A Hunting We Will Go...

[Meanwhile, back out at the club, while dancing with Lance, Jerry notices Choo-Choo wandering out onto the dance floor. Choo-Choo sees Jerry and Lance and walks towards them]

Choo-Choo: Hide me.

Jerry: Why?

Choo-Choo: Justin is tryin’ to get me drunk.

Jerry: What?

Choo-Choo: He’s tryin’ to get me liquored up so he can take advantage of me.

Lance: Okay. He’s put something in your drink.

Choo-Choo: He probably did. I ain’t taking no more drinks from him. No more! Oh, lord. Here he comes.

[Choo-Choo ducks behind Jerry and Lance; Justin comes up to them with a drink in his hand]

Justin: Hello. Have you two seen Choo-Choo?

Jerry and Lance: No.

Justin: Well, I have this drink for him. Now, I don’t know what to do with it.

Lance: I’ll take it.

Justin: Okay. Here you go.

Lance: Thank you.

Justin: If you see Choo-Choo, send him back to the bar. [Justin turned around and walked back to the bar; Jerry and Lance find Choo-Choo dancing with a girl and mouthing the words “Thank you”]

Jerry: I don’t know what’s going on.

Lance: Neither do I. [Lance takes the drink and gives it to another guy; that guy takes the drink and pours it out; Jerry gives Lance a look] That’s my bodyguard.

Jerry: Bodyguard, eh? Is it okay for me to be dancing with you?

Lance: Of course. He knows about you. I’ve been watching you all night.

Jerry: Really?

Lance: Yes. Ever since you and your girls came through the door.

Jerry: We made that big of a splash, huh?

Lance: Yeah. I can see why JC became so enamored with Twiggy. She’s nothing like he’s ever seen before. She’s nothing like I’ve ever seen before.

Jerry: "Enamored", huh?

Lance: Yeah.

Jerry: That’s Twig for ya.

Lance: It’s all in the way of how you carry yourself. Like how you took that BB gun away from Baby—

Jerry: You knew it was a BB gun?

Lance: Yeah. I've had thousands of them.

Jerry: Oh.

Lance: When you took that BB gun from Baby, I just knew that you were in charge. That you keep everybody in check.

Jerry: You got all that from watching me take away a BB gun?

Lance: Yep.

Jerry: I'm in charge? I keep everyone in check?

Lance: Yeah. You seem so surprised.

Jerry: No one’s ever said that to me before. Just one look at me, Twiggy, and Baby, and everyone would figure that Twig is in charge.

Lance: Uh-uh. It’s always the quiet ones.

Jerry: You think I'm quiet?

Lance: Yeah.

Jerry: You don’t know me very well, do you?

Lance: No. But I would like to get to know you very well.

Jerry: You can. What do you want to know?

Lance: Everything.

Jerry: Okay. But maybe you can tell me some things.

Lance: Like?

Jerry: Why are Joey and Chris so enamored with Baby? Is it the way she held the BB gun?

Lance: It might be that thing she does with her hand—

Jerry: The Tongan Death Grip?!

Lance: Yeah. Where did that come from?

Jerry: She stole it from a wrestler! She saw the wrestler, Meng, do it and she thought “hey! I can do that!” So, she tested it out on me, of all people, and on one try, she had it. I don’t think I'm still recovered from that. And that was like, a month ago. [Jerry started to rub her neck]

Lance: Oh. Let me see. Where is it?

Jerry: Right here on my neck. [Jerry showed Lance the spot on her neck; Lance put his hand on the spot and started to massage it]

Lance: How does that feel?

Jerry: Real good. Just a little bit more to the left.

Lance: Right there?

Jerry: Yeah. That feels good.

Chris: Get a room, you two!

Lance: What’s up?

Chris: Nothing just dancing with my Baby.

Baby: Oh. Stop. He is so silly. What were you two doing?

Lance: I was just trying to help heal Jerry from that Tongan Death Grip you gave her a month ago.

