Oh, hell no!

Hi. Recently, I came across something that was pretty disturbing and kind of offensive--

Girl, don't even trip! You're supposed to come out swingin'! Jerry Jigga saw something that she thinks offended her and was downright stupid!

Twig, go away! Go work on your Carson rant!

I'm finished with it!

Oh, really? Then why isn't it up?

I'm tweakin' it! Forget about me. Let's get back to the subject at hand--oh, yeah! Lock me out! Like that's gonna work! I'm still gonna find my way in there!

Anyway. I was at this site Crunk Baby Crunk: Get 'Jo Party On! First of all, that name. "'Jo"?! That is not a word. Ebonics is not a language. Not all black people speak ghetto! There was a section called The Rambling of an Idiot. In this section, the girl was speaking all vulgar about breaking into an NSYNC after-party and freaking Justin on the dance floor (yech!). All throughout the site, they talk about how Justin loves the black people and how he should be dating Beyonce or Aaliyah! Number one, Beyonce is white. If they date, more power to them. But Aaliyah?! Do not tarnish that beautiful sister's name by saying that. I wanna read this interview where they're very playful with each other. And he supposedly wrote a song for her?! Oh, hell no! She does not want his "I don't know who the hell I am" ass. If they do hookup, there goes my Aaliyah CDs. I already tossed my Destiny's Whores CDs. I'm not afraid to toss my Aaliyah ones. Anyway. Justin is with Britney the racist. There's no way---

That he would date Aaliyah. If they date, I will take them out myself! This whole site has a Justin complex. They think he's god! Only 'cause he wants to be black. Hey, he tried to be Latino, too! For that, his ass should die! And there's no way in hell that Lance's parents would let him date someone black. He's from Mississippi. Mississippi--the South--Klan! I wouldn't be surprised if Lance's father was the Grand Dragon. Ow!

Get out of here! Go stare at a picture of Jeff Hardy! There was also a section called Shades of Blackness. They said you will laugh out loud at it. I didn't laugh. I shook my head. The whole thing talked about how Justin is black. All of the black people that he tries to be like and the black women that he is in love with. The Usher thing I saw a long time ago, but everything else is so wrong. There's no way in hell that Justin will eeeeeevvvveeerrrr (Jericho moment) be black! Stop saying that! And a girl named Sharron wrote that. I knew a girl named Sharron. I'm praying that it is not the same girl.

These girls are trying to prove their blackness. You see, they drop names like Martin Lawrence, Chris Rock, and Jodeci! They have to prove to someone that they're still black 'cause it's hard to like a group of white boys without having your blackness questioned. These girls seem like the type to date white men. It's like what Jerry's mom said "black women are willing to put it out for white men". Why? Hell if I know. Oh--Justin wore his pants leg up like LL?! Where's my uzi? He got a whole hell of alot of nerve. This is coming from a guy who is dating a racist. He has to fit in somewhere since he grew up in a trailer park, right? But these girls like Eminem who is a known wigger. Why not like Justin, too?

It actually disgusts me to see black people like NSYNC---

It disgusts me, too. Especially if they also like shit like Limp Bizshit and Korn. Why not listen to real rock and rap like Creed and Wu-Tang (I can't wait until the new Wu comes out--oh, my goddess)?

I can't get rid of you, can I?

Nope. Especially if it's something like this. Wow. NSUCK came in at number one in concert tickets 'cause they sold out The Garden. Creed sold out The Garden, too! Hell, the WWF does it all the time! Waaahhh! The Hardys! Jeff without a shirt! Oh shit! I need a bucket of ice water!

You must excuse Twig. Anyway. These two sections disgusted me. Must they compare everything black to Justin?! There's no way I will accept him even as an honorary brother. If you think it's just those two sections--uh-uh. The whole site is like that. And I got pissed off traveling this site before, but I kept quiet about it. I couldn't do it anymore. If they see this, I expect to hear from them--

Well, bring it 'cause I haven't been in a fight in a long time!


We're here to piss people off!

That's true. The only thing I agree with is that I can kick Destiny's Whores' ass.

Triple clothesline. Triple DDT.


Yeah. We can get Baby up in there. Three on three.

True. And KK is not stupid. He's the only VJ I can tolerate. And "crunk" is not a word. I will Lionsault the next person who says it.

Lionsault? Wow.

Just got wicked!

Email: gosalyn_mallard66@yahoo.com