Inside Information

We love us some Rainbow Brite. We wanted to be her.

The name is...Jerry Lynn

Tom & Jerry=Jerry=Jerry Lynn...get it?

Here's the bio that you want to see...

Hi, my name is Jerry Lynn and I'm a Taurus. Take my hand--just kidding. First of all, I'm not a Taurus. I'm a Leo. Nothing against Tauruses. I'm just a girl with alot of thoughts and opinions and that's the main reason why I have this webpage.

Nicknames: JL or just plain Jerry

Things that I think rule: Rock music, sodas, and single matches rule! And chairs are so chairilious! (If you watch WWF Wrestling, then you know what I'm talking about)

Why rock music is better than those boybands: The classic reason would be that the rock bands play and write their own music. But rock music has staying power unlike those boybands that would be gone by the time the year is over.

Favorite quote: "He's her hairdresser." "Yes. I am gay and I would love to rub my fingers all through--your scalp." "Really?" "But I'm with him right now so--" (a whole exchange from the show, Shasta McNasty)

Favorite cartoon: Old Hanna-Barbera cartoons and recent WB cartoons

Favorite movie: Of all time? The Usual Suspects. Kevin Spacey rules! Plus, he is a fellow Leo.

Favorite song: Too many to name

Favorite song lyric: "My stage is shared by many millions who put their hands up high because they feel this. We are one, we are strong. The more you hold us down, the more we press on." The song is called "What If" by the band Creed, who's been put through a whole lot of s@$# lately and it's all Fred Durst's fault.

People you despise: Cars-hoe Daly, Fred "F@#$ing D@#$head" Durst, Brian Mc"Fag"en, all of the boybands, Limp Bizkit, Britney Spears and the rest of the pop tarts, everybody on The Daily One on VH-1, Ananda Lewis, Puff Daddy, Jennifer Lopez--did I say Cars-hoe Daly?

People you like: Creed, Incubus, Kurt Loder, John Norris, Chris Connelly, Tyrese, Conan O'Brien, anybody cool in rap, and plenty more.

You have to admit something shameful: Fine. I think that Lance Bass is a looker.

Quote to live by: "Make Yourself" (a bad-ass Incubus song)

Next up is...Twiggy

Woody Woodpecker=Tree=Branch=Twig=Twiggy...get it?

Here's the bio for me...

Whazzzzuppp? I'm Twiggy and I'm a Leo. Another Leo? So sad to say, but--yes. I'm here to have fun and that's what I like to do. This chick also has opinions and that's what this site is about.

Nicknames: Twig and The Twigster (that's what I call myself)

Things that I think rule: Edge and Christian from the WWF (even if Edge does have those teeth), rock music, and my rulings rule!

Why rock music is better than those boybands: In the words of Chris Rock: "Ya'll seen New Kids on the Block. Don't you know how this movie's gonna end?!" I do. And if any of those boybands win a Grammy, it's the apocolypse. Run and hide, boys and girls.

Favorite quote: "For the benefit of those with flash photography..."--Edge from Edge and Christian

Favorite cartoon: Woody Woodpecker

Favorite movie: Nothing is coming to me right now. I'll have to get back to that.

Favorite song: You got time?

Favorite song lyric: "We will rise and fall. But in the end, we'll meet our fate together."--"One" by the band Creed

People you despise: Anybody that pisses me off, Carson Daly and the ass-kissers at MTV, anybody that put anything boyband related on something and they haven't done it before

People you like: Chris Rock. He tells the truth and doesn't give a damn about it.

You have to admit something shameful: You will never break me.

Quote to live by: I'm with Jerry Lynn on this one: "Make Yourself".
