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Copyright 2013 Christina M. Guerrero

The moment will stay with me forever and make me smile.

I was going about my business and doing what I was supposed to do: taking care of things.

I was busy and in the middle of something.

Then, suddenly, like the gentle touch of an angel’s caress ... I felt it.

It was a simple touch which at first caressed my hair just a little bit.

And then on my jacket, so very light and nonintrusive, fingertips rested one by one, until they were all there ... the softest touch you could possibly imagine.

The touch lasted only a few moments and yet it was somehow eternal.

He probably thought I was not aware of it. He probably thought he was the only one enjoying the moment. He probably thought the affection went only one way.

If he thought any of those things, he was wrong.

I would find out much later that it was just as unusual for him to do this kind of thing, as it was for me not to move away immediately and excuse myself. We were both like deer in the forest: quiet, wary, gentle, careful, and so very shy. Most definitely not very demonstrative ... not until we met, and even then, with care. Always, with care. We were both very old-fashioned, and had strong opinions about what was and was not proper. We were always mindful of what was offensive, and what was not. We were so delighted to make each other's acquaintance that at times, I think we were each afraid that something would interfere with our friendship. It wasn't an unreasonable fear because too many things had happened to both of us before we met.

I wish I had a photograph of that moment.

Instead, it is in my memory, to be accessed and reviewed as needed.

I also wish there was someone else who could remember this moment with me.

But I’m the only one.

Because what we feared ... happened.