Jerry: I'm still not recovered

Baby: Yes, you are. The Tongan Death Grip does not hurt that much!

Jerry: Ask Chris. You gave it to him.

Baby: Does The Tongan Death Grip hurt that much, Chris?

[Chris looks down at the floor]

Baby: Chris?

Chris: It does hurt. In fact, I don’t think I'm recovered. So, could you give me a massage like how Lance was giving Jerry?

Baby: Sure.

Joey: No, you won't.

Chris: Where did you come from?

Joey: I was staking out some booty with Choo-Choo. But the only booty that I could think about was yours, Baby.

Baby: Think about it all you want. You’re never gonna get it.

Choo-Choo: Never gonna get it, never gonna get it. Never gonna get it, never gonna get it. Never gonna get it, never gonna get it. Never gonna get it---whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!

Baby: Must you always break out into song?

Choo-Choo: Hey, if the song fits. Plus, I think I'm drugged. Justin drugged my drinks.

Justin: There you are, Choo-Choo. Look. I have another drink for you.

Choo-Choo: Oh, hell no! Get away from me!

Chris: All of ya’ll get away! You are disturbing me and Baby’s groove!

Joey: You wanna talk about disturbing grooves. I had Baby all to myself. Then you came along and ruined everything!

[Everyone started arguing; Lance took Jerry by the hand and took her outside of the club]

Lance: That’s better, isn’t it?

Jerry: Yeah. I couldn’t handle the ensuing chaos that was about to happen.

Lance: I bet Baby is passing out some Tongan Death Grips as we speak.

Jerry: I bet she is, too. Justin hasn’t had one yet. He’s next in line.

Lance: I haven’t had one either. Am I next?

Jerry: Maybe. That is—if you don’t tick her off.

Lance: Don’t worry about me. I think I know what makes Baby tick.

Jerry: You sound so devious.

Lance: And you look so cold. Here, have my jacket.

Jerry: Oh, no. I couldn’t.

Lance: Yes, you could. [Lance took his jacket and put it around Jerry’s shoulders]

Jerry: Thank you.

Lance: You’re welcome.

Jerry: So, do you know where JC took Twiggy?

Lance: Wish I did. I don’t know this club. JC and Joey are the only ones that does.

Jerry: Justin took us to a room. They weren’t in there.

Lance: Well, maybe they’re some where getting to know each other.

[In “The Pit”, Twiggy wakes up. She sees a naked, sleeping JC next to her]

Twiggy: No, we didn’t. [Twiggy looks underneath the covers] Yes, we did. I had sex with a member of NSYNC! I’ve got to call The National Enquirer! But not now. I need to find my clothes. [Twiggy looked around the room and saw that everything was trashed] What the fuck did we do in here?! How come I can't remember anything! Why do I have a killer headache? I wasn’t drinking that much. Oh. I get it. Headboard hangover. I can take some pills for that later. I need to get my clothes, get dressed, and get the fuck out of here.

[Twiggy tried to get up, but JC wrapped his arms around her]

JC: Wanna go for the fourth time?

Twiggy: “Fourth time”?! No. I'm a little tired.

JC: Well, I've got a hotel room. We can go there and finish this up.

Twiggy: I need to rest up first.

JC: Me, too. We were a little rough. You were incredible.

Twiggy: Of course I was. You weren’t so bad yourself.

JC: Thank you. I just wanna hold you all night.

Twiggy: I can't breathe.

JC: Is it because of all the activities that we did?

Twiggy: No. You’re holding me kinda tight.

JC: I'm sorry. I don’t wanna kill you. Have to save up your energy for when we go to my hotel room. [JC starts kissing Twiggy’s neck]

Twiggy: I'm not going to your hotel room. I'm getting the fuck out of here. Damn. Now everything is coming back to me. Oh, my god!!!

JC: What’s wrong? Is everything okay?

