Bulletin Board Politics

Yeah. There are some politics to being on a bulletin board. Me and my crew about to explain those.

I was a member of the this little board and I thought the whole thing was fun. It got very addictive. I had to visit the site everyday. I couldn't go without knowing what was going on. Well, that's no more. A recent rash of events has made me see everything. I found out who the people on that board really are. They would rather believe the naysayers instead of the band. I'm reading post after post after post, getting pissed along the way. Some ass made some pretty mean, bullshit remarks about Creed and those idiots on the board believed them. So, I decided to leave the board. I couldn't deal with the hypocrisy anymore. I thought everybody on the board was cool. Looks like I've been drinking that delusion juice a little too long. Now, I will pass the mic to Twiggy because she has something to say about bulletin boards, too...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bulletin boards suck! There's no reason for them. That's why I don't go to them. Because some bullshit like Jerry just said could happen. Everybody fights on bulletin boards. And when they do get along, they get all clique-y. Talk about "email me! I just sent you a letter! Did you get my letter?" Then they come on the board with little jokes between them and some other poster. Leave that shit in the emails. Don't bring it to the board because people will ask. And when they do ask they say "I'll tell you later. Not in front of everyone." What's the point? Then they make up a whole post telling another person to email them. Waste of board space. Lots of posts pop up asking for email addresses so they can talk to you off the board. Do they ever email you? No! Does anybody else who might see your address and remembers your posts and realizes that they want to know more about you email you? Hell, no! How can people get so close on bulletin boards when all you do is talk to them in some short little post? How can people call fellow members of that bulletin board "friends"? You don't know them! You don't know who they are! Certain members meet up because they're in the same city. You're in the same city as them. Do you get invited to all of their get togethers? No! Bulletin boards suck! I'm gonna pass the mic to our good friend, Baby Hugs, who knows a little something about bulletin boards...

Thank you. Now, there's a bulletin/message board that I frequent this cozy little place and the people are nuts on that board. They are so pathetic that I laugh at them. They talk about all kinds of music, but the pop crowd (Britney, Christina, boybands) reign supreme. The people might seem nice, but diss one of their beloved members and/or whoever the post is about and they will jump down on you. Hard. They're a gang. That's all a bulletin board is--a gang. A gang full of weirdos and people who have nothing to do. There's this one member/poster who is 41 years old. She admits to dating guys that are ten years younger than her :coughslutcough: and wearing her hair in pigtails. The poor woman is lusting after Justin from NSYNC who is 19 years old. Now, remember, the woman is 41. She has demented fantasies of seducing Justin. And whenever NSYNC is in New York (where she lives) she shows up to where they are just to get a glimpse of Justin. Then she comes back to the board and talks about how "cute" Justin looked. Now, she sticks out like a sore thumb because she is 41 and has no children. I'm sorry, but if I was Justin or his mother and I found out about this, that woman would be going to jail. She would go to jail for stalking and statutory rape. That has to give her at least 20 or 50 years. Get a restraining order, Justin! That psycho is coming after you. She has actually admitted to wanting to rip your clothes off. And she thinks it's okay to lust after a 19 year old. She says she feels like a pedophile, but it doesn't bother her. Someone on the board tried to get into her mind, wondering why she feels good about it. But the heifer backed away. She can't even argue her point or explain herself. Is the poor woman losing touch with reality? Yes! Reaching that age that she wants some young meat? Yes! Mid-life crisis? Yes! A pathetic bitch? Hell, yeah! I think the sad part is that the woman's black. Yes. She is like Jerry's mom! Everybody on that board is pathetic. I go to that board just for kicks. To get my laugh on. The members on that board are so awful! They need psychiatric help. I will never leave the board because I love to laugh at them. Whenever I'm down, I go there and within two minutes of that hysteria, I'm feeling better. Yes, bulletin boards do suck but that's only because of the people on there. I will now pass the mic back to Jerry...

For the time being, I'm through with the board I used to frequent. Maybe I'll go back when all of the bullshit has died down. And that's a big "maybe". All in all, bulletin boards are just one big popularity contests. It's also like high school. You have the idiots, the jackasses, the nuts, the one that everybody thinks is just the coolest, the bitches, the quiet ones, the instigators, and a very small percentage of nice people. I thought that was me. I had the wrong intentions. See what that delusion juice can do to you?

Screw the screwjob!

Email: joker_lynn@lycos.com