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2002 Pepsi Japan - parade
2002 Powerade - baseball game
2013 Stevinson Toyota - car showroom patron

2002 Path To War
2002 Against All Evidence
2002 Red Dragon
2002 Like Mike
2002 Paranormal Girl
2003 Deliver Us From Eva
2003 Evil Alien Conquerors
2003 A Mighty Wind
2003 Chasing Papi
2003 Matchstick Men
2004 Hidalgo
2004 Torque

2015 Student Film

TELEVISION (listed by year employed) - BACKGROUND ACTOR
2001 Felicity
2001 Family Law
2001 Providence
2001 The Practice
2001 E.R.
2002 First Monday
2002 The Court
2002 Providence
2002 Felicity
2002 R.U.S./H
2002 For The People
2002 Strong Medicine
2002 Without A Trace
2002 For The People
2002 Dragnet
2002 Life With Bonnie
2002 Dragnet
2002 Strong Medicine
2003 The Practice
2012 Randy To The Rescue


37. Be prepared for happy surprises. Many times I would be waiting to be called to the set, and would discover a principal actor nearby, also waiting. Usually, they snuck up when I was looking in a different direction, and usually they seemed to be excited and ready to be called to their marks. There was not much conversation, but a few pleasant smiles and head nods seemed to be enough to say, "Hey. Glad to see someone else knows what it's like to wake up at 4 a.m., and get paid to pretend to be someone else, while wearing gobs of heavy makeup under hot, bright lights."

36. Why I don't watch or own the projects I've been in: Imagine yourself going to work and getting your job done. How about someone shows up one day with a videotape of what you did at age 27 or 35 or 40, going about your work day? You decide to watch it. Maybe you might find it helpful. But what else would it do for you? The actual experience of being on a movie set was hard work, and it was not glamorous, and it was not always comfortable (hot lights inside the studio; cold outdoor temperatures). But I did enjoy it, and found it to be challenging and purposeful and rewarding. I would not mind owning all the projects I was in, but it would feel weird to do so.

35. It is difficult for me to watch TV, movies, commercials, and other filmed projects. Knowing what goes into the creation of productions, even documentaries and the news, makes TV and movie viewing a form of work. If I do have the TV on, I can see the background actors sneaking a glimpse at the camera; I can see the actors trying to stay in character and also working around their disabilities; I can see the rough edges around special effects, despite advances in digital technology. Once in a great while I see something truly outstanding, which reminds me what a good production can be.

34. Great article by Donald Sutherland in Smithsonian Magazine at "Donald Sutherland on Fellini ....". My favorite actor of all time; learned new things about him; and he's an excellent writer.

33. Take an uncredited role now and then. Just do it.

32. I have to confess to being "one of those" actors. The kind who does not watch himself/herself. I have seen only a few movies and TV shows that I've been in. It's a weird feeling, knowing I can rent or buy the movie or episode and see myself in it. It's a bit disconcerting knowing that I can watch myself as a younger person, moving about in a year different than the one in which I exist. It's weird understanding that the images may exist until time dies. Also, I remember all the hard work that went into each project, even for just a few minutes of screen time, and it is disconcerting to watch a week's worth of work compressed into approximately ninety seconds. It is most definitely like that scene in Back To The Future Part Two when the two Jennifers see each other.

31. Is it glamorous? No. The work is difficult, and requires physical stamina. The hours are long. The temperatures range from arctic to tropical, but most of the time there's a good chance you'll be in a comfortable environment. Movie and TV stars are just like you and me. I noticed that a lot of actors have some sort of major illness or physical disability. Which makes their success even more admirable. They have mortgages to pay, and they have responsibilities. They have issues and they have regrets. There is no big difference between the famous and their fans, except persistence in the face of adversity. If you apply yourself, you may reach your goals.

30. Once you leave Los Angeles or New York City ... you'll be homesick. If you're "in" it's like a family. When you're away, you miss all of them. You remember them all with fondness. Even the snooty and creepy ones.

29. It may be difficult to work among "civilians" after a long stint in Hollywood. You may be observing who is acting/lying, and who is not; the patterns in crowds; wanting to do things over despite the absence of a film crew, and assorted other odd habits.

