The Aberdeen Journal (later to become the
Aberdeen Press & Journal) is one of the best sources of information on
local news in the NE of Scotland. Established in the 18th century with
almost every edition available to the public it represents a
treasure-house of information for family historians and researchers. In
this section we will record just a few snippets of local interest - some
trivial, some tragic, but all fascinating. Let's hope you find something
of interest - I'll be surprised if you don't!
The Aberdeen Journal, September 8th, 1824
The plan for the improvement of Stonehaven harbour
is now matured, and everything is in a state of readiness, preparatory
to a bill being introduced into Parliament for carrying the work into
execution. If a new pier be erected, of which there is every
probability, it will be of the greatest importance to the place, and to
the shipping interest in general, from the excedent accommodation it
will afford, and the easy access which vessels will have to it at all
times. The present situation of the harbour is in many places dangerous;
we therefore look forward with the greatest anxiety to the completion of
a work which will be productive of so much public good.
The Aberdeen Journal, September 15th, 1824
The annual general meeting of the Solomon Society
of Free Gardeners of Stonehaven was held on 6th August last, within the
Mason Hall there, when after passing the treasurer's accounts for the
preceding year, collecting the quarterly dues, and disposing of the
subscription made by members in awarding prizes for the three best
flowers, the meeting elected the following office-bearers for the
ensuing year, viz:- Wm Murray, Master; Alex Sherret, deputy master; John
Balfour, postmaster; John Main, senior warden; James Methven, junior
warden; Robert Tindal, treasurer; John Thomson, secretary; G Collison
and A Paul, Key-bearers; A Caird and James Tindal, stewards; George
Smart, tyler; George Jack, clerk; Andrew Lyon, officer; John Beattie,
David Beattie, James Jack, Alex Glegg, John Murray, David Fairweather,
and A Duthie, committee.
The Aberdeen Journal, October 13th, 1824
On Friday se'enight, Mr Ferrier, precentor at
Fetteresso, gave a farewell concert previous to his removal to the desk
of Brechin. The audience was numerous, owing to the esteem in which Mr
F. is held by the parishioners, and the music was conducted in the first
The Aberdeen Journal, November 10th, 1824
At Megray market, on Thursday last, which was held
for the first time at Stonehaven, there was a middling show of cattle,
which fully maintained the late advance in price.
The Aberdeen Journal, March 30th, 1825
At a meeting of the Directors of the Aberdeen Town
and County Bank, held on 21st inst., it was resolved to establish a
branch in Stonehaven. This appears to give very general satisfaction,
and will, we have no doubt, be well supported, as we understand there
are many partners of the bank in Kincardineshire.
The Aberdeen Journal, April 20th, 1825
We are sorry to learn, that between two and three
o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday last, 16th currt., a fire broke out
in the malting premises of Messrs Barclay, Macdonald, and Co.,
Distillers at Glenury, near Stonehaven, which spread with the utmost
rapidity, and in the course of little more than an hour, burnt down the
kiln, the greater part of the grain lofts and malting barn, and also the
stock of barley and malt belonging to the company, notwithstanding the
great exertions made by the people connected with the work, assisted by
a large body of men from Stonehaven. The distillery is separated from
these buildings by the mill-lade, but communicated with them at upper
storey, by means of a covered passage or platform. The flames laid hold
of this passage, and extended to part of the roof of the distillery,
when a few intrepid individuals, at the hazard of their own lives,
dashed into the passage, and by quickly demolishing it, removed the
communication between the two buildings and thereby saved the
distillery, spirit cellar, and whole brewing and distilling machinery.
The flames in the meantime raged with the greatest fury in the malting
premises, and although by four o'clock of the afternoon, it was so far
got under as to prevent any further risk, the ruins continued smoking
all night and the greater part of the following day. It was purely
The Aberdeen Journal, May 11th, 1825
On Saturday last, about one o'clock, Andrew Clark,
one of the workmen employed at Glenury Distillery, being sent to examine
the state of the great boiler, by some unfortunate accident fell
backwards into it and was so dreadfully burned, that he died in extreme
agony at 7 o'clock in the evening. The water was nearly at burning
point, and he was entirely immersed in it. No one was at hand but Mr
Buchanan, the distiller, who rushed to his assistance and had his hands
and arms dreadfully scalded in pulling him out; indeed the heat of the
liquor and the weight of the unfortunate man had nearly overcome him, so
that it was with difficulty he escaped being drawn into the boiler
himself, by his humane exertion; on behalf of the sufferer, who, we
understand, was but recently married.
The Aberdeen Journal, July 27th, 1825
We hear from a correspondent that the new parish
church of Banchory-Ternan, the elegance and spaciousness of which have
been so much admired, was opened for divine service on Sunday, the 17th
currt., when, besides a numerous attendance of the heritors and
parishioners, a great many strangers were present. The Rev. Mr Gregory
preached an eloquent and appropriate sermon from Genesis xxviii - 16,
17, which, we understand he has been requested to publish.
The Aberdeen Journal, November 30th, 1825
It gives us pleasure to hear that the improvement
to the harbour of Stonehaven, so desirable for the safety of the
shipping on the east coast of Scotland, and so important for the
prosperity of the town and neighbourhood is about to be realised. The
Harbour Trustees, we understand, have concluded a contract with Mr Gibb
of this place for nearly 600 feet of pier on the south side of the
harbour, which, with a corresponding extension of the pier on the north
side, inclosing a space of four acres, will, it is expected, render the
shelter and accommodation of the harbour complete. The good effects of
the intended improvements begin already to manifest themselves in
increasing the trade of the place and raising the value of property. A
proposal for the establishment of a direct trade with London has been
favourably received; and, from the number of shares of the intended
company already subscribed for, and the spirit of enterprise which the
prospect of a safe and commodious port has given rise to, there is every
prospect of this desirable object being speedily accomplished.
The Aberdeen Journal, January 24th, 1827
We are sorry to learn that Mr Robert Wyllie, Mains
of Cowie, met a watery grave on Friday last by falling from the
Queensferry passage boat, while stepping ashore. Mr Wyllie was on his
way to Edinburgh on business.
The Aberdeen Journal, July 4th, 1827
The King has been pleased to present the Rev.
Alexander Irvine to the Church and parish of Dunnottar vacant by the
death of Rev. John Glennie.
The Aberdeen Journal, October 24th, 1827
A meeting of the feuars of Stonehaven was held in
the town hall on 3rd inst when they elected the following gentlemen for
the ensuing year to the respective offices undermentioned:- Peter
Christain and James Officer, Bailies; William Strachan, Dean of Guild;
John Brand, W. Bridgeford, and John Forbes, Councillors; Alexander Low,
late of Criggie, Captain Alexander Falconer, and William Brebner,
Harbour Commissioners.