Twiggy: Oh. I'm fine. I just remembered how the mirror got broken.

JC: Yeah. You’re not superstitious are you? What do we get? Seven years of bad luck?

Twiggy: Yeah. And I'm not superstitious. I don’t believe in that. Mirrors are bad. Every time you look into a mirror, you leave a piece of your soul in it.

JC: Really?

Twiggy: Yeah.

JC: I didn’t know that. I guess a lot of my soul are in mirrors scattered all over the place. I should tell Joey and Justin about that. It’ll change their whole outlook on life. [Twiggy lets out a little sigh] I'm sorry. I shouldn’t talk about Joey and Justin when I'm with you. This is our time.

[Twiggy turns around to face JC. JC kisses Twiggy passionately. He then rolls over on top of Twiggy]

Twiggy: What are you doing?

JC: We’re going for the fourth time.

Twiggy: Oh. This is great. Every teenage girls’ fantasy and I'm livin’ it.

[Back outside the club, Lance and Jerry were having an intense conversation…]

Jerry: I am a huge wrestling fan. I'm not a mark ‘cause I know what’s real and what isn’t.

Lance: I didn’t figure you to be a wrestling fan.

Jerry: Yeah! I even went to wrestling school. Me and Twiggy went. I lasted about three weeks. Twiggy lasted six months. But she had to drop out because of an injury.

Lance: Oh, no.

Jerry: Yeah. An injury forced Twig into early retirement. And she hasn’t gone back. But she keeps saying that she will.

Lance: She should. Is that injury healed?

Jerry: Yeah.

Lance: She should go back. Tell her I said that.

Jerry: I will. She’ll probably do it, now. We sit at home and watch wrestling and I think, “Man, that could be Twiggy in the WWF.” And I know she thinks that, too.

Lance: Why did you drop out?

Jerry: That’s easy. I wanted my breasts. [Lance grows a surprised look on his face] Don’t look like that. When you’re a wrestler and you fall face first into the mat, the women have to put their arm in front so they land on their arm. We land on our arm so we won't hurt our breasts. The guys don’t have to worry about that. After three weeks, I couldn’t do that anymore. Don’t know how Twig could do it. I need my breasts. I've heard about other women wrestlers bursting their implants because of slamming around on the mat.

Lance: I hope you don’t mind me asking, but are those implants?

Jerry: No! These are real! And I don’t mind you asking. I like to let everyone know that these breasts are real! Mine, Twiggy’s, and Baby’s breasts are real. No implants here. Even though mine aren’t as big as Twiggy’s and Baby’s.

Lance: No. Come on—

Jerry: Twiggy is spilling out of her top and she’s wearing a push-up. She was spilling out before she added the push-up. But hey, big breasts run in Twiggy’s family.

Lance: Really?

Jerry: Yeah. I've seen her mother and her grandmother. Huge. Maybe that’s why JC fell for her.

Lance: No! He likes her personality, her spunk.

Jerry: Are you a breast man?

Lance: I can't answer that.

Jerry: Yes, you can.

Lance: No, I can't.

Jerry: Come on. Are you a breast man?

Lance: I'm a gentleman.

Jerry: This is a revealing conversation. You have to reveal your deep, dark secrets.

Lance: I'm not answering that question.

Jerry: Okay. You don’t have to answer that.

Lance: Why did you sound so devious? What are you thinking about?

Jerry: Nothing.

Lance: Are you okay?

Jerry: Yes. Why are you asking me that?

Lance: You’re standing about five feet away from me. We need to be closer. [Lance walks over to Jerry and wraps his arms around her waist] Now, we’re close. Got any more questions?

Jerry: Who did you root for in the World Series—Yankees or Mets?

Lance: Yankees.

Jerry: Oh. Marry me.

Lance: Okay. [Lance got down on one knee and placed Jerry’s hand in his] Jerry, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?

Baby: Oh, my god! What’s goin’ on out here?!

