Trash or Tramp?

We are gonna play a little game. I will show a picture and I will ask if the outfit is "Trash or Tramp?" I (The Twig) will be in the bold and Jerry will be in the italics. It's gonna be fun. Now, on with the game....

Christina Aguilera

Tramp! She looks like a frickin' mermaid.


Britney Spears


Trash! But Twig, you know you have that hat.

Here's a closer look


Twig, you know you have that hat or at least one like it.

Trash or Tramp?!

Tramp! But I have seen something like that hat in your closet.

Old Halloween costume.


Yo! Is that Asa behind her?


That guy with the glasses. He looks like Asa.

That's not Asa. Too young.


Jessica Simpson

Tramp! That's how virgins dress nowadays?

Tramp! Those little arm things has got to go.

Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, and Kathy Griffin

Trash! All three of them!

Two Trashes and a Tramp! That Kathy Griffin is a slut!

You're just saying that because she kissed Lance.

She swallowed Lance and she's getting married! What a slut!

That's your fantasy. To be engaged and have a one night stand with Lance. I understand.

Shut up, Twig.

You know, that Justin is pretty tall. And you know how I feel about tall men.

So--you like Justin?





Lance looks good.

To you, Lance always looks good. Traaaassshhh!!!

All the other guys--Trash! Lance--my dinner.

Are you really that hungry?

You know I am.

NSUCK again

Trash! Their stylist deserves to be shot. What the hell is JC wearing?!

Trash! But Lance is still looking good. And what the hell is JC wearing? I've never seen that before in my life.

I have some nail polish that color. He should've called me up and asked for it. I would've let him borrow it. Even if I do hate his guts.

Yeah. You might hate him, but you'll do anything to help him coordinate.

True that.

Scott Stapp from Creed

Awesome! I just had to add this picture of Stapp. He looks so excited and he's so into the song. That was a great night for Creed.

Reeks of awesomeness! I love Creed and Scott was a happy guy the night of the VH-1 awards. It was all about the fans. We spoke that night and Scott said he loves us.

NSUCK once again

Pathetic. Real pimps should've rushed the stage and made them their personal bitches.

Horrible. I'm embarrassed to be a Lance fan because of this.

They did this to "Just Got Paid". The original version had shit to do with this. See what happens when losers rape a hit tune? Same thing happened with Limp Bizshit and the Mission Impossible theme. Now this. Pathetic. This is pathetic.

I can't even look at this anymore. Trash!

Faith Hill

Class. Pure class.

Total class.

Congratulations, Faith! You are the winner!

Come and get your prize.

If I can be serious for a minute...
