cromar
Calder, John farmer, Mill of Gellan Cameron, Charles farmer, Pronie
Cameron, Colin farmer, Melgum Campbell, Rev. Wm., minister of Coull
Clark, George miller, Corrachree Clark, James miller, Logie
Craib, John farmer, Strathmore Donaldson, James farmer, Bogg
Douglas, James L farmer, Culsh Ewen, Robert farmer, Westtown
Farquharson, Major J of Corrachree Farquharson, John merchant and farmer, Galton
Ferries, Peter miller, Mill of Culsh Forbes, John farmer, Upper Ruthven
Gauld, John merchant, Migvie Illingworth, Jachin woolcarder, New Mill
Innes, Samuel miller, Blelack Jaffray, James farmer, Meadow
Malcolm, James farmer, Mill of Culsh Middleton, David farmer, Gelllan
Middleton, John farmer, Mill of Kincraigie Middleton, John farmer, Titaboutie
Middleton, Mrs Easttown M'Combie, James farmer, Kinaldie
M'Hardie, Rev. James minister, Logie Coldstone Reid, Robert Brashins
Reid, William farmer, Smithyhill Robertson, Andrew surgeon and bank agent, Indego
Robertson, Charles miller, Mill of Newton Robertson, James merchant, Wester Knowhead
Ross, Alex farmer, Old Town of Kincraigie Ross, Harry farmer, Wester Coull
Stewart, David merchant, Newkirk Watson, William farmer, Easter Knowhead


Coutts, William Coull Farquharson, James Coldstone
Laing, John Coldstone Reid, William Tarland

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