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Flooring Retailer



[Product Image]This is an exclusive wood flooring company.  Installing pre-finished, laminate and floating floors.  A well-established business with good honest rapport, advertising is by word of mouth.  Approximately 48% of the business comes from individual clients/referrals, 36% from builder/re-modeler, 13% from insurance/restoration work and 3 % from warranty work.

The company has the potential to grow into many new markets.  Through currently specializing in wood flooring, adding other floor coverings such as carpet and tile would be a huge asset.  Adding a sales person and some additional marketing could grow this business quickly and would send it off in a good direction for the future.

Financing is available through several SBA lenders.  The seller is very motivated and the business is a solid revenue generator.



High Volume location with professional fixtures and appearance..  Award-winning showroom with gorgeous fixtures and decor!

Key Benefits

bulletGood solid staff: 5 full-time, 8 part-time, 1 crew supervisor
bulletSolid profit margins in stable, yet growing market
bulletOpportunity to expand into a other showroom locations per the owner, while leveraging the warehouse space currently in use for maximum volume and profits


Annual Revenue:    $1,300,000

Cash Flow:                $225,000

                    ASKING PRICE:    $1,245,000 inc $450K in Real Estate

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Copyright © 2005 AllCap Services, Inc.
Last modified: 04/02/05