Blank of the Week

We some how got them interested.

This little section features certain titles of the week like "Ass of the Week", "Dumbass of the Week", "Loser of the Week" and etc.

The "Ass Shot of the Week" belongs to...

These Guys Here!

Okay. Those asses belong to (left to right) Christian, Buh Buh Ray Dudley, and D-Von Dudley. This was during the TLC 2 match at Wrestlemania. Awesome match that was. My Hardys were in the match, too. In fact, the guy with the red hair is my baby daddy, Jeff Hardy. He tried to kill himself so many times during the match. In fact, they all tried to kill themselves during the match. Christian took a fall of a ladder to the outside of the ring and landed on his feet as a cushion. Imagine that. He could've killed his knees doing that. And I'm partial to knee injuries. Anyway. The pictures doesn't do the match justice. Non-stop action. Then after the match, they had the Gimmick Battle Royal to calm everyone down. Edge and Christian won the match, thanks to Rhyno, and they are the new Tag Team Champions. Seven-time Tag Team Champs. Hmm. Congratulations, Edge and Christian. And to the Dudleys, the Hardys, and E & C, thanks for trying to kill yourselves just to entertain us, the fans. You guys rock!

Trumpet fanfare! This week's "Delicious Photo of the Week" belongs to...

Jeff Hardy!

Excuse me. I need a moment. Oh, my goddess! Look at Jeff! He is looking extra hot in that picture! This was taken from last week's Smackdown as The Hardys and Lita watched Edge and Christian review some old Hardys footage. That whole segment was hilarious because Edge & Christian are hilarious, but that is not what we're talking about. We're talking about how hot Jeff is looking in that picture. What is making him look extra hot? Is it the little headband around his head? Or is it the cute purple braids? I don't know! I must have another moment. Sigh! I can stare at this picture all day. He will bear my children. I will have my son with him and with his brother, Matt, I will have my daughter. I have it all planned out. My goddess. Jeff is hot, but he's never looked that hot before. I have the whole segment on tape and I keep rewinding it over and over and over again. I need to see Jeff! He is way better looking than any member of NSUCK. If any of you all can't tell, I love this man and I need to stare at this picture right now.

"Swingers of the Week"...

Jeff Hardy and D-Von Dudley!

Look at my baby, Jeff Hardy. This is also from Summerslam. This was during the TLC (Tables, Ladders, Chairs--oh, my!) match. At one point in the match, Jeff and D-Von went for the tag titles that were hanging above the ring. Edge pushed the ladder away and Jeff and D-Von were left hanging 15 feet in the air! They started kicking at each other trying to knock each other down. You can see that in the last picture. Jeff succeeded in kicking D-Von down, sending him splatting on the mat. Edge and Christian hit Jeff with a ladder, sending him to the mat. E & C grabbed a ladder, climbed to the top to get their titles and win the match. That match was exciting. Once again, the pictures do not do it justice. This is the reason why Jerry's ears are still ringing because I was yelling at the TV and screaming into the phone at the same time (I was talking to Jerry on the phone). My baby, Jeff, almost killed himself during this match. He's got to stop doing that. It was amazing to see Jeff and D-Von hanging 15 feet in the air, trying to kick each other down. That was another highlight of Summerslam. The TLC match was the reason why I ordered Summerslam. I can't complain. I got my money's worth. I saw my babies in action and I got an added bonus in seeing Shane drop like a rag doll. Only PPV I order and it turned out to be good. What's the luck of that?

This week's "Winner of the Week" is...


See that?! My girl, Lita, has finally won the WWF Women's Championship! She took it away from that Stephanie McMahon (slut! slut! slut! Whoops! I thought I was at Raw or Smackdown for a second)! Whoo-hoo! But how long is Lita gonna have the belt? Listen up, Vince, if you snatch that belt off of Lita after a week, I will come to Stamford, Connecticut, kick the door down into Titan Towers and beat your 55-year-old ass myself! And if Shane is around, I'll kick him in the gut for good measure. Hopefully, Lita will bring some credibility back to the belt because Stephanie sure didn't. Those two guys holding Lita up are her running buddies/my babies, Matt and Jeff Hardy. They are so hot. You can't tell in that picture but believe me, they are. While everybody else is fawning over boy bands (ick!), I'm fawning over wrestlers.

Time to announce the winners of "Ass of the Week":

These Guys

I know. I know. I hang my head in shame. I have an NSYNC picture on my website. I was watching Total Request Live (I refuse to call that show TRL) and Jerry's favorite member of the group was on (it's Lance, people). He was talking about his little thang that he's doing--trying to get people on his entertainment thing or something--I don't know! I was watching to see where the Deftones landed. Anyway. He was talking about the group's next single. It's a ballad and the video is coming soon. There's two versions--English and Spanish. I almost choked on the juice I was drinking when he said Spanish. Can you imagine those guys singing in Spanish. Ohhhh! I just shivered. First, they rape "Just Got Paid" for those of us that remember (and liked) the original song and now they're singing in my native language?! Wanna butcher anything else that is close to me, guys? How about the WWF? Oops. My bad. They will kick your ass there. All I got to say is that is as Edge and Christian would say "totally lacking coolness". And Lance, I don't care what you say, Justin is with Britney 'cuz my man, Ted Casablanca, says so.

Automatic for the people!
