A Hunting We Will Go...

Jerry: If he wants to be.

Baby: Okay. What kind of moves do you know?

Jerry: I know the Stunner.

Baby: The Stone Cold Stunner? That’s a good one. Pretty easy, too. You two are grooving to the music, huh?

Jerry and Lance: Yeah.

[Everyone looks up to see Choo-Choo and Justin come bursting through the door]

Choo-Choo: Ha-ha!!!

Jerry: What’s up with you two?

Choo-Choo: Nothing.

Justin: What’s up with you two? You all look mighty close.

Baby: Lance has had his arms around Jerry’s waist for the longest. Every time she moved, he moved with her.

Choo-Choo and Justin: Oh.

Baby: How’d the drinking contest go?

Justin: Chris won, but Joey thinks he cheated. He demanded a recount.

all: Oh!!

Choo-Choo: I know. I told him that was so last year. Here they come.

[Chris and Joey came stumbling out the door]

Chris: Baby! I'm your baby, tonight.

Choo-Choo: I'm your baby, tonight…

Jerry: Shut up.

Joey: Don’t go anywhere with him! He cheated!

Chris: And how did I cheat, Joey?

Joey: You didn’t get as many drinks as me!

Baby: Yes, he did. ‘Cause both of you all are drunk and there’s no way in hell that I'm gonna kiss a drunk!

Twiggy: Why not? You’ve done it before.

all: Twiggy!

Jerry: Where have you been, girl?!

Justin: And where’s JC?

Twiggy: Well, JC is a little tied up right now.

Choo-Choo: Ya’ll nasty.

Twiggy: Shut up, Choo-Choo! It ain’t what you think!

Baby: Are you sure? You’ve been gone for a while. And we went looking for you. Justin took us to this room and you and JC weren’t in there.

Twiggy: We were somewhere else. Jerry, do you know you have a backpack the shape of Lance on your back?

Jerry: Yes. And I'm taking it home with me.

Baby: I'm telling you, Jerry and Lance have bonded. They’re one now and it scares me.

Choo-Choo: You? It’s scaring me.

Twiggy: Well, it’s time for you all to stop bonding. I'm ready to go.

Choo-Choo: Yeah. It’s getting late. And Twig, you're wrong.

Twiggy: How am I wrong?

Choo-Choo: You're just gonna slam dunk JC and leave? You slut.

Twiggy: The only person who is a slut is—

Jerry: Twig, stop.

Twiggy: I'm sorry. I don’t know what came over me.

Choo-Choo: Oh, my god. You ate him.

Twiggy: What?!

Choo-Choo: A female praying mantis eats her mate after sex. You ate JC. You guys are gonna need another member.

Joey: Fuck that. More solos for me.

Chris: I don’t think so.

Justin: I get to sing lead on every song now.

Twiggy: I did not eat JC. He’s fine. Now, let's go.

Lance: Wait. Where is JC, then?

[Back inside “The Pit”, JC is just waking up…]

JC: Twiggy? Twiggy? [JC feels the spot where Twiggy should be and feels nothing] Twiggy? [JC shot up in bed and pulled the covers away; he found no Twiggy. He looked around the room and saw the place trashed and Twiggy’s clothes gone. He looked over to the side of him and saw Twiggy’s red bra. He picked it up] Twiggy. I have to find her!

[JC got out of bed and charged out of the room. Meanwhile, back outside the club, everyone was grilling Twiggy about JC...]

Twiggy: Why is everyone looking at me? Why don’t everyone look at--damn! I wish Essa Rios was here so I could crack a joke about him. Why don’t everyone look at Joey?! He’s drunk!

Baby: We know that and for some reason it’s not that much of a surprise to us.

Twiggy: Well, Chris is drunk, too!

Chris: Not as much as Joey.

Joey: Baby, you owe me a kiss since I won the drinking contest.

Chris: I won, dumbass!

Baby: Forget it! I’ll kiss the both of you. [Baby walks over to Joey and gives him a kiss on the cheek; she does the same to Chris] There. Are you both happy? I won't give you a kiss on the lips until you're both sober. And if you're not satisfied with that, I'll Tongan Death Grip you all!

Chris: Good enough for me. Joey?

Joey: I'll sober up right now.

Baby: Now, you, Twig—

Twiggy: Stop! JC is fine. We had a long talk. And I used my stun gun on him. [Twiggy pulled out her stun gun] Anybody wants to be next? Justin?

Justin: No. That’s okay. Choo-Choo save me. [Justin pulls Choo-Choo in front of him]

Choo-Choo: Hell, no! Take that stun like a man! [Choo-Choo pulls Justin in front of him]

Lance: Everyone has a weapon but you Jerry.

Baby: She can have my BB gun. [Baby hands Jerry her BB gun; Jerry takes the BB and smiles at Lance]

Jerry: Is this what you saw?

Lance: Yep. [Lance nuzzled the back of Jerry’s neck; Jerry grew a surprised look on her face and smiled]

Twiggy: Get away from her. [Twiggy yanked Jerry out of Lance’s grasp] Are you ready to go?

Jerry: Obviously not.

Twiggy: Well, I am.

Choo-Choo: Actually the song is “If I Am” but I'll sing it anyway.