Jerry: Lance was giving me a sweet Hollywood proposal and you ruined everything! Go back inside!

Baby: You all have only known each other for a couple of hours!

Lance: But the conversation that we just had made me realize that Jerry is the one for me and I can't let her out of my life. Who knows if I'll ever see her again? Jerry, I need you. Marry me.

Jerry: Yes.

[Jerry and Lance hugged as Baby looked on in disbelief]

Baby: But you two—

Jerry and Lance: Gotcha!!

Baby: Well, I've got egg on my face.

Jerry: Yeah.

Lance: You were good.

Jerry: Thank you.

Baby: Good one, guys. I have to give you that.

Jerry: Where are Chris and Joey?

Baby: They’re inside having a drinking contest. The winner gets a kiss from me. They were both near pass out stage when I left.

Jerry: That is wrong the way you're playing them.

Baby: Yeah. But I'm so sick and twisted that I'm actually getting a kick out of it. What room is that? [Baby points at a window that has a light coming from it] Lance: I couldn’t tell ya.

Jerry: It looks like the room that Justin took us to when we were looking for Twiggy and JC. Where the hell are they?

Baby: They still haven’t turned up? They must be really getting to know each other. I hope she’s using that Tongan Death Grip.

Jerry: No, Baby. That’s your move.

Lance: Do you have a move?

Baby: Yeah. Do you?

Jerry: Not really.

Baby: Well, you need to get one.

Lance: Yeah.

[Lance flashed Jerry a smile and Jerry flashed one back at Lance; Baby laughed and soon they were all laughing. Back in “The Pit”, Twiggy was still trying to find her way out…]

Twiggy: Okay, Baby Boy. That’s enough.

JC: No. I wanna go for the fifth time.

Twiggy: No, no, Love. You’ve had enough.

JC: Yeah. We should save the fifth time for when we go to my hotel room.

Twiggy: Yes, we should. [Twiggy kisses JC]

JC: You’ve got to stop. It’s gonna tempt me. Not like you're doing that already. You are so beautiful.

Twiggy: Thank you. You're not so bad yourself.

JC: Oh. [JC kisses Twiggy] Thank you for coming here tonight and giving me a night I will never forget. [JC kisses Twiggy again and wraps his arms around her] Let me hold you forever.

Twiggy: You may. That’s right. Go to sleep, my love, ‘cause when you wake up, I'll be gone. JC? JC? [Twiggy looks up at JC. She notices that he’s asleep] Aww, hell yeah! I am out of here! Where the fuck are my clothes? [Twiggy looks around the room] They’re scattered all over the place! He better had not torn my skirt or it’s his ass! Wait. I have to get out of Joshie’s grasp. Just slightly move his arm. [Twiggy moves JC’s arm] Perfect. [Twiggy slowly gets out of bed and starts to collect her clothes] Dragging me up here and taking advantage of me. He really didn’t take advantage of me. I had sex with him willingly. Dirty, hot, crazy sex. Four times? My goddess. And it was great all four times. Look at him. He even looks hot when he’s sleeping. Did I just say that? Oh! I gots to get out of here! But I just can't leave him like that. I gotta leave him with something. [Twiggy walks over to JC. She touches his face and gives him a kiss. She turns and walks towards the door. She looks down and finds her stun gun. She picks it up and takes one last look at JC. She laughs when she sees he’s sleeping with a smile on his face.] Good bye, Josh. Thanks for taking part in a night that I will never forget.

[Twiggy blew JC a kiss and walked out of the room. Back outside of the club, Baby, Jerry, and Lance were talking...]

Baby: How about an arm drag? Ever tried an arm drag?

Jerry: No. How does that go?

Baby: I'll show you.

Lance: No! Jerry still isn't recovered from that Tongan Death Grip you gave her. I don’t want you to hurt her anymore.

Baby: Lance is your protector, now?

part four

Email: gosalyn_mallard@go.com