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Tex-Mex Restaurant


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Highly successful Tex-Mex style restaurant in the central Texas market.  Plenty of highway and shopping center traffic create a sizeable mealtime customer flow through this lovely restaurant.  The current owner uses authentic recipes passed down from family members that gain rave revues from guests.

The current owner wishes to retire, however will transfer the rights to all family recipes in use within the restaurant,  The owner will stay on up to 120 days to aid the new owner in transition.  This is a terrific opportunity to acquire a profitable restaurant with great cash flow for a reasonable price.

Some owner financing is available.  This business is also eligible for some SBA financing.


Authentic dining atmosphere with traditional Tex-Mex recipes.

Key Benefits

bulletLoyal repeat customer base
bulletLocated in very popular and growing area - new homes are being built within a 3 mile radius of the location
bulletLoyal employee base that will remain on with the restaurant post acquisition


Annual Revenue:    $800,000

Cash Flow:                $250,000

                    ASKING PRICE:    $450,000

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Copyright © 2005 AllCap Services, Inc.
Last modified: 04/02/05