It's My Turn...

to bash Carson! Are you ready, baby? Hmm. "Are You Ready". You like Creed, don't you?

I had to use that picture again. It's the only one of him looking like a dork. Oops. That's all of his pictures. Well, Jerry had her turn to bash Carson. Now it's time for The Twig to have her say.

Damn. Where do I begin? Let's start with his cushy job hosting the most bogus show to air on television (with the exception of anything that Fox puts on) Total Request Live. More like Total Request Crap, if you ask me. I was watching that Total Request Live Uncensored crap and I have to say the show and Carson's career is a farce! Yes, people. We could've been without Carson Daly. He quit his job at a radio station, KROQ, just because MTV promised him a job. What the hell?!

I remember when Carson first started out. One day, I turned on MTV hoping to see Bill Bellamy or Simon Rex, but I see this goofy looking guy. His name was Carson Daly. He was the new guy at MTV. Everyone welcomed him with open arms. Little did they know that he was gonna take each and every one of their jobs.

The first to go was Simon Rex; then it was Bill Bellamy; and then Kennedy. But the final straw was hit when Matt Pinfield--the information guy left. Pinfield must've gotten sick of his ass. I don't blame him. Carson used to diss and rag on Pinfield all the time. They had these new shows called "Total Request" and "MTV Live". Both shows were hosted by Toby Amies (I loved him, his hair, and his accent--I miss him). Guess what? Carson took Toby's jobs. He got both shows and they combined them to make "Total Request Live".

Recently, "Total Request Live" celebrated it's 500th episode. Wow. So, they had a special called "___Uncensored" (I refuse to call that show by its shortened title) and they went back to the show's roots. How it all started and other garbage. The show had humble beginnings just like Carson. But now, it's supposed to be huge? They claim that all of the celebrities watch? Makes sense. They need something to laugh at.

Carson has gotten a big head. He hangs with and dates celebrities. He's best friends with Kid Rock (who else calls him Bob) and Dickhead Durst. He's always talking about how Dickhead is always at the studio. He said he has a key. Well, ass, you gave it to him! You can't spend more than two days away from each other! Dickhead is his lover 'cause while he was waiting to interview someone for the Movie Awards Special, he was talking to Dickhead on one of those Motorola two-way pagers. How could he afford that? I thought he wasn't making alot of money at MTV. Ass. Anycrap. He dated Jennifer Love Hewitt (the slut) and he's now engaged to Tara Reid (who had a much deserved death in "Urban Legend"). That goes to show that he has no taste in friends and/or women. He swears at and makes fun of the crew and he throws temper tantrums. Yes, success has went to that man's head.

I liked Carson when he first started out. But now, I can't stand him. I just wanna vomit when people say he's hot (please. Wanna see hot? Look at my Hardys) and how he's the Dick Clark of this generation (pssh! Not my generation). He changed. His dumbass changed on me. I used to call him "Carson Baby". But now I call him "Dumbass Daly". I can't say his name without retching. How can people like him? He will never get my respect no matter what he does. All he does is kiss ass. If you need to kiss ass to be popular, then dammit, sign me up. I will kiss the ass of someone I don't like to get paid.

There seems to be no end in sight for Dumbass Daly. Especially since he is now engaged to Tara Reid, I see his scary ass everyday on Entertainment Tonight. But that has to happen because CBS is Viacom. And so is MTV, VH-1, and Nickelodeon. See the connection? Carson sucks and the longer MTV keeps him employed, the more they suck. It's a chain reaction, I tell ya.

What's more interesting--Carson Daly or a box of hair?