28. Learn the basics of acting, even if you're not interested in pursuing it as a career.

27. Learn how to apply makeup. Some productions may require you to provide and apply your own.

26. Don't look directly into the camera unless you are specifically asked to do so.

25. Take plenty of water.

24. Some of the responsibilities of the principal actors:
- 1. Acting. Giving the scene 100% or more each time. This requires dedication, talent, emoting well, education (a few classes probably won't be sufficient), and so much more.
- 2. Providing input and consultation to the director, cast and crew. Not all actors do this, but some productions may encourage more of a "group" approach to producing the film. Some experienced actors may either have a say about aspects of the film other than their roles, or may be an official part of the production team as a producer, director, etc..
- 3. Staying healthy. Well, everyone needs to do this. Actors may have to spend up to fifteen hours on a set, day after day. Maintaining good health will make the schedule easier.
- 4. Knowing their lines.
- 5. Getting along well with all personality types.
- 6. Must have patience. Filming can be tedious and monotonous. Interruptions happen all the time. Scenes are stopped and started over again. Actors have to hang around. If they have a stand-in, they are allowed to take a break elsewhere, but need to be available when filming starts again.
- 7. Being organized and on top of the business part of acting, including contracts, unions and their laws, agents, and income taxes.

23. How stay interested when it gets boring? Observe the crew. They're always busy. Watch how the actors prepare for their scenes (my favorite thing to do). Chat with the other extras when allowed to do so. You won't be disappointed. People who enjoy this type of work tend to be highly creative, upbeat and fun.

22. If you have the money, take a few acting lessons. You'll learn how to relax and improvise, and will gain an understanding and appreciation for the responsibilities that the principal actors have.

21. To ask or not ask for a SAG voucher? The rules change frequently Do your homework on this one.

20. If you're unemployed in the Los Angeles area, this is a great way to earn a little bit of money while you job search. It could be a temporary job or a transition to a new career.

19. Some assistant directors will encourage you to be creative, while others want you to behave in a specific way. Use your imagination and skills when working with the former and learn to take direction well from the latter.

18. Yes, it's possible to do this full-time. You'll have to be flexible, ready for anything, and able to entertain yourself during down time on the set. If you're a reliable, talented extra, you may eventually be able to join the Screen Actors Guild. SAG-AFTRA extras are treated very well. :)

17. If you're interested in the production side of entertainment this is a great way to learn the basics and network.

16. Be prepared for anything. I've seen background actors pulled out of "the background" and asked to either do something they weren't expecting to do, or asked if they wanted to speak a few lines.

15. If an assistant director places you next to a principal actor, be polite and courteous. If you're a fan, control yourself. The ideal situation involves the actor smiling and nodding and some small talk but if this does not happen, don't take it personally.

14. If you're easily bored, this will not be a good fit. Extra work involves a lot of waiting and repetition. Some shots may take all day.

13. If you're easily discouraged this job may not be a good fit for you. Rejection is an almost daily part of working in entertainment.

12. Extras get paid minimum wage times 8, even for partial days. So if you work for 4 hours, you get paid for 8. If you're lucky enough to have days like this (I had several), use your free time wisely.

11. Some agencies may charge a one-time fee. If you sign up and get booked for a show, you'll earn the money back within a day or two. As this changes periodically, check their websites or call them for more information.

10. This cliche is true: You may be barely dressed and outside, enduring low temperatures or inside and close to klieg lights, dressed head to foot in warm clothing. I had to do both.

09. Working as an extra is a good way to determine if the entertainment industry will be a good fit. You will interact with casting agencies, assistant directors, principal actors, clapper/loaders, the lighting department, grips, body doubles, stand-ins, and related crew members. When they're not busy, most people on a set will be happy to chat briefly about the industry and how to succeed in it.

08. While working as an extra, don't discard or give away items from your personal wardrobe. You may have something that film or TV wardrobe departments might prefer over their options.

07. Enroll with as many legitimate casting agencies as possible

06. Don't bother the principal actors. A polite greeting is always nice, but don't overdo it. If they say hello, keep your response short and sweet. If they seem to be interested in more than chatting, go ahead and have a conversation, but keep in mind that they are busy and need to focus on working.

05. "If you're on time, you're late." You'll hear this often.

04. You'll get paid extra for scenes that require the use of your car.

03. Consider working naked. The hourly rate is higher. [No. I never worked naked].

02. Don't show up stoned unless asked to do so. [No. I don't do drugs. But I did see someone get kicked off a set for being high].

01. Take something to read while you're waiting in the holding area. Not all assistant directors will allow you to take reading material directly to the set. If they don't mind, be prepared to hide your book, magazine, newspaper or electronics between shots.