Baby [putting her hand over Choo-Choo’s mouth]: No, you won’t.

Justin: You can't leave yet. We’re just starting to have fun. Twiggy’s gotta tell us where JC is.

Twiggy: I don’t have to tell you anything! And it’s because of ya’ll that the Grammys are gonna be shit this year! Shit!

Choo-Choo: Whoa, Twig. Do you always turn into a monster after sex?

Twiggy: I am not a monster! I don’t like how everybody gotta be in my business! If me and JC did have sex, you're not gonna hear it from me!

Joey: That’s right. We’ll hear it from JC.

Twiggy: I don’t think so. If Joshie knows what’s good for him, he won't say anything.

Chris, Joey, Justin, and Lance: “Joshie”?

Twiggy: I'm ready to go.

Baby: Me, too. I’ve had enough of this atmosphere.

Joey: Let’s say our good-byes. [Joey tried to give Baby a kiss but she countered and turned it into a hug; Joey’s hands went below the border, but Baby put them back where they belong]

Baby: Okay. Good hug. Who’s next? [Joey tried to get another hug, but Chris pushed him out of the way]

Chris: I'm next!

[Baby and Chris shared a hug and Joey pouted; Jerry and Lance shared a hug and Lance gave Jerry a kiss on the cheek; Justin tried to hug Choo-Choo, but Choo-Choo backed away from him and shook his hand instead]

Choo-Choo: I don’t need a hug from you. I know you. You’re probably gonna be paging me and calling me.

Justin: You're right. Come on, Twiggy. Let me give you a hug.

Twiggy [holding up her stun gun]: Come on. I'm ready.

Justin: That’s okay.

Twiggy: Heh-heh. Loser. [Chris, Joey, and Lance surround Twiggy and give her a hug and give her a kiss on the cheek] Aaaahhh!!!! Get away from me!! I will stun you all!! [Twiggy looks at her empty hand where her stun gun should be] Where the fuck is my stun gun?!

Jerry: Right here. [Jerry holds up the stun gun] Lance tossed it to me. Thank you, Lance.

Lance: No problem.

Twiggy [pointing at Lance]: You--you're gonna get yours! Leave Jerry alone! And take this jacket! It’s gots to be yours! Come on, girls.

[Baby, Jerry, and Twiggy start heading down the street]

Choo-Choo: Peace, ya’ll.

Joey: See ya, Chooch. I got your number. I'll call you.

Choo-Choo: Alright.

[Choo-Choo runs to catch up with Baby, Jerry, and Twiggy]

Joey: Think we’ll ever see them again?

Chris: I hope so. I like Baby.

Joey: You're gonna have to kill me to get her.

Chris: If I kill you, there will be more solos for me. Who has a knife?

JC: Twiggy! Twiggy!

Joey: Whoa! Where the fuck did you come from?!

JC: Where’s Twiggy?!

Justin: She’s gone, dude.

JC: Gone?! Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! [JC falls to his knees]

Chris: Get up, man!

Joey: Do you not know you’re naked?

JC: All she left me was this red bra. [JC holds up the bra and Joey takes it]

Joey: Exquisite. Was this hers? [Joey tries to shove the bra into his pocket]

JC: Gimme that back! I will break your neck if you try to take this bra again!! Oh, Twiggy.

Lance: JC, it’s cold out. We should get you inside where it’s warm. And we should get you dressed.

Justin: For real. Get up. Come on, now. [Justin and Joey helped JC up off the ground] Oh, shit. He’s crying now.

Chris: Come on, JC. We’ll keep you covered. [Justin walks in front of JC while Lance and Chris are on the side of JC and Joey walks behind him]

Joey: Why do I have to get the ass shot?!

Chris [smacking Joey upside the head]: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

Joey: Ow!

JC: Twiggy! Twiggy! Twiggy!!!!!!!!

Twiggy: Did you hear something?

Baby: No.

Choo-Choo: So, what happened between you and JC, Girly Girl.

Twiggy: Wouldn’t you like to know?

Choo-Choo: I do, actually.

Jerry: Leave her alone, Chooch. If Twig doesn’t want to say anything, she doesn’t have to. But when she does say something, you’ll be the first I call.

Choo-Choo: Thank you.

Twiggy: What are you all whispering about?

Choo-Choo and Jerry: Nothing.

Baby: Wasn’t this a great night? I had fun. Everything was great except for when Jerry took my BB gun.

Twiggy: She also took my stun gun.

Jerry: I confiscated your weapons. That wasn’t right or polite. I just made a rhyme.

Choo-Choo: You a rapper, girl! You’ll be better than Eminem!

Jerry: Thank you. Come on. Let's go home. Damn. I can still feel Lance’s arms around me.

Twiggy: Yeah. And I can still feel JC’s arms around me. I can still feel JC kissing every inch of my body. And I can still feel JC inside me. Ooh! Of course you can still feel Lance. How long did you have him as a backpack?

Jerry: Shut up, girl. Come on, ya’ll. Let's go home. I'm pretty tired.

Baby: Me, too.

Choo-Choo: Ditto.

Twiggy: Same here.

We gettin' rowdy!

Email: gosalyn_mallard@go.com