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Celebrating Me
Copyright 2015 Christina M. Guerrero
This is for Mr. Brown, who would understand more than anyone.
Rest In Peace.
Rejoicing in my individuality.
Appreciating what I have done and what I have to offer.
Draft Number One: Not sure if I want to write it that way.
Draft Number Two: Not sure if I want to write it that way, either.
Draft Number Three: I like this one the best.
It was a time of the break-through in writing.
A time of the idea that left me in awe of its potential originality. I conducted preliminary composition, traveling plans and drafts, greatly anticipating getting back to this once I had completed other projects. And as I worked, I knew it was, and always will be, a time of finishing one project and on to the next, no matter what is going on around me.
It was a time of an epic break-through in learning.
I have struggled with three learning disabilities all my life. During the time described, I was able with great difficulty to conquer several aspects of comprehension, memorization, and retention. I learned about things that brought great joy and meaning to my life, which in turn allowed me to experience richer, more intense heights of happiness.
It was a time of my beloved apartment.
My wonderful apartment was perfect for me and my tiny household. My apartment was within walking distance of everything we needed, and in one of the ten most beautiful neighborhoods in that country. As I became involved in my community I began to scout for my first house. I could not wait to find the perfect place, and to furnish it with items that would be pleasing and comfortable to me. As highly creative beings, my household and I were not interested in the normal boring nonsense that typically decorates a living space. We wanted custom made items and were making a list of all the businesses that would be able to meet our needs. We were looking forward to the process of finally owning a piece of history and developing a legacy. Mr. Brown had lived there too, before I did, and I thought of him often and wondered if, during his tenancy, he had experienced a joy similar to mine before he died.
It was a time of coziness.
All of it was cozy. There was nothing wrong with it. The work was good and productive and the foundation for success. The nights were clear in the summer and as Louis Armstrong sings in 'Wonderful World' -- "dark and sacred" in the fall and winter.
I valued that world and took great pleasure in it. I look back and know it was all wonderful and without blemish, that my apartment was perfect, that my work was good and pure and productive.
I will miss those dark sacred nights. I would look out the window or stroll around after the sun went down and greet others who also enjoyed round the clock wandering. It was wonderful.
It was wonderful and cozy and sacred.
I dream of it often, and in the dreams it is still wonderful yet more detailed and rich and fun than it is on Earth: like a place it probably dreams of being: sweet, safe, pleasing, cozy.
In the place in my dream the joy lasts forever and forever.
And in my dream I don't have to travel too far to see my love, who will always be there to experience the journey with me.